Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- sa cheud (%)
- per cent
- adv
- trithead sa cheud thirty per cent
- Subject: Mathematics
- Sàbaid
- Sabbath
- n(f)
- Sàbaid - Sabbath poss cSabbath - Sàbaidean pl
- Là na Sàbaid Sabbath
- Subject: General
- sàbhail
- save
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- sàbhailteachd
- safety
- n(f)
- sàbhailteachd - safety poss c
- riaghailtean sàbhailteachd safety regulations
- slàinte agus sàbhailteachd health and safety
- slàinte agus sàbhailteachd phearsanta personal health and safety
- Subject: General
- sàbhail
- save
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- sàbhaladh
- saving
- n(m)
- sàbhalaidh - saving poss csavings - sàbhaladh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sàcramaid
- sacrament
- n(f)
- sàcramaid(e) - sacracrament poss csacracraments - sàcramaidean pl
- sàcramaidean, deas-ghnàthan agus gnìomhan eile sacracraments, other rites and acts
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Sagson
- Saxon
- n(m)
- Sagson - Saxon poss cSaxons - Sagsonaich pl
- Anglo-Sagson Anglo-Saxon
- Subject: General
- Sagsonach
- Saxon
- adj
- cànan Sagsonach Saxon language
- Subject: General
- Sahàra an Iar
- Western Sahara
- n(m/f)
- Sahàra an Iar - Western Sahara poss c
- muinntir Sahàra an Iar people of Western Sahara
- Subject: Geography
- saideal
- satellite
- n(m)
- saideil - satellite poss csatellites - saidealan pl
- dealbh-saideil satellite image
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- saidhceòlas
- psychology
- n(m)
- saidhceòlais - psychology poss c
- feallsanachd agus saidhceòlas philosophy and psychology
- saidhceòlas coimeasach comparative psychology
- saidhceòlas diùbhrasach agus leasachail differential and developmental psychology
- saidhceòlas gnìomhach applied psychology
- Subject: General
- saidhcleon
- cyclone
- n(m)
- saidhcleon - cyclone poss ccyclones - saidhcleonan pl
- Subject: Geography
- saidheanaid
- cyanide
- n(f)
- saidheanaid - cyanide poss ccyanides - saidheanaidean pl
- Subject: Science
- saidheans
- science
- n(m)
- saidheans - science poss csciences - saidheansan pl
- ionad-ghoireasan saidheans science resource centre
- saidheans armailteach military science
- saidheans coimpiutair computer science
- saidheans foireansach forensic science
- saidheans poilitigeach political science
- saidheans sna naidheachdan topical science
- saidheans taigh-tasgaidh museum science
- saidheans talmhainn agus gnàth-shìde climate and earth science
- saidheansan beatha life sciences
- saidheansan co-cheangailte allied sciences
- saidheansan fiosrachaidh information sciences
- saidheansan nàdarra natural sciences
- saidheansan sòisealta social sciences
- saidhseansan talmhainn earth sciences
- Subject: Science
- saidheansail
- scientific
- adj
- bun-bheachdan saidheansail scientific concepts
- Làrach de Shùim Shònraichte Shaidheansail (SSSI) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- leasachaidhean saidheansail scientific developments
- uidheam shaidheansail scientific equipment
- Subject: GeographyScience
- saidhleafon
- xylophone
- n(m)
- saidhleafon - xylophone poss cxylophones - saidhleafonan pl
- Subject: Music
- saidhlids
- silage
- n(f)
- saidhlids - silage poss c
- Subject: Geography
- saidhteoplasm
- cytoplasm
- n(m)
- saidhteoplasm - cytoplasm poss c
- Subject: Science
- saighdear
- soldier
- n(m)
- saighdeir - soldier poss csoldiers - saighdearan pl
- saighdearan a' Chogaidh Mhòir soldiers of the Great War
- Subject: General
- saighead
- arrow
- n(f)
- saighde - arrow poss csaighid - arrow poss carrows - saighdean pl
- saighead chlì left arrow
- saighead dheas right arrow
- Subject: Computing
- saighead
- arrow
- n(f)
- saighde - arrow poss csaighid - arrow poss carrows - saighdean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sail
- joist
- n(f)
- saile - joist poss cjoists - sailthean pl
- Subject: Technical
- saill
- adipose
- n(f)
- saille - adipose poss c
- Subject: Science
- saill
- fat
- n(f)
- saille - fat poss c
- saill adipose fat
- saill gnìomhachais industrial fats
- saill neo-shàthaichte unsaturated fat
- saill phoili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated fat
- saill shàthaichte saturated fat
- stuth sailleach fat tissue
- Subject: Science
- saill
- salt
- vb
- a' sailleadh salting
- a' sailleadh nan rathaidean salting the roads
- Subject: Science
- sailleach
- adipose
- adj
- cus stuth-bodhaig shaillich too much adipose tissue
- saill adipose fat
- stuth bodhaig sailleach adipose tissue
- stuth sailleach fat tissue
- Subject: Science
- sailleach
- fatty
- adj
- searbhagan sailleach fatty acids
- searbhagan sailleach poili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Subject: Science
- sailleadh
- salting
- n(m)
- saillidh - salting poss c
- Subject: Science
- sàl
- sea water
- n(m)
- sàile - sea water poss c
- Subject: Geography
- salann
- salt
- n(m)
- salainn - salt poss c
- eadar-sgaoileadh salainn salt solution
- Loch Mòr an t-Salainn Great Salt Lake
- pròiseasan salann meatailteach metallic salt processes
- Subject: Science
- saltachadh
- saltation
- n(m)
- saltachaidh - saltation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Saltcoats
- Saltcoats
- eachdraidh Saltcoats history of Saltcoats
- Subject: Geography
- samarium
- samarium
- n(m)
- samarium - samarium poss c
- samarium ogsaid samarium oxide
- Subject: Science
- Samhain
- November
- n(f)
- Samhna - November poss c
- 11 Samhain 11 November
- 11mh (An t-)Samhain 11th of November
- an 11mh den t-Samhain 11th of November
- an t-aona latha deug dhen t-Samhain the eleventh of November
- an t-Samhain November
- deireadh na Samhna end of November
- latha anns an t-Samhain a day in November
- Oidhche Shamhna Halloween
- Samh Nov
- Subject: General
- samhla
- symbol
- n(m)
- samhla - symbol poss csymbols - samhlan pl
- samhla chòraichean copyright symbol
- samhla mapa map symbol
- Subject: General
- samhla
- sign
- n(f)
- samhla - sign poss csigns - samhlan pl
- samhla cur-ris plus sign
- samhla toirt-air-falbh minus sign
- Subject: Mathematics
- samhlachadh
- symbolisation
- n(m)
- samhlachaidh - symbolisation poss c
- Subject: General
- samhlachail
- symbolic(al)
- adj
- Subject: General
- samhlachas
- analogy
- n(m)
- samhlachais - analogy poss canalogies - samhlachasan pl
- Subject: General
- samhlachas
- symbolism
- n(m)
- samhlachais - symbolism poss c
- Subject: General
- samhlaich
- symbolise
- vb
- Subject: General
- samhlaiche
- symbolist
- n(m)
- samhlaiche - symbolist poss csymbolists - samhlaichean pl
- Subject: General
- samhradh
- summer
- n(m)
- samhraidh - summer poss csummers - samhraidhean pl
- a' samhrachadh spending the summer
- blàths an t-samhraidh warmth of summer
- grian-stad an t-samhraidh summer solstice
- meadhan an t-samhraidh midsummer
- samhraidhean fionnar cool summers
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Samoa
- Samoa
- n(m/f)
- Shamoa - Samoa poss c
- ceanna-bhaile Shamoa capital of Samoa
- Subject: Geography
- sampall
- sample
- n(m)
- sampaill - sample poss csamples - sampallan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- San Marino
- San Marino
- n(m/f)
- San Marino - San Marino poss c
- Poblachd San Marino Republic of San Marino
- Subject: Geography
- San Salbhador
- San Salvador
- Poblachd San Salbhador Republic of San Salvador
- Subject: Geography
- sanas
- advert
- n(m)
- sanais - advert poss cadverts - sanasan pl
- Subject: General
- sanasachd
- advertising
- n(m)
- sanasachd - advertising poss c
- sanasachd agus dàimh poblach advertising and public relations
- Subject: General
- sanasaich
- advertise
- vb
- Subject: General
- São Tomé agus Principe
- São Tomé and Principe
- n(m/f)
- São Tomé agus Principe - São Tomé and Principe poss c
- Poblachd Dheamocratach São Tomé agus Principe Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Principe
- Subject: Geography
- saobh-chreideas
- heresy
- n(m)
- saobh-chreideis - heresy poss cheresies - saobh-chreideasan pl
- connspaidean teagasgail agus saobh-chreideasan doctrinal controversies and heresies
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- saoghal
- world
- n(m)
- saoghail - world poss cworlds - saoghail plworlds - saoghalan pl
- A' Chiad Chogadh The First World War
- An Dàrna Cogadh The Second World War
- an saoghal àrsaidh ancient world
- buaidh air an t-saoghal impact on the world
- eachdraidh an t-saoghail world history
- eachdraidh an t-saoghail àrsaidh history of the ancient world
- map an t-saoghail world map
- saoghal a tha a' fàs beag shrinking world
- saoghalan neo-thalmhaidh extraterrestrial worlds
- Subject: GeographyGeneralHistory
- saor
- vacant
- adj
- rumannan saor vacanies (eg in a hotel)
- Subject: General
- saor
- carpenter
- n(m)
- saoir - carpenter poss ccarpenters - saoir pl
- Subject: Technical
- saor
- joiner
- n(m)
- saoir - joiner poss cjoiners - saoir pl
- Subject: Technical
- saor-chluich
- improvise
- vb
- saor-chluich an cadenza improvise the cadenza
- Subject: Music
- saor-chluiche
- improvisation
- n(m/f)
- saor-chluich(e) - improvisation poss cimprovisations - saor-chluichean pl
- Subject: General
- saor-latha
- holiday
- n(m)
- saor-latha - holiday poss cholidays - saor-làithean plholidays - saor-lathaichean pl
- baile-turasachd holiday resort
- sgìre-turasachd holiday resort (large area)
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- saor-ùine
- leisure
- n(f)
- saor-ùine - leisure poss c
- beus-eòlas chur-seachadan agus saor-ùine ethics of recreation and leisure
- Subject: General
- saoradh
- emancipation
- n(m)
- saoraidh - emancipation poss c
- tràillealachd agus saoradh slavery and emancipation
- Subject: General
- saoranach
