Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- gabh air iasad
- borrow
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- gabh brath air
- exploit
- adj
- Subject: General
- gàbhadh
- hazard
- n(m)
- gàbhaidh - hazard poss chazards - gàbhaidhean pl
- gàbhadh àrainneachdail environmental hazard
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- gàbhadh nàdarra
- natural disaster
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- gabhail brath air
- exploitation
- n phr
- Subject: General
- Gabon
- Gabon
- n(m/f)
- Ghabon - Gabon poss c
- dùthaich Ghabon country of Gabon
- Poblachd Ghabon Gabonese Republic
- Subject: Geography
- gadolinium
- gadolinium
- n(m)
- gadolinium - gadolinium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Gàidhlig
- Gaelic
- n(f)
- Gàidhlig - Gaelic poss c
- deuchainn Ghàidhlig Gaelic examination
- foghlam Gàidhlig Gaelic education
- Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig Gaelic Medium Education
- Gàidhlig (Luchd-ionnsachaidh) - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Gaelic (Learners) - National Qualification
- Gàidhlig fhileanta fluent Gaelic
- leabhraichean Gàidhlig Gaelic books
- leasachadh acadaimigeach Gàidhlig Gaelic academic development
- luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig Gaelic learners
- Manaidsear Leasachadh Ro-innleachd Gàidhlig Manager of Gaelic Strategy Development
- Manaidsear Phròiseactan Gàidhlig Gaelic Project Manager
- Neach-leasachaidh Seirbheis Teicneòlais Gàidhlig Gaelic Technology Service Developer
- Oifigear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig Gaelic Development Officer
- Oifigear Susbaint Gàidhlig Gaelic Content Officer
- Rianaire Leasachadh Luchd-obrach Gàidhlig Gaelic Staff Development Administrator
- rùm na Gàidhlig Gaelic room
- Subject: Language
- Gàidhlig
- Beurla
- Gaelic Usage English Usage
- Subject:
- gailearaidh
- gallery
- n(m)
- gailearaidh - gallery poss cgalleries - gailearaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- gailium
- gallium
- n(m)
- gailium - gallium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Gaillimh
- Galway
- baile Ghaillimh city of Galway
- Subject: Geography
- gaineag-eòlas
- gynecology
- n(m)
- gaineag-eòlais - gynecology poss c
- Subject: Science
- gainmheach
- sand
- n(f)
- gainmhich - sand poss c
- bàr-gainmhich sand bar
- cearc-ghainmhich sandgrouse
- clach-ghainmhich sandstone
- coilleagan sand dunes
- ladhran-tràghad sandpiper
- stoirm-gainmhich sandstorm
- teanga-gainmhich sand spit
- Subject: Geography
- gairmeach
- vocative
- adj
- suidheachadh gairmeach vocative case
- tuiseal gairmeach vocative case
- Subject: Language
- gaiseadh
- disease
- n(m)
- gaisidh - disease poss cdiseases - gaisidhean pl
- gaiseadh a' bhuntàta potato blight
- Subject: General
- gaiseadh
- blight
- n(m)
- gaisidh - blight poss c
- gaiseadh a' bhuntàta potato blight
- Subject: General
- gaisgeach
- warrior
- n(m)
- gaisgich - warrior poss cwarriors - gaisgich pl
- bana-ghaisgeach female warrior
- Subject: General
- galan
- gallon
- n(m)
- galain - gallon poss cgallons - galain pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- galar
- disease
- n(m)
- galair - disease poss cdiseases - galaran pl
- an galar roilleach foot and mouth disease
- euslaint bannais gum disease
- galaran an t-saoghail an iar western diseases
- galaran iarach western diseases
- galaran lusan plant diseases
- tinneas cridhe heart disease
- tricead agus bacadh ghalaran incidence and prevention of disease
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Galashiels
- Galashiels
- aodach fighte Ghalashiels Galashiels textiles
- Subject: Geography
- Gall-Ghàidhealaibh Nuadh
- New Galloway
- baile Ghall-Ghàidhealaibh Nuaidh New Galloway town
- Subject: Geography
- galliard
- galliard
- n(m)
- galliard - galliard poss cgalliards - galliardan pl
- Subject: Music
- Gambit na Banrigh
- The Queen's Gambit
- n phr
- Subject: General
- gamelan
- gamelan
- n(m)
- gamelan - gamelan poss cgamelans - gamelanan pl
- Subject: Music
- gamma
- gamma
- adj
- gath gamma gamma ray
- rèididheachd gamma gamma radiation
- Subject: Science
- Gaoda-Bheinn
- Goat Fell
- mullach Gaoda-Bheinn summit of Goat Fell
- Subject: Geography
- gaoisid
- hair
- n(f)
- gaoisid(e) - hair poss chairs - gaoisidean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- gaoisideach
- hairy
- adj
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- gaol
- love
- n(m)
- gaoil - love poss c
- a ghaoil my love
- gaol is gonadh love hurts
- mo ghaol ort I love you
- tha gaol agam ort I love you
- Subject: General
- gaoth
- wind
- n(f)
- gaoithe - wind poss cwinds - gaothan pl
- àird na gaoithe wind direction
- coileach-gaoithe wind vane
- cumhachd na gaoithe wind strength
- cumhachd na gaoithe wind power
- deò gaoithe breath of wind
- gaoth an ear an easterly wind
- gaoth an iar a westerly wind
- gaoth deas south wind
- gaoth tuath north wind
- gnàth-ghaoth prevailing wind
- luaths na gaoithe wind speed
- luaths-gaoithe wind speed
- lùth gaoithe wind energy