- citizen
- n(m)
- saoranaich - citizen poss ccitizens - saoranaich pl
- saoranaich earbsach responsible citizens
- Subject: General
- saoranachd
- citizenship
- n(f)
- saoranachd - citizenship poss ccitizenships - saoranachdan pl
- cùisean saoranachd citizenship themes
- foghlam airson saoranachd education for citizenship
- luachan agus saoranachd values and citizenship
- saoranachd na cruinne global citizenship
- Subject: General
- saorsainneachd
- carpentry
- n(f)
- saorsainneachd - carpentry poss c
- obair-togail fiodha agus saorsainneachd wood construction and carpentry
- Subject: Technical
- saorsainneachd
- joinery
- n(f)
- saorsainneachd - joinery poss c
- Subject: Technical
- sàr-bhiadh
- superfood
- n(m)
- sàr-bhìdh - superfood poss csuperfoods - sàr-bhiadhan pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- sàr-mhath
- excellent
- adj
- Sgoiltean Sàr-mhath Adhartach Ambitious Excellent Schools
- Subject: General
- sàr-mhathas
- excellence
- n(m)
- sàr-mhathais - excellence poss c
- adhbharan agus amasan a' Churraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais purposes and aims of Curriculum for Excellence
- An t-Slighe gu Sàr Mhathas Journey to excellence
- Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais Curriculum for Excellence
- luachan, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence
- sàr-mhathas do na h-uile excellence for all
- Subject: General
- Sasainn
- England
- n(f)
- Shasainn - England poss c
- bailtean Shasainn England's cities
- Sasainn agus A' Chuimrigh England and Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Sassanach
- English
- adj
- càise Sassanach English cheese
- Subject: General
- Sassanach
- English
- n(m)
- Sassanaich - English poss cEnglish - Sassanaich pl
- ban-Shassanach Englishwoman
- Sassanach Englishman
- Subject: Geography
- sàthachd
- saturation
- n(f)
- sàthachd - saturation poss c
- Subject: Science
- sàthaich
- saturate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- sàthaichte
- saturated
- adj
- eadar-sgaoileadh sàthaichte saturated solution
- saill shàthaichte saturated fat
- Subject: Science
- Satharn
- Saturn
- n(f)
- Shathairne - Saturn poss c
- 'S e Satharn an t-siathamh planaid bhon Ghrèin Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun
- saidealan Shathairne Saturn's satellites
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- Saudi Arabia
- Saudi Arabia
- n(m/f)
- Shaudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia poss c
- Rìoghachd Shaudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Subject: Geography
- scalar
- scalar
- n(m)
- scalar - scalar poss cscalars - scalaran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- scalar
- scalar
- adj
- toradh scalar scalar product
- Subject: Mathematics
- Scalloway
- Scalloway
- port iasgaich Scalloway Scalloway fishing port
- Subject: Geography
- Scalpaigh
- Scalpay
- Eilean Scalpaigh Isle of Scalpay
- Subject: Geography
- scandium
- scandium
- n(m)
- scandium - scandium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Scapa
- Scapa
- taigh-staile Scapa Scapa distillery
- Subject: Geography
- Scots
- Scots
- n(f)
- Subject: Language
- seabhag
- hawk
- n(m/f)
- seabhaig - hawk poss chawks - seabhagan pl
- Subject: Science
- seaborgium
- seaborgium
- n(m)
- seaborgium - seaborgium poss c
- Subject: Science
- seac-reothadh
- frostbite
- n(m)
- seac-reothaidh - frostbite poss c
- Subject: Geography
- seachadan
- passing place
- n(m)
- seachadain - passing place poss cpassing places - seachadain pl
- Subject: Geography
- seachd
- seven
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachd-cheàrnach
- heptagon
- n(m)
- seachd-cheàrnaich - heptagon poss cheptagons - seachd-cheàrnachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachd-cheàrnach(ail)
- heptagonal
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachd-deug
- seventeen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachdad
- seventy
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachdaineach
- weekly
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachdamh
- seventh
- adj
- an seachdamh fear the seventh one
- an t-seachdamh tè the seventh one
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachdamh
- seventh
- n(m)
- seachdaimh - seventh poss csevenths - seachdamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- seachran
- accidental
- n(m)
- seachrain - accidental poss caccidentals - seachranan pl
- adhbhar seachrain reason for accidental
- ìslich seachran lower accidental
- Subject: Music
- seact
- sect
- n(m)
- seact - sect poss csects - seactaichean pl
- meuran agus seactaichean Crìosdail Christian denominations and sects
- meuran agus seactaichean eile other denominations and sects
- seactaichean agus gluasadan ath-leasachail sects and reform movements
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- seactor
- sector
- n(m)
- seactor - sector poss csectors - seactoran pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- seactor
- sector
- n(m)
- seactor - sector poss csectors - seactoran pl
- seactor blàth warm sector
- seactor fuar cold sector
- Subject: Geography
- seagsaidh
- sexy
- adj
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Sealan Nuadh
- New Zealand
- n(m/f)
- Shealain Nuaidh - New Zealand poss c
- riaghaltas Shealain Nuaidh government of New Zealand
- Subject: Geography
- sealg
- hunting
- n(f)
- seilge - hunting poss c
- iasgach, sealg agus sealg-ghunnaichean fishing, hunting and shooting
- sealg, iasgach agus glèidhteachas hunting, fishing and conservation
- Subject: General
- sealg ghunnaichean
- shooting
- n phr
- Subject: General
- sealgair
- hunter
- n(m)
- sealgair - hunter poss chunters - sealgairean pl
- sealgairean Inuit Inuit hunters
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- sealgair-tionail
- hunter-gatherer
- n(m)
- sealgair-tionail - hunter-gatherer poss chunter-gatherers - sealgairean-tionail pl
- Subject: History
- seall
- show
- vb
- seall air fad show all
- Subject: Computing
- seall
- view
- vb
- seall mar thaisbeanadh-slaighd view as slideshow
- seall ri menu view menu
- Subject: Computing
- seall faileas-sgàthain
- reflect
- vb
- seall faileas-sgàthain puing A air taobh eile an y-axis reflect point A in the y-axis
- Subject: Mathematics
- seall ri menu
- view menu
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- sealladh
- view
- n(m)
- seallaidh - view poss cviews - seallaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- sealladh
- projection
- n(m)
- seallaidh - projection poss cprojections - seallaidhean pl
- claon-shealladh oblique projection
- sealladh ortografach orthographic projection
- Subject: Technical
- sealladh
- view
- n(m)
- seallaidh - view poss cviews - seallaidhean pl
- sealladh spreadhte exploded view
- Subject: Technical
- sealladh
- view
- n(m)
- seallaidh - view poss cviews - seallaidhean pl
- bonn-shealladh base view
- cùl-shealladh back view
- plan-shealladh plan view
- sealladh-aghaidh front view
- sealladh-cinn end view
- sealladh-cliathaich side view
- sealladh-mullaich top view
- Subject: Mathematics
- Sealladh deilbh
- Design view
- n(m)
- Sealladh deilbh - Design view poss cDesign views - Seallaidhean deilbh pl
- Subject: Computing
- sealladh-aghaidh
- aspect
- n(m)
- seallaidh-aghaidh - aspect poss caspects - seallaidhean-aghaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- sealladh-àirde
- elevation
- n(m)
- seallaidh-àirde - elevation poss celevations - seallaidhean-àirde pl
- sealladh-cinn end elevation
- sealladh-cliathaich side elevation
- Subject: Technical
- seallaidhean
- scenery
- n(pl)
- seallaidhean costail coastal scenery
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Sealtainn
- Shetland
- Eileanan Shealtainn Shetland Islands
- muinntir Eileanan Shealtainn Shetland Islands people
- Subject: Geography
- seanadair
- senator
- n(m)
- seanadair - senator poss csenators - seanadairean pl
- Subject: Modern Studies
- Seanagal
- Senegal
- n(m/f)
- Sheanagal - Senegal poss c
- Poblachd Sheanagal Republic of Senegal
- Subject: Geography
- seanair
- grandfather
- n(m)
- seanar - grandfather poss cgrandfathers - seanairean pl
- Subject: General
- Seanbhaile Mhealdruim
- Oldmeldrum
- fèis-ciùil Seanbhaile Mhealdruim Oldmeldrum music festival
- Subject: Geography
- seangan
- ant
- n(m)
- seangain - ant poss cants - seangain plants - seanganan pl
- seangan duilleag-ghearradair leaf-cutter ant
- Subject: Science
- seanmhair
- grandmother
- n(f)
- seanmhar - grandmother poss cgrandmothers - seanmhairean pl
- Subject: General
- Seann Linn na Cloiche
- Palaeolithic
- n phr
- Subject: History
- seansar
- sensor
- n(m)
- seansair - sensor poss csensors - seansaran pl
- seansar-solais light sensor
- suidheachadh an t-seansair position of the sensor
- Subject: Science
- searamaig
- ceramic
- n(m)
- searamaig - ceramic poss cceramics - searamaigean pl
- bloighean searamaig fragments of ceramic
- ealain shearamaig ceramic arts
- teicneòlasan searamaig agus co-cheangailte ceramic and allied technologies
- Subject: General
- searamaig
- ceramic
- adj
- Subject: General
- searbhachd
- acidity
- n(f)
- searbhachd - acidity poss cacidities - searbhachdan pl
- Subject: Science
- searbhag
- acid
- n(f)
- searbhaig - acid poss cacids - searbhagan pl
- searbhag amino amino acid
- searbhag charbonach carbonic acid
- searbhag lachtach lactic acid
- searbhag niuclasail nucleic acid
- searbhagan sailleach fatty acids
- searbhagan sailleach poili-neo-shàthaichte polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Subject: Science
- searbhagach
- acid
- adj
- uisge searbhagach acid rain
- Subject: Science
- searbhagach
- acidic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- searmon
- sermon
- n(m)
- searmoin - sermon poss csermons - searmoin plsermons - searmonan pl
- searmoin sgrìobhte texts of sermons
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- searmonachadh
- preaching
- n(m)
- searmonachaidh - preaching poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- searmonaich
- preach
- vb n
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- searmonaiche
- preacher
- n(m)
- searmonaiche - preacher poss cpreachers - searmonaichean pl
- searmonaiche math a good preacher
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- seasgad
- sixty
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- seasmhach
- sustainable
- adj
- cleachdaidhean seasmhach sustainable practices
- foghlam leasachadh seasmhach sustainable development education
- leasachadh seasmhach sustainable development
- sgeamaichean coilltearachd sheasmach sustainable forestry schemes
- turasachd sheasmhach sustainable tourism
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- seasmhachd
- sustainability
- n(f)
- seasmhachd - sustainability poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- seat-sgueathar
- set square
- n(m)
- seat-sgueathair - set square poss cset squares - seat-sgueathraichean pl
- seat-sgueathar 45 puing 45 Degree Set Square
- seat-sgueathar 60/30 puing 60/30 Degree Set Square
- Subject: Technical
- seata
- set
- n(m)
- seata - set poss csets - seataichean pl
- Subject: Computing
- seata
- set
- n(m)
- seata - set poss csets - seataichean pl
- bloigh sheataichean fraction of sets
- seata indeacste indexed set
- seataichean àireamhan number sets
- Subject: Mathematics
- seata dhrumaichean
- drumkit
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- seatadh
- setup
- n(m)
- seataidh - setup poss csetups - seataidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- seatadh rianachd
- administrative setup
- n(m)
- administrative setups - seataidhean rianachd pl
- Subject: Computing
- seatlaig
- settle
- vb
- Subject: Science
- sèibheadh
- shaving
- n(m)
- sèibhidh - shaving poss cshavings - sèibhidhean pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- sèideadh
- blowing
- n(m)
- sèididh - blowing poss cblowings - sèididhean pl
- Subject: Music
- seigmeant
- segment
- n(m)
- seigmeant - segment poss csegments - seigmeantan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Seimitig
- Semitic
- adj
- cànanan Seimitig Semitic languages
- litreachasan Seimitig Semitic literatures
- Subject: Language
- sèine
- chain
- n(f)
- sèine - chain poss cchains - sèinichean pl
- sèine toirt-air-falbh subtraction chain
- sèine-àireamhan number chain
- Subject: Mathematics
- seinn
- perform
- vb
- seinn an t-òran sing the song
- Subject: Music
- seirbheis
- service
- n(f)
- seirbheis - service poss cservices - seirbheisean pl
- àrd-neach-anailis, seirbheis bhrathan dàta senior analyst data messaging service
- ceannard sheirbheisean IT head of IT services
- manaidsear seirbheisean luchd-ceannaich customer services manager
- manaidsear seirbheisean luchd-cleachdaidh customer services manager
- neach-leasachaidh seirbheis teicneòlais technology service developer
- seirbheis armailteach military service
- seirbheis bìdh agus bùird meals and table service
- seirbheis dhreuchdan careers service
- seirbheis naidheachdan news service
- Seirbheis Naidheachdan Foghlaim LTS LTS Education News Service
- Seirbheis Stòr Ainmean Eadar-lìn (iSNS) Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)
- seirbheisean co-labhairt bhidio video conferencing services
- seirbheisean corparra corprate services
- seirbheisean èiginn emergency services
- Seirbheisean Fiosrachaidh Eadar-lìn (IIS) Internet Information Services (IIS)
- seirbheisean ionadail local services
- seirbheisean làraich-lìn website services
- seirbheisean luchd-ceannaich customer services
- seirbheisean luchd-cleachdaidh customer services
- seirbheisean oifis office services
- seirbheisean shochairean sòisealta social welfare services
- seirbheisean soisgeulach evangelistic services
- seirbheisean taic oileanach sudent support services
- seirbheisean taice auxiliary services
- seirbhisean sòisealta social services
- Solaraiche Seirbheis Eadar-lìn (ISP) Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- stiùiriche seirbheisean ionnsachaidh agus fiosrachaidh director of learning and information services
- Subject: General
- seirbheis taice
- helpdesk
- n phr
- seirbheis taice - helpdesk poss c
- neach-anailis seirbheis taice helpdesk support analyst
- Subject: General
- seis-eòlas
- seismology
- n(m)
- seis-eòlais - seismology poss c
- Subject: Geography
- seisean
- session
- n(m)
- seisein - session poss csessions - seiseanan pl
- Subject: Computing
- sèist
- chorus
- n(f)
- sèiste - chorus poss cchoruses - sèistean pl
- inntrigeadh sèiste chorus entry
- Subject: Music
- selenium
- selenium
- n(m)
- selenium selenium
- Subject: Science
- Selkirk
- Selkirk
- eachdraidh Shelkirk history of Selkirk
- Subject: Geography
- semibrìbh
- semibreve
- n(m)
- semibrìbh - semibreve poss csemibreves - semibrìbhean pl
- Subject: Music
- semicuèbhear
- semiquaver
- n(f)
- semicuèbhear - semiquaver poss csemiquavers - semicuèbhearan pl
- Subject: Music
- semitòn
- semitone
- n(m)
- semitòn - semitone poss csemitones - semitònan pl
- fuaim semitòn diatonaig sound of diatonic semitone
- semitòn cromataig chromatic semitone
- semitòn diatonaig diatonic semitone
- Subject: Music
- senon
- xenon
- n(m)
- senoin - xenon poss c
- Subject: Science
- seòladh
- address
- n(m)
- seòlaidh - address poss caddresses - seòlaidhean pl
- bàr seòlaidh address bar
- leabhar sheòlaidhean address book
- seòladh puist shipping address
- seòladh-tillidh return address
- Subject: Computing
- seòladh puist
- shipping address
- n(m)
- seòladh puist - shipping address poss cshipping addresses - seòlaidhean puist pl
- liosta sheòlaidhean puist list of shipping addresses
- Subject: Computing
- seòladh-tillidh
- return address
- n(m)
- seòlaidh-thillidh - return address poss creturn addresses - seòlaidhean-tillidh pl
- Subject: Computing
- seòlaid
- navigation channel
- n(f)
- seòlaid(e) navigation channel
- seòlaidean navigation channels
- Subject: Geography
- seòlaidh
- nautical
- adj
- einnseanaireachd seòlaidh nautical engineering
- Subject: General
- seòmar
- vestibule
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Seòras
- George
- n(m)
- Sheòrais - George poss c
- taigh Sheòrais George's house
- Subject: General
- seòrsa
- class
- n(m)
- seòrsa - class poss cclasses - seòrsaichean pl
- seòrsa susbaint content class
- Subject: Computing
- seòrsa
- kind
- n(m)
- seòrsa - kind poss ckinds - seòrsachan plkinds - seòrsaichean pl
- comainn de chaochladh seòrsa miscelleneous kinds of associations
- cùram aoghaireil theaghlaichean agus dhaoine eadar-dhealaichte pastoral care of families and kinds of persons
- làimhseachadh dhaoine, seòrsaichean eadar-dhealaichte kinds of persons treatment
- raointean agus seòrsaichean de thogail dhealbhan fields and kinds of photography
- Subject: General
- seòrsa
- sort
- n(m)
- seòrsa - sort poss csorts - seòrsaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- seòrsa
- variant
- n(m)
- seòrsa - variant poss cvariants - seòrsachan plvariants - seòrsaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- seòrsachadh
- sorting
- n(m)
- seòrsachaidh - sorting poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- seòrsachadh
- classification
- n(m)
- seòrsachaidh - classification poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- seòrsaich
- sort
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- seòrsaich
- classify
- vb
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- seòrsaiche
- denominator
- n(m)
- seòrsaiche - denominator poss cdenominators - seòrsaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Serbia
- Serbia
- n(m/f)
- Sherbia - Serbia poss c
- Poblachd Sherbia Republic of Serbia
- Subject: Geography
- serigrafaidh
- serigraphy
- n(m)
- serigrafaidh - serigraphy poss c
- cròmo-liotografaidh agus serigrafaidh chromolithography and serigraphy
- Subject: Art
- seudraidh
- jewellery
- n(f)
- seudraidh - jewellery poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralArt
- seula-eòlas
- sigillography
- n(m)
- seula-eòlais - sigillography poss c
- buinn-eòlas agus seula-eòlas numismatics and sigillography
- Subject: General
- seusan
- season
- n(m)
- seusain - season poss cseasons - seusanan pl
- deireadh an t-seusain end of the season
- seusan an sgadain herring season
- seusan pantomaim pantomime season
- seusan trang peak season
- Subject: ScienceGeographyGeneral
- seusan trang
- peak season
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- sgadan
- herring
- n(m)
- sgadain - herring poss cherring - sgadain pl
- Subject: Science
- sgàil-bhrat
- canopy
- n(m)
- sgàil-bhrat - canopy poss ccanopies - sgàil-bhratan pl
- Subject: Geography
- sgàirneach
- scree
- n(m)
- sgàirnich - scree poss c
- Subject: Geography
- sgairp
- scorpion
- n(f)
- sgairpe - scorpion poss cscorpions - sgairpean pl
- sgairp an earbaill mhòir fat-tailed scorpion
- Subject: Science
- sgairt
- diaphragm
- n(f)
- sgairte - diaphragm poss cdiaphragms - sgairtean pl
- Subject: Science
- Sgalasaig
- Scalasaig
- iolairean Sgalasaig Scalasaig eagles
- Subject: Geography
- sgamhan
- lung
- n(m)
- sgamhain - lung poss clungs - sgamhain pllungs - sgamhanan pl
- iasg-sgamhain lung-fish
- sgamhan clì left lung
- sgamhan deas right lung
- Subject: Science
- sganair
- scanner
- n(m)
- sganair - scanner poss cscanners - sganairean pl
- Subject: General
- sgaoileadh
- distribution
- n(m)
- sgaoilidh - distribution poss cdistributions - sgaoilidhean pl