- neart-gaoithe wind strength
- tuath-gaoithe wind farm
- tuirbin-gaoithe wind turbine
- Subject: Geography
- Gaoth Dobhair
- Gweedore
- Subject: Geography
- gàrradaireachd
- horticulture
- n(f)
- gàrradaireachd - horticulture poss c
- Subject: General
- gàrradh
- garden
- n(m)
- gàrraidh - garden poss cgardens - gàrraidhean pl
- bàrr gàrraidh garden crops
- Subject: General
- gàrradh-iarainn
- shipyard
- n(m)
- gàrraidh-iarainn - shipyard poss cshipyards - gàrraidhean-iarainn pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- gas
- gas
- n(m)
- gas - gas poss cgases - gasaichean plgases - gasan pl
- bogsa masg gas gas mask box
- bucas masg gas gas mask box
- cothromachadh gas gas diffusion
- gas gnìomhachais industrial gases
- gas nàdarra natural gas
- gasaichean tàmhach noble gases
- gasaichean tàmhach inert gases
- ionad-gas gas works
- masg gas gas mask
- meacanaigs gas gas mechanics
- pìob-gas gas pipeline
- raon-gas gas field
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- Gatehouse of Fleet
- Gatehouse of Fleet
- caisteal ann an Gatehouse of Fleet castle in Gatehouse of Fleet
- Subject: Geography
- gath
- ray
- n(m)
- gath - ray poss crays - gathan pl
- gath-solais ray of light
- gathan cosmaig cosmic rays
- Subject: Science
- gavotte
- gavotte
- n(m)
- gavotte - gavotte poss cgavottes - gavotteathan pl
- Subject: Music
- gealach
- moon
- n(f)
- gealaich - moon poss cmoons - gealaichean pl
- a' Ghealach the Moon
- a' ghealach a' dol air ais the waning moon
- a' ghealach a' fàs the waxing moon
- cairteal gealaich quarter moon
- corran-gealaich crescent moon
- cruth na gealaich shape of the moon
- dol air ais na gealaich wane (of the moon)
- fàs na gealaich wax (of the moon)
- gealach chrotach gibbous moon
- gealach ghorm blue moon
- gealach shlàn full moon
- gealach ùr new moon
- gluasad na gealaich motion of the moon
- ìrean na gealaich phases of the moon
- leth-ghealach half moon
- reul-chuairt na gealaich lunar orbit
- Subject: Science
- gealachail
- lunar
- adj
- reul-chuairt na gealaich lunar orbit
- Subject: Science
- gealaich
- bleach
- vb
- Subject: Science
- gealladh-pòsaidh
- engagement
- n(m)
- geallaidh-pòsaidh engagement
- geallaidhean-pòsaidh engagements
- Subject: General
- gealtaire
- coward
- n(m)
- gealtaire - coward poss ccowards - gealtairean pl
- Subject: General
- gèam
- game
- n(m)
- geama - game poss cgames - geamachan plgames - geamaichean plgames - geamannan pl
- cluich le ball toirmisgte no ball games
- geamannan a-muigh outdoor games
- geamannan a-staigh indoor games
- geamannan lùth-chleasach athletic games
- geamannan-sgil a-staigh indoor games of skill
- geamannan-turchairt games of chance
- ionnsachadh stèidhte air geamannan games-based learning
- spòrs, geamannan agus dibhearsain sports, games and entertainment
- Subject: Physical Education
- geamhradh
- winter
- n(m)
- geamhraidh - winter poss cwinters - geamhraidhean pl
- fuachd a' gheamhraidh cold of winter
- grian-stad a' gheamhraidh winter solstice
- Subject: General
- geamhraich
- winter
- vb
- Subject: General
- geamsboc
- gemsbok
- n(m)
- geamsbuic - gemsbok poss cgemsboks - geamsbocan pl
- Subject: Science
- Gearmailteach
- German
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Gearmailteach
- German
- n(m)
- Gearmailtich - German poss cGermans - Gearmailtich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Gearmailtis
- German
- n(f)
- Gearmailtis - German poss c
- cleachdadh stèidhichte na Gearmailtis standard German usage
- diofar riochdan na Gearmailtis German language variations
- faclairean Gearmailtis German dictionaries
- Gearmailtis - Teisteanais Nàiseanta German - National Qualifications
- Gearmailtis agus cànanan co-cheangailte German and related languages
- gràmar na Gearmailtis German grammar
- siostam sgrìobhaidh agus foneòlas na Gearmailtis German writing system and phonology
- Subject: Language
- Gearmainig
- Germanic
- adj
- cànanan Gearmainig Germanic languages
- creideamh Gearmainig Germanic religion
- irisean ann an cànanan Gearmainig serials in Germanic languages
- litreachasan nan cànan Gearmainig literatures of Germanic languages
- Subject: Language
- gearmainium
- germanium
- n(m)
- gearmainium - germanium poss c
- Subject: Science
- geàrr
- cut
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- geàrr ceangal
- disconnect
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- geàrr-chunntas
- summary
- n(m)
- geàrr-chunntais - summary poss csummaries - geàrr-chunntasan pl
- a' chiad gheàrr-chunntas first summary
- an dara geàrr-chunntas second summary
- an treas geàrr-chunntas third summary
- Subject: General
- geàrr-sgrìobhadh
- shorthand
- n(m)
- geàrr-sgrìobhaidh - shorthand poss c
- Subject: General
- gearradh
- cut
- n(m)
- gearraidh - cut poss ccuts - gearraidhean pl
- Subject: General
- gearradh is losgadh
- slash and burn
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- gearradh-às
- elimination
- n(m)
- gearraidh-às - elimination poss celiminations - gearraidhean-às pl
- gearradh-às Gauss Gaussian elimination
- Subject: Mathematics
- Gearran
- February
- n(m)
- Gearrain - February poss c
- 24 Gearran 24 February
- 24mh (An) Gearran 24th of February
- an 24mh den Ghearran 24th of February
- an ceathramh latha fichead / air fhichead dhen Ghearran the twenty-fourth of February
- an Gearran February
- Gear Feb
- latha anns a' Ghearran a day in February
- toiseach a' Ghearrain beginning of February
- Subject: General
- Geàrrloch
- Gairloch
- coimhearsnachd Gheàrrloch community of Gairloch
- Subject: Geography
- geàrrte
- truncated
- adj
- spor geàrrte truncated spur
- Subject: Geography
- gèidh
- gay
- adj
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- geo-thearmach
- geo-thermal
- adj
- lùth geo-thearmach geo-thermal energy
- stèisean cumhachd lùth geo-thearmach geo-thermal energy power station
- teas geo-thearmach geo-thermal heat
- Subject: Science
- geoimeatrach
- geometric
- adj
- cuibheas geoimeatrach geometric mean
- dealbhadh geoimeatrach geometric construction
- dealbhadh geoimeatrach geometric design
- sreath geoimeatrach geometric series
- Subject: Mathematics
- geoimeatraidh
- geometry
- n(m)
- geoimeatraidh - geometry poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- geòlaiche
- geologist
- n(m)
- geòlaiche - geologist poss cgeologists - geòlaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- geòlas
- geology
- n(m)
- geòlais - geology poss c
- Geòlas - Teisteanais Nàiseanta Geology - National Qualifications
- geòlas a' Mhonaidh Ruaidh geology of the Cairngorms
- geòlas eaconamach economic geology
- geòlas, haidreòlas agus sìde-eòlas geology, hydrology and meteorology
- saidheansan talmhainn agus geòlas earth sciences and geology
- Subject: Geography
- Georgia
- Georgia
- n(m/f)
- Georgia - Georgia poss c
- Poblachd Georgia Republic of Georgia
- Subject: Geography
- geur-leanmhainn
- persecution
- n(m)
- geur-leanmhainn - persecution poss cpersecutions - geur-leanmhainnean pl
- geur-leanmhainn ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais persecutions in church history
- Subject: General
- Ghana
- Ghana
- n(m/f)
- Ghana - Ghana poss c
- faichean Ghana plains of Ghana
- Subject: Geography
- ghnèitheasach
- sexual
- adj
- slàinte ghnèitheasach sexual health
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Giblean
- April
- n(m)
- Giblein - April poss c
- 25 Giblean 25 April
- 25mh (An) Giblean 25th of April
- an 25mh dhen Ghiblean 25th of April
- an Giblean April
- Gibl Apr
- latha anns a' Ghiblean a day in April
- Latha na Gocaireachd April Fool's Day
- meadhan a' Ghiblein middle of April
- Subject: General
- gigue
- gigue
- n(m/f)
- gigue - gigue poss cgigues - giguean pl
- gigue le Handel gigue by Handel
- Subject: Music
- gine
- gene
- n(f)
- gine - gene poss cgenes - gineachan pl
- dèanamh gine gene constitution
- gine shàmhach recessive gene
- gine smachdail dominant gene
- gineachan sàmhach recessive genes
- gineachan smachdail dominant genes
- Subject: Science
- gine-leasaichte (GM)
- genetically modified (GM)
- adj
- barran gine-leasaichte (GM) genetically modified crops (GM)
- biadh gine-leasaichte (GM) genetically modified food (GM)
- Subject: GeographyHome Economics
- gineadh
- reproduction
- n(m)
- ginidh - reproduction poss creproductions - ginidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- ginealach
- generation
- n(m)
- ginealaich - generation poss cgenerations - ginealaich plgenerations - ginealaichean pl
- ginealaichean ri teachd future generations
- Subject: Geography
- ginean
- foetus
- n(m)
- ginein - foetus poss cfoetuses - gineanan pl
- Subject: Science
- gineòm
- genome
- n(m)
- gineòm - genome poss cgenomes - gineòman pl
- Clàr Gineòm a Chinne-daonna Human Genome Project
- Subject: Science
- ginideach
- genitive
- adj
- tuiseal ginideach genitive case
- Subject: Language
- ginteil
- genetic
- adj
- atharrachadh ginteil genetic modification
- dearbhadh agus taghadh ginteil ro-phlanntachadh pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and selection
- dearbhadh ginteil genetic diagnosis
- fiosrachadh ginteil genetic information
- innleadaireachd ghinteil genetic engineering
- Subject: Science
- gintinneachd
- genetics
- n(f)
- gintinneachd - genetics poss c
- Subject: Science
- giogabaidht
- gigabyte
- n(f)
- giogabaidht - gigabyte poss cgigabytes - giogabaidhtean pl
- Subject: Computing
- Giogha
- Gigha
- Eilean Ghiogha Isle of Gigha
- Subject: Geography
- giomnospearam
- gymnosperm
- n(m)
- giomnospearam - gymnosperm poss cgymnosperms - giomnospearaman pl
- Subject: Science
- giorrachadh
- abbreviation
- n(m)
- giorrachaidh - abbreviation poss cabbreviations - giorrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Language
- giorrachadh
- summary
- n(m)
- giorrachaidh - summary poss csummaries - giorrachaidhean pl
- giorrachadh còig-figearan five-figure summary
- Subject: Mathematics
- giorsaich
- irritate (e.g skin)
- vb
- Subject: Science
- giotàr
- guitar
- n(m)
- giotàir - guitar poss cguitars - giotàran pl
- a' cluich a' ghiotàir playing the guitar
- giotàr acustaig acoustic guitar