- map-sgaoilidh-dhotagan dot distribution map
- sgaoileadh-sluaigh population distribution
- sgaoileadh-sluaigh an t-saoghail global population distribution
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- sgaoileadh bailteil
- urban sprawl
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- sgaoilteachan
- solute
- n(m)
- sgaoilteachain - solute poss csolutes - sgaoilteachain pl
- Subject: Science
- sgaoilteachd
- solubility
- n(f)
- sgaoilteachd - solubility poss c
- Subject: Science
- sgàr
- scar
- n(m)
- sgàr - scar poss cscars - sgàraichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- sgaradh
- segregation
- n(m)
- sgaraidh - segregation poss c
- sgaradh ann an sgoiltean segregation in schools
- Subject: General
- sgaradh-pòsaidh
- divorce
- n(m)
- sgaraidh-pòsaidh - divorce poss cdivorces - sgaraidhean-pòsaidh pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Sgarba
- Scarba
- Eilean Sgarba Island of Scarba
- Subject: Geography
- sgàrlaid
- scarlet
- adj
- Subject: Art
- sgeadachadh
- accessory
- n(m)
- sgeadachaidh - accessory poss c
- àirneis agus sgeadachadh furniture and accessories
- aodach agus sgeadachadh clothing and accessories
- Subject: Home Economics
- sgeallag
- mustard
- n(f)
- sgeallaig(e) - mustard poss c
- Subject: Science
- sgeama
- scheme
- n(m/f)
- sgeama - scheme poss cschemes - sgeamaichean pl
- sgeama fèin-chuideachaidh self-help scheme
- sgeama làraichean-is-seirbheisean site and service scheme
- Sgeama nam Bratach Gorma Blue Flag Scheme
- sgeama park and ride park and ride scheme
- sgeamaichean coilltearachd sheasmach sustainable forestry schemes
- sgeamaichean dealain-uisge hydro-electric schemes
- Sgeamaichean Stiùbhardachd Dhùthchail Countryside Stewardship Schemes
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- sgeama fèin-chuideachaidh
- self-help scheme
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Sgeama nam Bratach Gorma
- Blue Flag Scheme
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- sgeama park and ride
- park and ride scheme
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- sgeidse
- sketch
- n(f)
- sgeidse - sketch poss csketches - sgeidsichean pl
- Subject: Art
- sgeidse-a-muigh
- field-sketch
- n(f)
- sgeidse-a-muigh - field-sketch poss cfield-sketches - sgeidsichean-a-muigh pl
- Subject: Geography
- sgèile
- scale
- n(f)
- sgèile - scale poss cscales - sgèilean plscales - sgèilichean pl
- a' cumadh sgèilean constructing scales
- cumadh sgèile construction of scale
- sgèile chromataig chromatic scale
- sgèile-dìridh ascending scale
- sgèile-teàrnaidh descending scale
- sgèile-teàrnaidh blues descending blues scale
- sgèilean còig-nota pentatonic scales
- sgèilean-dìridh ascending scales
- sgèilean-teàrnaidh descending scales
- Subject: Music
- sgèile
- scale
- n(f)
- sgèile - scale poss cscales - sgèilean plscales - sgèilichean pl
- dealbh-sgèile scale drawing
- diagram-sgèile scale diagram
- factar-sgèile scale factor
- modail-sgèile scale model
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgèile
- scale
- n(f)
- sgèile - scale poss cscales - sgèilean plscales - sgèilichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- sgèile Richter
- Richter scale
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- sgeilp deighe
- ice shelf
- n(f)
- sgeilpe deighe - ice shelf poss cice shelves - sgeilpichean deighe pl
- Subject: Geography
- sgeith-rionnaig
- shooting star
- n(f)
- sgeith-rionnaig - shooting star poss cshooting stars - sgeith-rionnagan pl
- Subject: Science
- sgeulaiche
- storyteller
- n(m)
- sgeulaiche - storyteller poss cstorytellers - sgeulaichean pl
- Subject: General
- sgian
- knife
- n(f)
- sgeine - knife poss cknives - sgeinean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- sgil
- skill
- n(m/f)
- sgil - skill poss cskills - sgilean pl
- a' leasachadh do sgilean developing your skills
- bun-sgilean core skills
- geàrr-shealladh den churraicealam curriculum at a glance
- Sgilean airson Alba Skills for Scotland
- sgilean airson obair skills for work
- sgilean ceasnachaidh enquiry skills
- sgilean fiosrachaidh agus litearrachd information skills and literacy
- sgilean ionnsachaidh study skills
- sgilean smaoineachaidh thinking skills
- Subject: General
- sgillinn
- pence
- n(f)
- sgillinn - pence poss cpence - sgillinnean pl
- 7sg 7p
- two pence dà sgillin
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgillinn
- penny
- n(f)
- sgillinn - penny poss cpennies - sgillinnean pl
- 7sg 7p
- aon sgillinn one penny
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgìre
- region
- n(f)
- sgìre - region poss cregions - sgìrean pl
- sgìre thropaigeach tropical region
- Subject: Geography
- sgìre
- district
- n(f)
- sgìre - district poss cdistricts - sgìrean pl
- Prìomh Sgìre-gnothachais (CBD) Central Business District (CBD)
- Sgìre a' Pheak The Peak District
- sgìre an t-Sratha district of Strath
- Sgìre nan Lakes Lake District
- Subject: Geography
- sgìre
- area
- n(f)
- sgìre - area poss careas - sgìrean pl
- sgìre bhailteil urban area
- sgìre dhùthchail rural area
- sgìre drèanaidh catchment area
- sgìre drèanaidh drainage basin
- sgìre drèanaidh drainage area
- sgìre le sàr-bhòidhchead nàdarra area of outstanding natural beauty
- sgìrean costail coastline areas
- Subject: Geography
- Sgìre nan Lakes
- Lake District
- n(m)
- Sgìre nan Lakes - Lake District poss c
- Pàirc Nàiseanta Sgìre nan Lakes Lake District National Park
- Subject: Geography
- sgìre-gnothachais
- business district
- n(f)
- sgìre-gnothachais - business district poss cbusiness districts - sgìrean-gnothachais pl
- Prìomh Sgìre-gnothachais (CBD) Central Business District (CBD)
- sgìre-gnothachais ùr new business district
- Subject: GeographyBusiness Studies
- sgìre-uisge
- basin
- n(f)
- sgìre-uisge - basin poss cbasins - sgìrean-uisge pl
- An Sgìre-uisge Mhòr the Great Basin
- An Sgìre-uisge Mhòr agus Leathad a' Chuain Shèimh Great Basin and Pacific Slope region
- Subject: Geography
- sgìrean costail
- coastline areas
- n(pl)
- Subject: Geography
- sgìrean dùthchail
- countryside
- n phr
- Sgeamaichean Stiùbhardachd Dhùthchail Countryside Stewardship Schemes
- Subject: Geography
- sgitheadair
- skier
- n(m)
- sgitheadair - skier poss cskiers - sgitheadairean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneralPhysical Education
- sgitheadh
- skiing
- n(m)
- sgithidh - skiing poss c
- baile-turasachd sgithidh ski resort
- sgitheadh-uisge water skiing
- Subject: GeographyGeneralPhysical Education
- sgitheadh-uisge
- water skiing
- n(m)
- sgithidh-uisge - water skiing poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralPhysical Education
- sglàib
- render
- n(f)
- sglàib - render poss crender - sglàibean pl
- Subject: Technical
- sglàib
- plaster
- n(f)
- sglàib - plaster poss cplaster - sglàibean pl
- Subject: Technical
- sglàibeadair
- plasterer
- n(m)
- sglàibeadair - plasterer poss cplasterers - sglàibeadairean pl
- Subject: Technical
- sglàibrich
- render
- vb
- Subject: Technical
- sglàibrich
- plaster
- vb
- Subject: Technical
- sglongaid
- mucus
- n(f)
- sglongaid(e) - mucus poss c
- Subject: Science
- sgoil
- school
- n(f)
- sgoile - school poss cschools - sgoiltean pl
- a' taghadh sgoil choosing a school
- àrd-sgoil secondary school
- bana-mhaighstir-sgoile schoolmistress
- bun-sgoil primary school
- ceangal ri sgoiltean schools liaison
- Ceannard-sgoile Headteacher
- co-thional sgoile school assembly
- deasbad ann an sgoiltean debating in schools
- Eag-sgoil Eco School
- feallsanachd ann an sgoiltean philosophy in schools
- foghlam ro-sgoile pre-school education
- gnìomhan sgoile school activities
- gnìomhan tar-sgoile whole-school activities
- ionnsachadh taobh a-muigh uairean na sgoile out of school hours learning
- leabhar-sgoile school book
- lorg cruinne sgoiltean schools' global footprint
- maighstir-sgoile schoolmaster
- ro-sgoil pre-school
- sgoil Shàbaid Sunday school
- sgoil-àraich nursery school
- sgoil-lagha law school
- Sgoil-lagha Harvard Harvard Law School
- sgoiltean adhartach schools of ambition
- Sgoiltean airson Slàinte Health Promoting Schools
- sgoiltean na h-Alba air-loidhne Scottish schools online
- Sgoiltean Sàr-mhath Adhartach Ambitious Excellent Schools
- taic phearsanta ann an sgoiltean personal support in schools
- taigh-sgoile schoolhouse
- Subject: General
- sgòr
- score
- n(m)
- sgòr - score poss cscores - sgòran pl
- sgòr-meadhain median score
- sgòr-mòdach modal score
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgòr
- score
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgòr-orcastra
- orchestration
- n(m)
- sgòr-orcastra - orchestration poss corchestrations - sgòran-orcastra pl
- Subject: Music
- sgòth
- cloud
- n(f)
- sgòtha - cloud poss cclouds - sgòthan pl
- còmhdach-sgòth cloud cover
- sgòth luatha ash cloud
- sgòthan nimbostratus nimbostratus clouds
- Subject: Geography
- sgòth luatha
- ash cloud
- n phr
- ash clouds - sgòthan luatha pl
- Subject: Geography
- Sgòth Oort
- Oort Cloud
- n(f)
- Sgòth Oort - Oort Cloud poss c
- Subject: Science
- sgrìn
- shrine
- n(f)
- sgrìne - shrine poss cshrines - sgrìnichean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- sgrìobach
- abrasive
- adj
- Subject: Science
- sgrìobhadair
- writer
- n(m)
- sgrìobhadair - writer poss cwriters - sgrìobhadairean pl
- ceàird an sgrìobhadair writer's craft
- Subject: General
- sgrìobhadh
- writing
- n(m)
- sgrìobhaidh - writing poss cwritings - sgrìobhaidhean pl
- innealan airson èisteachd agus labhairt/leughadh/sgrìobhadh tools for listening and talking/reading/writing
- pàipear-sgrìobhaidh writing paper
- sgrìobhadh cruthachail creative writing
- siostam sgrìobhaidh na Beurla English writing system
- siostaman sgrìobhaidh writing systems