- giotàr dealain electric guitar
- slaighd-giotàr slide guitar
- Subject: Music
- giùlan
- behaviour
- n(m)
- giùlain - behaviour poss cbehaviours - giùlanan pl
- cùisean a tha a' toirt buaidh air modhan sòisealta factors affecting social behaviour
- deagh ghiùlan positive behaviour
- goireasan airson deagh ghiùlan resources for positive behaviour
- leasachadh proifeiseanta airson deagh ghiùlan professional development for positive behaviour
- modhan airson deagh ghiùlan approaches to positive behaviour
- Subject: General
- giùlan
- transportation
- n(m)
- giùlain - transportation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- giullachd
- processing
- n(f)
- giullachd - processing poss c
- giullachd bainne dairy processing
- giullachd bainne agus toradh co-cheangailte processing dairy and related products
- giullachd bèin fur processing
- giullachd bìdh food processing
- giullachd fiodha lumber processing
- giullachd leathair leather processing
- Subject: General
- giullachd
- process
- n(f)
- giullachd process
- Subject: General
- glainne
- glass
- n(f)
- glainne - glass poss cglass - glainneachan plglass - glainnichean pl
- glainne dhathte stained glass
- glainne meudachaidh magnifying glass
- taigh-glainne glass-house
- Subject: General
- glainneachan prosbaig
- binoculars
- n(pl)
- glainneachan prosbaig binoculars
- Subject: Science
- glaiste
- locked
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- glan
- clear
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- glanadh
- cleaning
- n(m)
- glanaidh - cleaning poss c
- dòighean glanaidh cleaning techniques
- Subject: General
- glaodh
- adhesive
- n(m)
- glaoidh - adhesive poss cadhesives - glaodhan pl
- cumaidh an glaodh e the adhesive will hold it
- Subject: Science
- glaodhan
- pulp
- n(m)
- glaodhain - pulp poss c
- teicneòlas glaodhain pulp technology
- teicneòlas glaodhain agus pàipeir pulp and paper technology
- Subject: General
- glas-thalamh
- uncultivated ground
- n(m/f)
- glas-thalaimh - uncultivated ground poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Glaschu
- Glasgow
- Oilthigh Ghlaschu University of Glasgow
- Subject: Geography
- glasraiche
- vegetarian
- n(m)
- glasraiche - vegetarian poss cvegetarians - glasraichean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- gleadhar
- fanfare
- n(m/f)
- gleadhair - fanfare poss cfanfares - gleadhair pl
- Subject: Music
- gleann
- valley
- n(m)
- glinne - valley poss cvalleys - gleanntan plvalleys - glinn pl
- gleann air chumadh U U-shaped valley
- gleann air chumadh V V-shaped valley
- gleann crochte hanging valley
- leas-ghleann tributary valley
- Subject: Geography
- Gleann Iucha
- Linlithgow
- baile Ghleann Iucha town of Linlithgow
- Subject: Geography
- Gleann Lus
- Glenluce
- Abaid Ghleann Lus Glenluce Abbey
- Subject: Geography
- Gleann Rathais
- Glenrothes
- Àrd-sgoil Ghleann Rathais Glenrothes High School
- Subject: Geography
- glèidhteachas
- conservation
- n(m)
- glèidhteachais - conservation poss c
- Achd Glèidhteachas Nàdair Nature Conservation Act
- Prògraman Glèidhteachas Àrainnean Habitat Conservation Programmes
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- gleus
- key
- n(m)
- gleus - key poss ckeys - gleusan pl
- comharra-gleus key signature
- màidsear-ghleus major key
- màidsear-ghleusan major keys
- nota a' ghleus note of the key
- Subject: Music
- gleus
- tune
- n(m/f)
- gleusa - tune poss ctunes - gleusan pl
- air ghleus in tune
- far ghleus out of tune
- Subject: Music
- gleus
- tune
- vb
- Subject: Music
- gliocas
- wisdom
- n(m)
- gliocais - wisdom poss c
- Subject: General
- glissando
- glissando
- n(m)
- glissando - glissando poss cglissandos - glissandothan pl
- Subject: Music
- glockenspiel
- glockenspiel
- n(m)
- glockenspiel - glockenspiel poss cglockenspiels - glockenspielean pl
- Subject: Music
- glòir
- glory
- n(f)
- glòire - glory poss cglòrach - glory poss c
- glòir Dhè God's glory
- glòir do Dhia glory to God
- Subject: General
- Glow
- Glow
- n(m)
- a' togail coimhearsnachdan Glow building Glow communities
- ag ullachadh airson Glow preparing for Glow
- buannachdan Glow benefits of Glow
- buidhnean nàiseanta Glow national Glow groups
- cleachd Glow airson fios air ais use Glow for feedback
- Glow far a bheil thusa Glow in your area
- stiùiridhean airson Glow Glow guides
- stòrasan airson conaltradh Glow Glow communications resource bank
- treòraichean Glow Glow mentors
- Subject: General
- gluasad
- motion
- n(m)
- gluasaid - motion poss cmotions - gluasadan pl
- forsaichean agus gluasad forces and motion
- gluasad na gealaich motion of the moon
- gluasad na grèine motion of the sun
- Subject: Science
- gluasad
- movement
- n(m)
- gluasaid - movement poss cmovements - gluasadan pl
- cumadh, suidheachadh agus gluasad shape, position and movement
- gluasad nan còraichean catharra civil rights movement
- Subject: General
- gluasad
- motion
- n(m)
- gluasaid - motion poss cmotions - gluasadan pl
- co-ghluasad parallel motion
- co-ghluasad ciùil musical parallel motion
- gluasad an aghaidh a chèile contrary motion
- Subject: Music
- gluasad
- movement
- n(m)
- gluasaid - movement poss cmovements - gluasadan pl
- ceithir-ghluasad four-movement
- ciad-ghluasad opening movement
- cruth ciad-ghluasaid first movement form
- gluasad mall slow movement
- roinneadh a' chiad ghluasaid division of opening movement
- Subject: Music
- gluasad
- trend
- n(m)
- gluasaid - trend poss ctrends - gluasadan pl
- graf-ghluasadan trend graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- gluasad an dearg
- red shift
- n(m)
- gluasad an dearg - red shift poss c
- gluasad dearg Hubble Hubble's redshift
- Subject: Science
- glùcos
- glucose
- n(m)
- glùcos - glucose poss c
- Subject: Science
- glumag-easa
- plunge pool
- n(f)
- glumaig-easa - plunge pool poss cplunge pools - glumagan-easa pl
- Subject: Geography
- glutadh
- filling
- n(m)
- glutaidh - filling poss cfillings - glutaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- gluten
- gluten
- n(m)
- gluten - gluten poss cglutens - glutenan pl
- chan fhulaing Dòmhnall gluten Donald is gluten intolerant
- gun fhulangas air gluten gluten intolerant
- Subject: Home Economics
- gnàth-ìomhaigh
- stereotype
- n(f)
- gnàth-ìomhaigh - stereotype poss cstereotypes - gnàth-ìomhaighean pl
- Subject: General
- gnàth-shìde
- climate
- n(f)
- gnàth-shìde - climate poss cclimates - gnàth-shìdean pl
- atharrachadh gnàth-shìde climate change
- gnàth-shìde chrios-meadhaineil equatorial climate
- gnàth-shìde dhian extreme climate
- gnàth-shìde theamparait temperate climate
- graf gnàth-shìde climate graph
- roinn gnàth-shìde climate region
- saidheans Talmhainn agus gnàth-shìde climate and Earth science
- stèisean gnàth-shìde climate station
- Subject: Geography
- gnàthach
- normal
- adj
- Subject: Science
- gnàthaich
- default
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- gnàthas
- norm
- n(m)
- gnàthais - norm poss cnorms - gnàthasan pl
- gnàthasan beus-eòlach eile other ethical norms
- Subject: General
- gnàthas
- practice
- n(m)
- gnàthais - practice poss cpractices - gnàthasan pl
- adhradh poblach agus gnàthasan eile public worship and other practices
- Crìosdaidheachd: gnàthas agus cleachdadh Christian practice and observance
- eòlas, beatha agus gnàthas cràbhach religious experience, life and practice
- eòlas, beatha agus gnàthas cràbhach religious experience, life and practice
- eòlas, gnàthas agus beatha Chrìosdail Christian experience, practice and life
- gnàthas aoghaireil Crìosdail agus òrdughan cràbhach Christian pastoral practice and religious orders
- gnàthas Crìosdail Christian practice
- Subject: General
- gnè
- sex
- n(f)
- gnè - sex poss csexes - gnèithean pl
- taghadh gnè sex selection
- Subject: Science
- gnè
- gender
- n(f)
- gnè - gender poss c
- Subject: Science
- gnè
- species
- n(f)
- gnè - species poss cspecies - gnèithean pl
- gnè à bith extinct species
- Subject: GeographyScience
- gnìomh
- activity
- n(m)
- gnìomha - activity poss cactivities - gnìomhan pl
- gnìomh ionnsachaidh learning activity
- gnìomhachd chorporra physical activity
- gnìomhan co-cheangailte related activities
- gnìomhan sgoile school activities
- Subject: General
- gnìomh
- action
- n(m)
- gnìomha - action poss cactions - gnìomhan pl
- Subject: Computing
- gnìomh
- act
- n(m)
- gnìomh - act poss cacts - gnìomhan placts - gnìomharan pl
- sàcramaidean, deas-ghnàthan agus gnìomhan eile sacracraments, other rites and acts
- Subject: General
- gnìomhach
- active
- adj
- ionnsachadh gnìomhach active learning
- modhan gnìomhach ionnsachaidh active approaches to learning
- Subject: General
- gnìomhach
- active
- adj
- prògram gnìomhach active programme
- Subject: Computing
- gnìomhach
- applied
- adj
- cànanachas gnìomhach applied linguistics
- fiosaigs gnìomhach applied physics
- matamataig gnìomhach applied mathematics
- saidhceòlas gnìomhach applied psychology
- teicneòlasan gnìomhach applied technologies
- Subject: General
- gnìomhachadh
- activation
- n(m)
- gnìomhachaidh - activation poss cactivations - gnìomhachaidhean pl
- gnìomhachadh prògraim programme activation
- Subject: Computing
- gnìomhachadh
- execution
- n(m)
- gnìomhachaidh - execution poss cexecutions - gnìomhachaidhean pl
- èifeachdas a' ghnìomhachaidh success of the execution
- gnìomhachadh an òrain execution of the song
- Subject: Music
- gnìomhachais
- industrial
- adj
- ceimigean gnìomhachais industrial chemicals
- cèir gnìomhachais industrial waxes
- gas gnìomhachais industrial gases
- ionad-gnìomhachais industrial estate
- làrach gnìomhachais industrial site
- Mòr-chaochladh a' Ghnìomhachais Industrial Revolution
- ola gnìomhachais industrial oils
- pàirc gnìomhachais industrial park
- raon gnìomhachais industrial estate
- saill gnìomhachais industrial fats
- sòn gnìomhachais industrial zone
- sòn gnìomhachais ùr new industrial zone
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- gnìomhachas
- industry
- n(m)
- gnìomhachais - industry poss cindustries - gnìomhachasan pl
- bun-ghnìomhachas primary industry
- gnìomhachas aotrom light industry