- Subject: General
- sgrìobhaiche
- writer
- n(m)
- sgrìobhaiche - writer poss cwriters - sgrìobhaichean pl
- "Ceàird an Sgrìobhaiche" "Writer's Craft"
- Subject: General
- sgrìobhainn
- document
- n(f)
- sgrìobhainn(e) - document poss cdocuments - sgrìobhainnean pl
- prìomh sgrìobhainnean key documents
- sgrìobhainnean poileasaidh policy documents
- Subject: General
- sgrion
- screen
- n(f)
- sgrion - screen poss cscreens - sgrionaichean pl
- clò-bhuail làn-sgrion print full screen
- làn-sgrion full screen
- làn-sgrionaichean full screens
- leughadair sgrion screen reader
- Subject: Computing
- sgrion no taisbeanadh (a rèir suidheachadh)
- display
- n(m)
- sgrion no taisbeanaidh (a rèir suidheachadh) - display poss cdisplays - sgrionaichean no taisbeanaidhean (a rèir suidheachadh) pl
- ainm taisbeanaichte display name
- Feartan Sgrion no Feartan Taisbeanaidh (a rèir suidheachadh) Display Properties
- roghainnean sgrion no roghainnean taisbeanaidh (a rèir suidheachadh) display options
- sgrion a-bharrachd additional display
- sgrion a-muigh external display
- Subject: Computing
- sgriubha
- screw
- n(m/f)
- sgriubha - screw poss cscrews - sgriubhaichean pl
- fad an sgriubha length of the screw
- Subject: Technical
- sgriubhaire
- screwdriver
- n(m)
- sgriubhaire - screwdriver poss cscrewdrivers - sgriubhairean pl
- làmh an sgriubhaire handle of the screwdriver
- Subject: Technical
- sgrùdadh
- survey
- n(m)
- sgrùdaidh - survey poss csurveys - sgrùdaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sgrùdadh-cheallan
- histology
- n(m)
- sgrùdaidh-cheallan - histology poss c
- sgrùdadh-cheallan daonna human histology
- Subject: Science
- sgudal
- refuse
- n(m)
- sgudail - refuse poss c
- làraidh sgudail refuse lorry
- tionail-sgudail refuse collection
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- sgudal-d
- junk e-mail
- n(m)
- sgudail-d - junk e-mail poss c
- Subject: Computing
- sgudal-d
- junk mail
- n(m)
- sgudail-d - junk mail poss c
- Subject: Computing
- sgudal-d
- spam
- n(m)
- sgudail-d - spam poss c
- Subject: Computing
- sgudalair-d
- spammer
- n(m)
- sgudalair-d - spammer poss cspammers - sgudalairean-d pl
- Subject: Computing
- sguir
- end
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- sgunc
- skunk
- n(m)
- sgunc - skunk poss cskunks - sguncan pl
- Subject: Science
- Shields a Deas
- South Shields
- n(m)
- Shields a Deas - South Shields poss c
- taghaidhean ann an Shields a Deas elections in South Shields
- Subject: Geography
- sia
- six
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- sia-cheàrnach
- hexagon
- n(m)
- sia-cheàrnaich - hexagon poss chexagons - sia-cheàrnachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sia-cheàrnach(ail)
- hexagonal
- adj
- priosam le bonn sia-cheàrnach(ail) hexagon based prism
- priosam sia-cheàrnach(ail) hexagonal prism
- Subject: Mathematics
- sia-deug
- sixteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- Siabost
- Shawbost
- sgoil Shiaboist - Shawbost school poss c
- Subject: Geography
- siamang
- siamang
- n(m)
- siamang - siamang poss csiamangs - siamangan pl
- Subject: Science
- siathamh
- sixth
- adj
- an siathamh fear the sixth one
- an t-siathamh tè the sixth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- siathamh
- sixth
- n(m)
- siathaimh - sixth poss csixths - siathamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Siberia
- Siberia
- n(f)
- Shiberia - Siberia poss c
- Subject: Geography
- sìde
- weather
- n(f)
- sìde - weather poss c
- bàta sìde weather ship
- cearcall stèisean-sìde weather station circle
- deagh shìde good weather
- dian-shìde extreme weather
- droch shìde bad weather
- eileamaid sìde weather element
- inneal-sìde weather instrument
- siostam sìde weather system
- stèisean sìde weather station
- suidheachadh sìde weather conditions
- tuairmse sìde weather forecast
- Subject: Geography
- sìde-chaitheamh
- weathering
- n(m)
- sìde-chaitheimh - weathering poss c
- sìde-chaitheamh ceimigeach chemical weathering
- sìde-chaitheamh reothadh agus aiteamh freeze-thaw weathering
- Subject: Geography
- sìde-eòlas
- meteorology
- n(m)
- sìde-eòlais - meteorology poss c
- Subject: Science
- Sierra Leone
- Sierra Leone
- n(m/f)
- Shierra Leone - Sierra Leone poss c
- gnàth-shìde Shierra Leone climate of Sierra Leone
- Subject: Geography
- sige
- jig
- n(f)
- sige - jig poss cjigs - sigean pl
- Subject: Music
- sileacon
- silicon
- n(m)
- sileacoin - silicon poss c
- Subject: Science
- sileadh
- rainfall
- n(m)
- silidh - rainfall poss c
- sileadh conbheacsanach convectional rainfall
- sileadh orografaig orographic rainfall
- sileadh orografaig relief rainfall
- Subject: Geography
- sileadh
- precipitation
- n(m)
- silidh - precipitation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- sileadh-mìos
- period
- n(m)
- sileadh-mìos - period poss c
- pian sileadh-mìos period pain
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- silt
- silt
- n(m)
- silt - silt poss c
- Subject: Geography
- silteachan
- emission
- n(m)
- silteachain - emission poss cemissions - silteachain pl
- silteachain oidhche nocturnal emissions
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- sìmpleachadh
- simplification
- n(m)
- sìmpleachaidh - simplification poss csimplifications - sìmpleachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sìmplich
- simplify
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- sìmplidh
- simple
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- sìn
- lengthen
- vb
- sìn an nota lengthen the note
- Subject: Music
- sìn
- rest on
- vb
- sìn an nota sin rest on that note
- Subject: Music
- sìn
- stretch
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- sinc
- zinc
- n(m)
- sinc - zinc poss c
- sinc ogsaid zinc oxide
- sinc sulfaid zinc sulfide
- Subject: Science
- sinc
- sink
- n(m/f)
- since - sink poss csinks - sinceachan plsinks - sincean pl
- sinc-teas heat sink
- Subject: Technical
- sìneadh
- stretch
- n(m)
- sìnidh - stretch poss cstretches - sìnidhean pl
- factar-sìnidh stretch factor
- sìneadh aon-shligheach one-way stretch
- Subject: Mathematics
- Singapore
- Singapore
- n(m/f)
- Shingapore - Singapore poss c
- taighean-òsta Shingapore hotels of Singapore
- Subject: Geography
- singilte
- singular
- adj
- a' chiad phearsa singilte first person singular
- Subject: Language
- singilte
- single
- adj
- aon-didseat single digit
- aon-fhigear single digit
- aon-fhigear single figure
- figear singilte single digit
- Subject: Mathematics
- sinteataig
- synthetic
- adj
- stuthan sinteataig synthetic materials
- Subject: Science
- siocamor
- sycamore
- n(m)
- siocamoir - sycamore poss csycamores - siocamoran pl
- Subject: Science
- sìochantach
- pacifist
- n(m)
- sìochantaich - pacifist poss cpacifists - sìochantaich pl
- Subject: General
- sìochantas
- pacifism
- n(m)
- sìochantais pacifism
- Subject: General
- Siog
- Sikh
- n(m)
- Sioga - Sikh poss cSikhs - Siogaich plSikhs - Siogan pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Siogach
- Sikh
- adj
- teampall Siogach Sikh temple
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Siogachd
- Sikhism
- n(f)
- Siogachd - Sikhism poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- sìol
- sperm
- n(m)
- cealla-sìl sperm cell
- pìob-sìl sperm tube
- Subject: Science
- sìol
- seed
- n(m)
- sìl - seed poss cseeds - sìl pl
- bàrr sìol-ola oil seed rape
- sìol-toradh-àrd (HYV) High Yield Variety seeds (HYV)
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- sìol-peasrach
- pulse
- n(m)
- sìl-pheasraich - pulse poss cpulses - sìl-pheasrach pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- sìol-toradh-àrd (HYV)
- High Yield Variety seeds (HYV)
- n(m)
- sìl-toradh-àrd (HYV) - High Yield Variety seeds (HYV) poss c
- Subject: Geography
- sìolaich
- spawn
- vb
- iasg a’ sìolachadh spawning fish
- Subject: Science
- siolandair
- cylinder
- n(m)
- siolandair - cylinder poss ccylinders - siolandairean pl
- siolandair-tomhais measuring cylinder
- Subject: Mathematics
- siomfonaidh
- symphony
- n(m)
- siomfonaidh - symphony poss csymphonies - siomfonaidhean pl
- orcastra shiomfonaidh symphony orchestra
- siomfonaidh pastarail pastoral symphony
- Subject: Music
- Sìona
- China
- n(m/f)
- Shìona - China poss c
- aibhnichean Shìona rivers of China
- Balla Mòr Shìona Great Wall of China
- Sìona agus ceàrnaidhean mun cuairt China and adjacent areas
- Subject: Geography
- Sìonach
- Chinese
- adj
- biadh Sìonach Chinese food
- Subject: Geography
- Sìonach
- Chinese
- n(m)
- Sìonaich - Chinese poss cChinese - Sìonaich pl
- ban-Shìonach Chinese (female)
- Subject: Geography
- sionagog
- synagogue
- n(m)
- sionagog - synagogue poss csynagogues - sionagogan pl
- Subject: GeographyReligious and Moral Education
- Sionainn
- Shannon
- Subject: Geography
- sionnach
- fox
- n(m)
- sionnaich - fox poss cfoxes - sionnaich pl
- earball sionnaich fox's tail
- sionnach feanaig fennec fox
- Subject: Science
- sionoptaig
- synoptic
- adj
- clàr sionoptaig synoptic chart
- Subject: Geography
- sìor-ghorm
- evergreen
- adj
- craobh shìor-ghorm evergreen tree
- craobhan sìor-ghorm evergreen trees
- Subject: Science
- siorcònium
- zirconium
- n(m)
- siorcònium - zirconium poss c
- Subject: Science
- siorrachd
- shire
- n(f)
- siorrachd - shire poss cshires - siorrachdan pl
- Siorrachd Chambridge Cambridgeshire
- Siorrachd Ghloucester Gloucestershire
- Wolds Siorrachd York Yorkshire Wolds
- Subject: Geography
- Siorrachd Iorc
- Yorkshire
- n(f)
- Siorrachd Iorc - Yorkshire poss c
- Siorrachd Iorc a Tuath North Yorkshire
- sluagh Siorrachd Iorc Yorkshire people
- Wolds Siorrachd York Yorkshire Wolds
- Subject: Geography
- Siorrachd Lannraig
- Lanarkshire
- comhairlichean Siorrachd Lannraig Lanarkshire councillors
- Subject: Geography
- Siorrachd Lincoln
- Lincolnshire
- n(f)
- Siorrachd Lincoln - Lincolnshire poss c
- Siorrachd Lincoln ann an taobh an ear Shasainn Lincolnshire in the east of England
- Subject: Geography
- sìosmaig
- seismic
- adj
- crithean sìosmaig seismic activity
- tonnan sìosmaig seismic waves
- Subject: GeographyScience
- sìosmograf
- seismograph
- n(m)
- sìosmograif - seismograph poss cseismographs - sìosmografan pl
- Subject: Geography
- siostam
- system
- n(m)
- siostaim - system poss csystems - siostaman pl
- siostam analachaidh breathing system
- siostam analachaidh respiratory system
- siostam dìon-bodhaig immune system
- siostaman beus-eòlach ethical systems
- siostaman conaltraidh communication systems
- siostaman fiosrachaidh information systems
- siostaman sgrìobhaidh writing systems
- Subject: General
- siostam
- system
- n(m)
- siostaim - system poss csystems - siostaman pl
- neach-anailis shiostaman systems analyst
- neach-anailis siostaman fiosrachaidh informations systems analyst
- rianaire siostaim system administrator
- siostam rianachd susbaint (CMS) content management system (CMS)
- Subject: Computing
- siostam
- system
- n(m)
- siosta(i)m - system poss csystems - siostaman pl
- siostam airgid monetary system
- siostam cunntaidh counting system
- siostam-comharraidh notation system
- Subject: Mathematics
- siostam cnàmhaidh
- digestive system
- n phr
- siostam iom-fhillte a’ chnàmhaidh the complex digestive system
- Subject: Science
- siota
- sheet
- n(f)
- siota - sheet poss csheets - siotaichean pl
- Iar-Shiota Stoidhle (CSS) Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- siota stoidhle style sheet
- Subject: Computing
- Siria
- Syria
- n(m/f)
- Shiria - Syria poss c
- Poblachd Shiria Republic of Syria
- Subject: Geography
- sit-ins
- sit-ins
- n phr
- Subject: History
- sìthean
- flower
- n(m)
- sìthein - flower poss cflowers - sìtheanan plflowers - sìthein pl
- dath sìthein colour of a flower
- Subject: Science
- siubhal
- travel
- n(m)
- siubhail - travel poss c
- companaidh siubhail travel agent
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal geography and travel
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Afraga geography of and travel in Africa
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Àisia geography of and travel in Asia
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Deas geography of and travel in South America
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Tuath geography of and travel in North America
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an Roinn Eòrpa geography of and travel in Europe
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal anns an t-saoghal àrsaidh geography of and travel in ancient world
- cruinn-eòlas, agus siubhal ann an ceàrnaidhean eile geography of and travel in other areas
- siubhal agus turasachd travel and tourism
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Skeptic
- Skeptic
- adj
- feallsanachdan Skeptic agus Nuadh-phlatonach Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies
- Subject: General
- Skylley Maayl
- Kirk Michael
- n(m)
- Skylley Maayl - Kirk Michael poss c
- Urras Skylley Maayl Kirk Michael Trust
- Subject: Geography
- Slàbhach
- Slavic
- adj
- cànanan Slàbhach Slavic languages
- cruinneachaidhean anns na cànanan Slàbhach collections in Slavic languages
- irisean anns na cànanan Slàbhach serials in Slavic languages
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais anns na cànanan Slàbhach encyclopedias in Slavic languages
- Subject: Language
- slaighd
- slide
- n(f)
- slaighde - slide poss cslides - slaighdean pl
- Subject: Science
- slaighd
- slide
- n(f)
- slaighde - slide poss cslides - slaighdean pl
- slaighd Powerpoint Powerpoint slide
- Subject: Computing
- slàinte
- health
- n(f)
- slàinte - health poss c
- a' cumail mo bhodhaig fallain keeping my body healthy
- Achd na Slàinte Health Act
- bòrd slàinte health board
- Comhairle na Slàinte Health Council
- cùram-slàinte health care
- Eòlas Slàinte Health Studies
- Facaltaidh na Slàinte Faculty of Health
- ionad-slàinte health centre
- leigheas agus slàinte medicine and health
- Seirbheis na Slàinte the Health Service
- Sgoiltean airson Slàinte Health Promoting Schools
- Slàinte Good Health
- slàinte cheers
- slàinte agus sàbhailteachd health and safety
- slàinte agus sunnd health and well-being
- slàinte agus sunnd tar-ionnsachaidh health and wellbeing across learning
- slàinte bodhaig agus inntinn health of body and mind
- slàinte ghnèitheasach sexual health
- stiùireadh slàinte dhùthchail rural health management
- Subject: Personal and Social EducationGeneral
- slàinteachail
- hygienic
- adj
- Subject: Science
- slàinteachas
- hygiene
- n(m)
- slàinteachais - hygiene poss c
- slàinteachas beòil oral hygiene
- Subject: Science
- slàintealachd
- sanitation
- n(f)
- slàintealachd - sanitation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- slàinteil
- sanitary
- adj
- einnseanaireachd shlàinteil sanitary engineering
- Subject: General
- slàn
- whole
- adj
- àireamh shlàn whole number
- Subject: Mathematics
- slàn-dhùnadh
- full-close
- n(m)
- slàn-dhùnaidh - full-close poss cfull-closes - slàn-dhùnaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- slaodaire
- sloth
- n(m)
- slaodaire - sloth poss csloths - slaodairean pl
- Subject: Science
- slat-tomhais
- standard
- n(f)
- slait-thomhais - standard poss cstandards - slatan-tomhais pl
- slat-tomhais neo-shuidhichte arbitrary standard
- Subject: Mathematics
- slat-tomhais
- criterion
- n(f)
- slait-thomhais - criterion poss ccriteria - slatan-tomhais pl
- slatan-tomhais soirbheachais success criteria
- Subject: General
- slat
- yard
- n(f)
- slait - yard poss cyards - slatan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Sliabh Chill Mhantáin
- Wicklow Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Sliabh Dónairt
- Slieve Donard
- Subject: Geography
- Sliabh Gamh
- Slieve Gamph
- Subject: Geography
- Sliabh Phartraí
- Partry Mts
- Subject: Geography
- Sliabh Sneachta
- Slieve Snaght
- Subject: Geography
- Sliabh Speirín
- Sperrin Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Sligeach
- Sligo
- Subject: Geography
- slighe
- path
- n(f)
- slighe - path poss cpaths - slighean pl
- an t-slighe uasal ochd-fillte the noble eightfold path
- slighe reul-chuairt orbital path
- Subject: General
- slighe
- route
- n(f)
- slighe - route poss croutes - slighean pl
- gabh cùrsa chun na h-àird a deas take a southerly route
- prìomh shlighe primary route
- slighe aiseig chàraichean car ferry route
- slighe Eòrpach European route
- slighe malairt trade route
- slighe phoblach route with public access
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- slighe a' bhìdh
- alimentary canal
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Slighe Chlann Uisnich
- Milky Way
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- slighe còir-phoblach
- public right of way
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- slighe fhad-astarach
- long distance route
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- slighe phoblach
- route with public access
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- slighe-trafaig
- trafficway
- n(f)
- slighe-trafaig - trafficway poss ctrafficways - slighean-trafaig pl
- ailtireachd deilbh-tìre shlighean-trafaig landscape architecture of trafficways
- Subject: General
- slighe-uisge
- waterway
- n(f)
- slighe-uisge - waterway poss cwaterways - slighean-uisge pl
- còmhdhail slighe-uisge waterway transportation
- còmhdhail slighe-uisge in-thìreach inland waterway transportation
- Subject: Geography
- sligheadaireachd
- orienteering
- n(f)
- sligheadaireachd - orienteering poss c
- puingean-mapa air cùrsa sligheadaireachd waypoints on an orienteering course
- Subject: Physical Education
- Slobhagia
- Slovakia
- n(m/f)
- Shlobhagia - Slovakia poss c
- Poblachd Shlobhagia Republic of Slovakia
- Subject: Geography
- Slobhinia
- Slovenia
- n(m/f)
- Shlobhinia - Slovenia poss c
- Poblachd Shlobhinia Republic of Slovenia
- Subject: Geography
- sloinneadh
- surname
- n(m)
- sloinnidh - surname poss csurnames - sloinnidhean pl
- Subject: General
- sloinntearachd
- genealogy
- n(f)
- sloinntearachd - genealogy poss c
- eachdraidh-beatha agus sloinntearachd biography and genealogy
- eachdraidh-beatha, sloinntearachd agus suaicheantais biography, genealogy and insignia
- sloinntearachd, ainmean agus suaicheantais genealogy, names and insignia
- Subject: General
- sluagh
- population
- n(m)
- sluaigh - population poss cpopulations - slòigh pl
- àireamh-sluaigh population (number)
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh population density
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh àrd high population density
- dùmhlachd-sluaigh ìosal low population density
- pioramaid-sluaigh population pyramid
- sgaoileadh-sluaigh population distribution
- sgaoileadh-sluaigh an t-saoghail global population distribution
- Subject: Geography
- sluaghmhor
- densely populated
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- sluaisreadh
- swash
- n(m)
- sluaisridh - swash poss c
- Subject: Geography
- slugan
- gullet
- n(m)
- slugain - gullet poss cgullets - sluganan pl
- Subject: Science
- slugan
- oesophagus
- n(m)
- slugain - oesophagus poss coesophagi - sluganan pl
- Subject: Science
- slum
- slum
- n(m)
- slum - slum poss cslum - slumaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- slur
- slur
- n(m)
- slur - slur poss cslur - sluran pl
- Subject: Music
- smèideadh
- wave
- n(m)
- smèididh - wave poss c
- a' smèideadh waving
- Subject: General