- gnìomhachas às-tharraingeach extractive industry
- gnìomhachas nàiseanta nationalised industry
- gnìomhachas saothrachaidh manufacturing industry
- gnìomhachas togail construction industry
- gnìomhachas trom heavy industry
- gnìomhachas-seirbheis service industry
- iar-ghnìomhachas secondary industry
- leas-ghnìomhachas tertiary industry
- Subject: Geography
- gnìomhachasadh
- industrialisation
- n(m)
- gnìomhachasaidh - industrialisation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- gnìomhaich
- activate
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- gnìomhair
- verb
- n(m)
- gnìomhair - verb poss cverbs - gnìomhairean pl
- gnìomh-ainmear verbal noun
- Subject: Language
- Gnìomharan
- Acts
- n(pl)
- Gnìomharan - Acts poss c
- Gnìomharan nan Abstol Acts of the Apostles
- Na Soisgeulan agus Na Gnìomharan Gospels and Acts
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- gnothachas
- business
- n(m)
- gnothachais - business poss cbusinesses - gnothachasan pl
- daoine ann an co-chomann, eaconamaidh agus gnothachas people in society, economy and business
- Deadhan Facaltaidh Gnothachais agus Chur-seachadan Dean of the Faculty of Business and Leisure
- eòlaiche siostaman gnothachais business systems specialist
- eòlas gnothachais business studies
- luchd-gnothachais business people
- manaidseadh gnothachais business management
- manaidsear cruth-atharrachadh gnothachais business transformation manager
- manaidsear leasachadh gnothachais business development manager
- neach-anailis gnothachais business analyst
- neach-anailis siostaman gnothachais business systems analyst
- oifigear facaltaidh, gnothachas agus cur-seachadan faculty officer, business and leisure
- PA Deadhan Gnothachais agus Chur-seachadan PA to the Dean of Business and Leisure
- pàirc gnothachais business park
- Prìomh Sgìre-gnothachais (CBD) Central Business District (CBD)
- sgìre-gnothachais business district
- sgìre-gnothachais ùr new business district
- Subject: Business Studies
- gnothachas-àiteachais
- agribusiness
- n(m)
- gnothachas-àiteachais - agribusiness poss cagribusinesses - gnothachasan-àiteachais pl
- Subject: Geography
- gnùis-eòlas
- physiognomy
- n(m)
- gnùis-eòlais physiognomy
- Subject: General
- gob
- vertex
- n(m)
- guib - vertex poss cvertices - goban plvertices - guib pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- gob
- point
- n(m)
- guib - point poss cpoints - goban plpoints - guib pl
- Subject: Geography
- gob-adhairce
- hornbill
- n(m)
- guib-adhairce - hornbill poss chornbills - goban-adhairce plhornbills - guib-adhairce pl
- gob-adhairce mòr great hornbill
- Subject: Science
- gobha
- blacksmith
- n(m)
- gobhainn - blacksmith poss cgobhann - blacksmith poss cblacksmiths - goibhnean pl
- Subject: General
- gobha
- smith
- n(m)
- gobhainn - smith poss cgobhann - smith poss csmiths - goibhnean pl
- Subject: General
- gobhar
- goat
- n(m/f)
- gobhair - goat poss cgoibhre - goat poss cgoats - gobhair plgoats - goibhrean pl
- Subject: Science
- gobhar-fhiadhaich
- antelope
- n(f)
- gobhair-fhiadhaich - antelope poss cantelopes - goibhrean-fiadhaich pl
- Subject: Science
- goibhneachd
- blacksmithing
- n(f)
- goibhneachd - blacksmithing poss c
- Subject: General
- Goillspidh
- Golspie
- tràighean Ghoillspidh Golspie beaches
- Subject: Geography
- goireas
- accessory
- n(m)
- goireis - accessory poss caccessories - goireasan pl
- Subject: Computing
- goireas
- resource
- n(m)
- goireis - resource poss cresources - goireasan pl
- ceannard ghoireasan daonna head of human resources
- goireasan airson bun-sgoil agus AS1, AS2 resources for primary and S1, S2
- goireasan airson dol a-mach dòigheil resources for positive behaviour
- goireasan airson nan tràth-ìrean resources for early years
- goireasan airson Theisteanais Nàiseanta resources for National Qualifications
- goireasan bitheanta popular resources
- goireasan daonna human resources
- goireasan eileagtronaigeach electronic resources
- goireasan fearainn land resources
- goireasan ionnsachaidh learning resources
- Ionad Ghoireasan Saidheans science resource centre
- manaidsear ghoireasan eileagtronaigeach electronic resources manager
- stòr-dàta ghoireasan air-loidhne online resource database
- Subject: General
- goireas
- utility
- n(m)
- goireis - utility poss cutilities - goireasan pl
- goireasan taighe household utilities
- Subject: General
- goireas
- amenity
- n(m)
- goireis - amenity poss camenities - goireasan pl
- Subject: Geography
- goireas
- facility
- n(m)
- goireis - facility poss cfacilities - goireasan pl
- goireas rannsachaidh clionaigeach clinical research facility
- goireasan cur-seachad leisure facilities
- goireasan spòrs sports facilities
- goireasan turasachd tourist facilities
- manaidsear ghoireasan facilities manager
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- goirid
- short
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- goiriola
- gorilla
- n(m)
- goiriola - gorilla poss cgorillas - goiriolathan pl
- Subject: Science
- gort
- famine
- n(f)
- gorta - famine poss cfamine - gortan pl