- smeòrach
- thrush
- n(f)
- smeòraich - thrush poss cthrushes - smeòraichean pl
- Subject: Science
- smeur
- bramble
- n(f)
- smeura - bramble poss cbrambles - smeuran pl
- Subject: Science
- smog
- smog
- n(f)
- smog - smog poss c
- smog thachdach choking smog
- Subject: Geography
- snaigheadaireachd
- carving
- n(f)
- snaigheadaireachd - carving poss c
- Subject: Art
- snaigheadh
- sculpture
- n(m)
- snaighidh - sculpture poss csculptures - snaighidhean pl
- ìomhaigh shnaighte piece of sculpture
- pròiseasan, cruthan agus cuspairean snaighte processes, forms and subjects of sculpture
- snaigheadh bho 1400 sculpture from 1400
- snaigheadh Greugach, Etruscanach agus Ròmanach Greek, Etruscan and Roman sculpture
- snaigheadh gu ca. 500 sculpture to ca. 500
- snaigheadh, searamaigs agus obair-mheatailt sculpture, ceramics and metalwork
- Subject: General
- snaighte
- inscribed
- adj
- cearcall snaighte inscribed circle
- Subject: Mathematics
- snaighte
- sculpted
- adj
- obair shnaighte sculpted works
- Subject: Art
- snaighte
- carved
- adj
- fiodh snaighte carved wood
- obair shnaighte a carving
- obraichean snaighte carvings
- Subject: Art
- snàithlean
- thread
- n(m)
- snàithlein - thread poss cthreads - snàithleanan pl
- bàrr snàithlein top of thread
- tòisich snàithlean ùr start new thread
- Subject: Computing
- sneachd
- snow
- n(m)
- sneachda - snow poss c
- ball-sneachda snowball
- cur-sneachda snowfall
- Subject: Geography
- sneachd
- snow
- n(m)
- sneachda - snow poss c
- ball-sneachda snowball
- ball-sneachda cosmaig cosmic snowball
- bodach-sneachda snowman
- sneachd carbon dà-ogsaid carbon dioxide snow
- Subject: GeographyGeneralScience
- Sniaul
- Snaefell
- n(m)
- Shniaul - Snaefell poss c
- Sniaul - a' bheinn is àirde air Eilean Mhanainn Snaefell - the highest mountain on the Isle of Man
- Subject: Geography
- snìomhan
- helix
- n(m)
- snìomhain - helix poss chelixes - snìomhain pl
- Subject: Science
- snìomhan
- spiral
- n(m)
- snìomhain - spiral poss cspirals - snìomhanan pl
- Subject: Science
- snìomhanach
- helical
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- snìomhanach
- spiral
- adj
- cruth snìomhanach spiral shape
- Subject: Mathematics
- snucair
- snooker
- n(m)
- snucair - snooker poss c
- Subject: GeneralPhysical Education
- so-luchdaichte
- downloadable
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- so-roinnte
- divisible
- adj
- so-roinnte slàn le 3 exactly divisible by 3
- Subject: Mathematics
- so-sgaoilte
- soluble
- adj
- pùdar so-sgaoilte soluble powder
- Subject: Science
- Sobhieteach
- Soviet
- adj
- An t-Aonadh Sobhieteach Soviet Union
- an t-seann Aonadh Sobhieteach the former Soviet Union
- feallsanachd an t-seann Aonaidh Shobhietich philosophy of former Soviet Union
- Subject: Geography
- Sobhieteach
- Soviet
- n(m)
- Sobhietich - Soviet poss cSoviets - Sobhietich pl
- Subject: Geography
- socaid
- socket
- n(f)
- socaid(e) - socket poss csockets - socaidean pl
- Subject: Technical
- sochair
- benefit
- n(f)
- sochair(e) - benefit poss cbenefits - sochairean pl
- sochair chloinne child benefit
- sochair cion-cosnaidh unemployment benefit
- Subject: General
- sochairean
- welfare
- n(pl)
- duilgheadasan shochairean sòisealta social welfare problems
- seirbheisean shochairean sòisealta social welfare services
- sochairean sòisealta social welfare
- stàit shochairen welfare state
- Subject: General
- Socratach
- Socratic
- adj
- feallsanachdan Greugach ro-Shocratach pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
- feallsanachdan Socratach Socratic philosophies
- ro-Shocratach pre-Socratic
- Subject: General
- sodium
- sodium
- n(m)
- sodium - sodium poss c
- sodium carbonat sodium carbonate
- sodium clòraid sodium chloride
- sodium fluaraid sodium fluoride
- Subject: Science
- soidhne
- sign
- n(m)
- soidhne - sign poss csigns - soidhnichean pl
- cànanan soidhne sign languages
- soidhne cur-ris plus sign
- soidhne toirt-air-falbh minus sign
- Subject: Mathematics
- soidhne
- symbol
- n(m)
- soidhne - symbol poss csymbols - soidhnichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- soidhne @
- at sign
- n(m)
- soidhne @ - at sign poss cat signs - soidhneachan @ pl
- Subject: Computing
- soidhnig a-mach
- sign out
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- soidhnig a-steach
- sign in
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- soillseachadh
- illumination
- n(m)
- soillseachaidh - illumination poss cilluminations - soillseachaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- soillseachadh
- illustration
- n(m)
- soillseachaidh - illustration poss cillustrations - soillseachaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- soirbhich
- succeed
- vb
- a' strì gu soirbheachadh determined to succeed
- Subject: General
- sòisealachd
- socialism
- n(f)
- sòisealachd agus siostaman co-cheangailte - socialism and related systems poss csocialism - sòisealachd pl
- Subject: Modern Studies
- sòisealta
- social
- adj
- buidhnean sòisealta social groups
- ceartas sòisealta social justice
- cùisean a tha a' toirt buaidh air modhan sòisealta factors affecting social behaviour
- cuspairean sòisealta social subjects
- Deamocratach Sòisealta Social Democrat
- duilgheadasan sòisealta social problems
- eadar-obair shòisealta social interaction
- Eòlas Pearsanta agus Sòisealta Personal and Social Education
- eòlas sòisealta social studies
- eòlas-diadhachd sòisealta social theology
- lagh sòisealta social law
- làraichean-lìn sòisealta social network sites
- lìonrachadh sòisealta social networking
- modhan sòisealta social behaviour
- obair shòisealta social work
- pròiseasan sòisealta social processes
- saidheansan sòisealta social sciences
- seirbheisean sòisealta social services
- sochairean sòisealta social security
- sunnd sòisealta social well-being
- taisbeanair sòisealta social indicator
- Subject: General
- soiseòlas
- sociology
- n(f)
- soiseòlais - sociology poss c
- saidheansan sòisealta, soiseòlas agus daonn-eòlas social sciences, sociology and anthropology
- Subject: General
- soisgeul
- gospel
- n(m)
- soisgeil - gospel poss cgospels - soisgeulan pl
- an Soisgeul the Gospel
- Na Soisgeulan agus Na Gnìomharan Gospels and Acts
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- soisgeulach
- evangelistic
- adj
- seirbheisean soisgeulach evangelistic services
- sgrìobhaidhean soisgeulach do dhaoine fa leth evangelistic writings for individuals
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- soitheach
- ship
- n(m/f)
- soithich - ship poss cships - soithichean pl
- gàrradh-iarainn shipyard
- togail shoithichean shipbuilding
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- solas
- light
- n(m)
- solais - light poss clights - solais pl
- bliadhna-solais light year
- luaths solais speed of light
- seansar-solais light sensor
- solas an latha daylight
- solas na grèine sunlight
- tachartasan solais agus fo-dhearg agus ultra-bhìolait light and infrared and ultraviolet phenomena
- taigh-solais lighthouse
- Subject: General
- solas an latha
- daylight
- n phr
- solas an latha - daylight poss c
- ri solas an latha in daylight
- Subject: Science
- solas na grèine
- sunlight
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- Somàlia
- Somalia
- n(m/f)
- Shomàilia - Somalia poss c
- ceann-suidhe Shomàilia president of Somalia
- Subject: Geography
- Sombaidh
- Zombie
- n(m)
- Sombaidh - Zombie poss cZombies - Sombaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- sòn
- zone
- n(m) / n
- sòn - zone poss czones - sònaichean pl
- sòn an atharrachaidh transition zone
- sòn crìoch-pleata plate boundary zone
- sòn fo-bhruthaidh subduction zone
- sòn gnìomhachais industrial zone
- sòn gnìomhachais ùr new industrial zone
- sòn taigheadais housing zone
- sòn taigheadais ùr new housing zone
- sòn tìme time zone
- sòn toirmisgte exclusion zone
- sònaichean chrithean-talmhainn beò active earthquake zones
- sònaichean cleachdadh-fearainn land use zones
- Subject: Geography
- sònadh
- zoning
- n(m)
- sònaidh - zoning poss c
- Subject: Geography
- sònrachadh
- highlight
- n(m)
- sònrachaidh - highlight poss chighlights - sònrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- sònrachadh
- highlighting
- n(m)
- sònrachaidh - highlighting poss chighlighting - sònrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- sònraich
- highlight
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- sònraichte
- specific
- adj
- bathair eile de stuthan sònraichte other products of specific materials
- clàran leabhraichean de dh'obraichean air cuspairean sònraichte bibliographies of works on specific subjects
- clàran leabhraichean de dh'obraichean bho àiteachan sònraichte bibliographies of works from specific places
- cuspairean àraid ann an eachdraidh nàdarra specific topics in natural history
- cuspairean sònraichte ann am para-saidhceòlas agus os-nàdarrachd specific topics in parapsychology and occultism
- feallsanachdan sònraichte specific philosophical schools
- lagh uachdranasan agus cheàrnaidhean sònraichte law of specific jurisdictions and areas
- leabharlannan airson chuspairean sònraichte libraries for specific subjects
- nithean agus tachartasan anns na speuran specific celestial bodies and phenomena
- obair-dèanaimh airson fheuman sònraichte manufacture for specific uses
- pàirtean sònraichte agus siostaman ann an lusan specific parts of and systems in plants
- raointean sònraichte de rianachd phoblach specific fields of public administration
- siostaman sònraichte beò-eòlach bheathaichean specific physiological systems in animals
- stuthan agus adhbharan sònraichte specific materials and purposes
- Subject: General
- sònraichte
- special
- adj