- Subject: Geography
- gortachd
- starvation
- n(f)
- gortachd - starvation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- gràbhalachd
- engraving
- n(f)
- gràbhalachd - engraving poss cengravings - gràbhalachdan pl
- gràbhalachd copair copper engraving
- gràbhalachd fiodh wood engraving
- gràbhalachd loidhne line engraving
- gràbhalachd meatailt metal engraving
- Subject: Art
- gràbhalaiche
- engraver
- n(m)
- gràbhalaiche - engraver poss cengravers - gràbhalaichean pl
- Subject: Art
- grabhatach
- gravitational
- adj
- tarraing ghrabhatach gravitational pull
- Subject: Science
- grabhataidh
- gravity
- n(m/f)
- grabhataidh - gravity poss c
- forsa grabhataidh force of gravity
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- graf
- graph
- n(m)
- graf(a) - graph poss cgraphs - grafaichean pl
- cuairt a' ghraf period of the graph
- graf ghluasadan trend graph
- graf loidhne-dhìreach straight-line graph
- graf loidhne-lùbte curved-line graph
- graf neo-leantainneach discontinuous graph
- graf stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf graph
- graf-bhlocaichean block graph
- graf-cearcaill pie graph
- graf-cholbhan bar graph
- graf-cholbhan fillte compound bar graph
- graf-cholbhan loidhne line bar graph
- graf-cholbhan-roinnte divided bar graph
- graf-cuartach periodic graph
- graf-loidhne line graph
- graf-sgapte scatter graph
- graf-spìceach spike graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- graf-bhlocaichean
- block graph
- n(m)
- graf-bhlocaichean - block graph poss cblock graphs - grafaichean-bhlocaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- graf-bhogsaichean
- box graph
- n(m)
- graf-bhogsaichean - box graph poss cbox graphs - grafaichean-bhogsaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- graf-cearcaill
- pie graph
- n(m)
- graf-cearcaill - pie graph poss cpie graphs - grafaichean-cearcaill pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- graf-cholbhan
- bar graph
- n(m)
- graf-cholbhan - bar graph poss cbar graphs - grafaichean-cholbhan pl
- graf-cholbhan fillte compound bar graph
- graf-cholbhan loidhne line bar graph
- graf-cholbhan loidhne bar line graph
- graf-cholbhan-roinnte divided bar graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- graf-ioma-loidhne
- multiple line graph
- n(m)
- graf-ioma-loidhne - multiple line graph poss cmultiple line graphs - grafaichean-ioma-loidhne pl
- Subject: GeographyMathematics
- grafaigeach
- graphic
- adj
- conaltradh grafaiceach graphic communication
- dealbhaiche grafaigeach graphic designer
- ealain ghrafaigeach graphic arts
- ealain ghrafaigeach; dèanamh phriontan agus priontan graphic arts; printmaking and prints
- stòras nobhailean grafaigeach graphic novel resource
- Subject: General
- grafaigs
- graphics
- n(m/f)
- grafaigs - graphics poss c
- a' cleachdadh grafaigs using graphics
- Subject: General
- graffiti
- graffiti
- n(m)
- graffiti - graffiti poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralArt
- graifit
- graphite
- n(m)
- graifit - graphite poss cgraphites - graifitean pl
- peansail graifit graphite pencil
- Subject: Technical
- gràin-cinnidh
- racism
- n(f)
- gràin-cinnidh - racism poss c
- Subject: General
- gràineag
- hedgehog
- n(f)
- gràineig - hedgehog poss chedgehogs - gràineagan pl
- Subject: Science
- gram
- gram
- n(m)
- gram(a) - gram poss cgrams - gramaichean plgrams - graman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- gramaiche
- pincers
- n(m)
- gramaiche - pincers poss cpincers - gramaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- gràmar
- grammar
- n(m)
- gràmair - grammar poss c
- gràmar na Gàidhlig Gaelic grammar
- gràmar na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek grammar
- Subject: Language
- grant
- grant
- n(m)
- grant - grant poss cgrants - grantaichean pl
- grant fearann coillteach woodland grant
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Graonlainn
- Greenland
- n(f)
- Ghraonlainn - Greenland poss c
- iasgairean Ghraonlainn Greenland fishermen
- riaghaltas Ghraonlainn the government of Greenland
- Subject: Geography
- gràs
- grace
- n(m)
- gràis - grace poss cgraces - gràsan pl
- teàrnadh agus gràs salvation and grace
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Gregorian
- Gregorian
- adj
- mìosachan Gregorian Gregorian calendar
- Subject: General
- Greugach
- Greek
- adj
- creideamh Greugach agus Ròmanach Greek and Roman religion
- feallsanachdan Greugach ro-Shocratach pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
- na cànanan Greugach, clasaigeach agus nuadh classical and modern Greek languages
- snaigheadh Greugach, Etruscanach agus Ròmanach Greek, Etruscan and Roman sculpture
- Subject: Geography
- Greugach
- Greek
- n(m)
- Greugaich - Greek poss cGreeks - Greugaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Greugach
- Hellenic
- adj
- cànanan Greugach Hellenic languages
- cànanan Greugach eile other Hellenic languages
- litreachasan Greugach Hellenic literatures
- Subject: Language
- Greugais
- Greek
- n(f)
- Greugais - Greek poss c
- bàrdachd Ghreugais Chlasaigeach classical Greek poetry
- cleachdadh na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek usage
- Greugais chlasaigeach classical Greek
- Greugais iar-chlasaigeach postclassical Greek
- Greugais ro-chlasaigeach preclassical Greek
- litreachas Greugais Greek literature
- litreachas Greugais nuadh modern Greek literature
- Subject: Language
- grian
- sun
- n(f)
- grèine - sun poss c
- a' Ghrian the Sun
- cuairt eilipseach na Talmhainn timcheall na Grèine earth's elliptical orbit around the sun
- dol fodha na grèine sunset
- èirigh na grèine sunrise
- gluasad na grèine motion of the sun
- lùth na grèine sun's energy
- solas na grèine sunlight
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- grian-stad
- solstice
- n(m)
- grian-staid - solstice poss csolstices - grian-stadan pl
- grian-stad a' gheamhraidh winter solstice
- grian-stad an t-samhraidh summer solstice
- Subject: Science
- Grianaig
- Greenock
- gàrradh-iarainn Ghrianaig Greenock shipyard
- Subject: Geography
- grianan-glainne
- conservatory
- n(m)
- grianain-glainne - conservatory poss cconservatories - grianain-ghlainne pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- grìc
- grike
- n(f)
- grìce - grike poss cgrikes - grìcean pl
- Subject: Geography
- grìob
- sea cliff
- n(m)
- grìoba - sea cliff poss csea cliffs - grìoban pl
- Subject: Geography
- grodadh
- decay
- n(m)
- grodaidh - decay poss c
- grodadh fhiaclan tooth decay
- Subject: Science
- gròidhn
- groyne
- n(m)
- gròidhn - groyne poss cgroynes - gròidhnichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- grùideach
- sedimentary
- adj
- clach ghrùideach sedimentary rock
- Subject: GeographyScience
- grunnan
- several
- adj
- cuir-ris grunnan àireamhan add several numbers
- Subject: Mathematics
- gruppetto
- gruppetto
- n(m)
- gruppetto - gruppetto poss cgruppettos - gruppettothan pl
- Subject: Music
- gu cothromach
- evenly
- adv
- Subject: Mathematics
- gu siostamataigeach
- systematically
- adv
- Subject: Mathematics
- gu trastanach
- diagonally
- adv
- Subject: Mathematics
- Guaire
- Gorey
- Subject: Geography
- Guam
- Guam
- n(m/f)
- Ghuam - Guam poss c
- Eilean Ghuam Island of Guam
- Subject: Geography
- Guatemala
- Guatemala
- n(m/f)
- Ghuatemala - Guatemala poss c
- Poblachd Ghuatemala Republic of Guatemala
- Subject: Geography
- Guiana
- Guyana
- n(m/f)
- Ghuiana - Guyana poss c
- sgoiltean Ghuiana schools of Guyana
- Subject: Geography
- Guiana
- Guiana
- n(f)
- Ghuiana - Guiana poss c
- Àrd-thalamh Ghuiana Guiana Highlands
- Guiana na Frainge French Guiana
- Subject: Geography
- Guiana na Frainge
- French Guiana
- n(m/f)
- Guiana na Frainge - French Guiana poss c
- roinn Guiana na Frainge department of French Guiana
- Subject: Geography
- Guinea
- Guinea
- n(m/f)
- Ghuinea - Guinea poss c
- eaconamaidh Ghuinea economy of Guinea
- Guinea a' Chrios-mheadhain Equatorial Guinea
- Guinea na Frainge French Guinea
- Guinea Nuadh New Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
- Papua Guinea Nuaidh Papua New Guinea
- Subject: Geography
- Guinea a' Chrios-Mheadhain
- Equatorial Guinea
- n(f)
- Guinea a' Chrios-Mheadhain - Equatorial Guinea poss c
- Poblachd Guinea a' Chrios-mheadhain Republic of Equatorial Guinea
- Subject: Geography
- Guinea Nuadh
- New Guinea
- n(f)
- Ghuinea Nuaidh - New Guinea poss c
- muinntir Ghuinea Nuaidh people of New Guinea
- Subject: Geography
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guinea-Bissau
- n(m/f)
- Ghuinea-Bissau - Guinea-Bissau poss c
- cànanan Ghuinea-Bissau languages of Guinea-Bissau
- Subject: Geography
- guirean
- spot
- n(m)
- guirein - spot poss cspots - guireanan pl
- plàigh ghuireanan outbreak of spots
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- gun ainm
- nameless
- n phr
- Subject: General
- gun bhrìgh
- not valid
- adv phr
- cur-a-steach gun bhrìgh entry not valid
- Subject: Computing
- gun chosnadh
- unemployed
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- gun dachaigh
- homeless
- adj phr
- Subject: Geography
- gun shìol
- seedless
- n phr
- lusan bhascular gun shìol vascular seedless plants
- lusan gun shìol seedless plants
- Subject: Science
- gun ueir
- wireless
- adj
- LAN gun ueir wireless LAN
- Subject: Computing
- gun urra
- anonymous
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- guth
- voice
- n(m)
- gutha - voice poss cvoices - guthan pl
- air a chur gu dol le guth voice activated
- an guth the voice
- ceòl do ghuthan singilte music for single voices
- cur gu dol le guth voice activation
- Subject: Music
- guth-clèibh
- chest register
- n(m)
- guth-clèibh - chest register poss cchest registers - guthan-clèibh pl
- fuaim guth-clèibh sound of chest register
- guth-clèibh ìosal low chest register
- Subject: Music
- guth-meadhain
- middle register
- n(m)
- guth-meadhain - middle register poss cmiddle registers - guthan-meadhain pl
- sgèile guth-meadhain middle register scale
- Subject: Music
- guthach
- vocal
- adj
- ceòl guthach vocal music
- guth-chleasachd vocal acrobatics
- Subject: Music