- cuspairean sònraichte special topics
- dòighean sònraichte coimpiutair special computer methods
- foghlam sònraichte special education
- tairgse shònraichte special offer
- Subject: General
- Sord
- Swords
- Subject: Geography
- sòrnan-dealain
- electric ray
- n(m)
- sòrnan-dealain - electric ray poss celectric rays - sòrnain-dealain pl
- Subject: Science
- Sòthaigh
- Soay
- Eilean Shòthaigh Isle of Soay
- Subject: Geography
- soya
- soya
- adj
- pònair soya soya beans
- Subject: Home Economics
- spacebar
- spacebar
- n(m)
- spacebar - spacebar poss c
- Subject: Computing
- spàin
- spoon
- n(f)
- spàine - spoon poss cspoons - spàineachan plspoons - spàinean plspoons - spàintean pl
- spàinean adhairce horn spoons
- Subject: Home Economics
- Spàinn(t)each
- Spaniard
- n(m)
- Spàinn(t)ich - Spaniard poss cSpaniards - Spàinn(t)ich pl
- ban-Spàinn(t)each Spaniard (female)
- Subject: Geography
- Spàinn(t)each
- Spanish
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Spàinn(t)is
- Spanish
- n(f)
- Spàinn(t)is - Spanish poss c
- cleachdadh stèidhichte na Spàinntis Standard Spanish usage
- cruinneachaidhean ann an Spàinntis collections in Spanish
- diofar riochdan na Spàinntis Spanish language variations
- faclairean Spàinntis Spanish dictionaries
- foneòlas na Spàinntis Spanish phonology
- Subject: Language
- spànadh
- spawning
- n(m)
- Subject: Computing
- speactram
- spectrum
- n(m)
- speactraim - spectrum poss cspectra - speactraman pl
- a' cleachdadh an speactraim dealan-mhagnaitich using the electromagnetic spectrum
- Subject: Science
- spèileabord
- skateboard
- n(m)
- spèileabuird - skateboard poss cskateboards - spèileabuird pl
- Subject: Physical Education
- spèileadh
- skating
- n(m)
- spèilidh - skating poss c
- Subject: Physical Education
- speinsean
- suspension
- n(m)
- speinsean - suspension poss c
- Subject: Geography
- speisealta
- specialised
- adj
- ceallan neo-speisealta non-specialised cells
- ceallan speisealta specialised cells
- Subject: General
- spìonadh
- plucking
- n(m)
- spìonaidh - plucking poss c
- Subject: Geography
- spioradail
- spiritual
- adj
- ath-nuadhachadh spioradail spiritual renewal
- creutairean spioradail spiritual beings
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- spong
- sponge
- n(m)
- spuing - sponge poss csponges - spongan pl
- Subject: Science
- spòrs
- sport
- n(f)
- spòrsa - sport poss csports - spòrsan pl
- àite spòrs sports venue
- brà spòrs sports bra
- gnìomhachd chorporra agus spòrs physical activity and sports
- goireasan spòrs sports facilities
- ionad-spòrs sports centre
- spòrs, geamannan agus dibhearsain sports, games and entertainment
- spòrsan a-muigh outdoor sports
- spòrsan adhair air sports
- spòrsan lùth-chleasach athletic sports
- spòrsan marcachd equestrian sports
- spòrsan uisge aquatic sports
- Subject: Physical Education
- spot
- dot
- n(m)
- spot - dot poss cdots - spotan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- spot
- spot
- n(m)
- spot - spot poss cspots - spotan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- spreadhadh
- eruption
- n(m)
- spreadhaidh - eruption poss ceruptions - spreadhaidhean pl
- spreadhadh bholcànach volcanic eruption
- Subject: GeographyScience
- sràid
- street
- n(f)
- sràide - street poss cstreets - sràidean pl
- pàtran-clèithe shràidean grid iron street pattern
- sràid aon-shligheach one-way street
- Sràid nam Prionnsan Princes' Street
- sràid-coise pedestrianised street
- Subject: Geography
- Sráid na Cathrach
- Milltown Malbay
- Subject: Geography
- Sràid nam Prionnsan
- Princes' Street
- n(f)
- Sràid nam Prionnsan - Princes' Street poss c
- Subject: Geography
- srath
- valley
- n(m)
- sratha - valleys poss cvalleys - srathan pl
- Srath Thames Thames Valley
- Subject: Geography
- srath
- strath
- n(m)
- sratha - strath poss cstraths - srathan pl
- sgìre an t-Sratha district of Strath
- Subject: Geography
- Srath Chura
- Strachur
- coimhearsnachd Shrath Chura Strachur community
- Subject: Geography
- Srath Iorc
- Vale of York
- n(m)
- Srath Iorc - Vale of York poss c
- eachdraidh nàdarra Srath Iorc Vale of York's natural history
- Subject: Geography
- Srath Phickering
- Vale of Pickering
- n(m)
- Srath Phickering - Vale of Pickering poss c
- gnàth-shìde Shrath Phickering Vale of Pickering's climate
- Subject: Geography
- sreath
- series
- n(m/f)
- sreatha - series poss cseries - sreathan pl
- ceangailte ann an sreath connected in series
- sreath actinium actinium series
- sreath nan actanach actinide series
- sreath nan actanach actinoid series
- sreath nan lantanach lanthanide series
- sreath nan lantanach lanthanoid series
- sreath neiptiunium neptunium series
- sreath torium thorium series
- sreath uranium uranium series
- Subject: Science
- sreath
- line
- n(f)
- sreatha - line poss clines - sreathan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sreath
- row
- n(m/f)
- sreatha - row poss crows - sreathan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sreath
- range
- n(m/f)
- sreatha - range poss cranges - sreathan pl
- An t-Sreath-dealachaidh Mhòr Great Dividing Range
- Sreath Hammersley Hammersley Range
- Sreathan MhacDonnell MacDonnell Ranges
- Subject: Geography
- sreath
- series
- n(m/f)
- sreatha - series poss cseries - sreathan pl
- sreath aritmeataigeach arithmetic series
- sreath geoimeatrach geometric series
- sreath MacLaurin Maclaurin series
- sreath neo-chrìochnach infinite series
- sreath-dlùthachaidh converging series
- sreath-meudachaidh diverging series
- Subject: Mathematics
- sreath òrdaichte
- array
- n(m/f)
- sreatha òrdaichte - array poss carrays - sreathan òrdaichte pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- sreathach
- in series
- adj
- ceangailte ann an sreath connected in series
- cuairt shreathach series circuit
- Subject: Science
- sreathach
- linear
- adj
- fuincsean sreathach linear function
- Subject: Mathematics
- sreathan chlachan
- stone lines
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka
- n(m/f)
- Shri Lanka - Sri Lanka poss c
- Poblachd Shri Lanka Republic of Sri Lanka
- Subject: Geography
- Sruighlea
- Stirling
- Caisteal Shruighlea Stirling Castle
- Subject: Geography
- sruth cuartachaidh
- convection current
- n(m)
- srutha chuartachaidh - convection current poss cconvection currents - sruthan cuartachaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- sruth paidhreaclastaig
- pyroclastic flow
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- sruth-chruthachd
- aerodynamics
- n(f)
- sruth-chruthachd - aerodynamics poss c
- Subject: Science
- sruthach
- fluid
- adj
- meacanaigs stuth sruthach fluid mechanics
- stuth sruthach fluid material
- Subject: Science
- sruthail
- aerodynamic
- adj
- cruth sruthail aerodynamic shape
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- sruthan
- stream
- n(m)
- sruthain - stream poss cstreams - sruthain pl
- sruthan lùbach meandering stream
- Subject: Geography
- St. Kitts agus Nevis
- St. Kitts and Nevis
- n(m/f)
- St. Kitts agus Nevis - St. Kitts and Nevis poss c
- Feadaralachd St. Kitts agus Nevis Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis
- Subject: Geography
- St. Lucia
- St. Lucia
- n(m/f)
- St. Lucia - St. Lucia poss c
- meud St. Lucia size of St. Lucia
- Subject: Geography
- St. Vincent agus Na Grenadines
- St. Vincent and The Grenadines
- n phr
- St. Vincent agus Na Grenadines - St. Vincent and The Grenadines poss c
- eileanan St. Vincent agus nan Grenadines islands of St. Vincent and The Grenadines
- Subject: Geography
- stac
- stack
- n(m)
- staca - stack poss cstack - stacannan pl
- Subject: Geography
- stad
- stop
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- staid
- state
- n(f)
- staide - state poss cstates - staidean pl
- fo-mhothachadh agus staidean atharraichte subconscious and altered states
- Subject: General
- stàilinn
- steel
- n(f)
- stàilinn(e) - steel poss c
- aloidh stàilinn alloy steel
- clòimh stàilinn steel wool
- rùilear stàilinn steel rule
- stàilinn thungstain tungsten steel
- Subject: Science
- stàit
- state
- n(f)
- stàite - state poss cstates - stàitean pl
- ceann a deas meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte south central United States
- Ceann a tuath meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte North central United States
- dàimh stàite ri buidhnean eagraichte relation of state to organized groups
- ear-dheas nan Stàitean Aonaichte southeastern United States
- Ear-thuath nan Stàitean Aonaichte Northeastern United States
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte United States of America
- Na Stàitean Aonaichte an Iar Western United States
- siostaman riaghaltasan agus stàitean systems of governments and states
- Stàitean Feadaralach Mhicronesia Federated States of Micronesia
- Subject: Geography
- Stàitean Feadaralach Mhicronesia
- Federated States of Micronesia
- n(pl)
- Stàitean Feadaralach Mhicronesia - Federated States of Micronesia poss c
- eileanan Stàitean Feadaralach Mhicronesia islands of the Federated States of Micronesia
- Subject: Geography
- staitistearachd
- statistics
- n(f)
- staitistearachd - statistics poss c
- Subject: General
- staitistig
- statistic
- n(f)
- staitistig - statistic poss cstatistics - staitistigean pl
- Subject: General
- stalc
- starch
- n(m)
- stailc - starch poss cstarches - stalcan pl
- biadh stalcach starchy food
- stalcach starchy
- Subject: Science
- stamag
- stomach
- n(f)
- stamaig - stomach poss cstomachs - stamagan pl
- Subject: Science
- staoin
- tin
- n(f)
- staoine - tin poss c
- co-thàthaidhean staoine tin compounds
- puinnseanachadh staoine tin poisoning
- Subject: Science
- steach-bhathar
- import(s)
- n(m) / n
- steach-bhathair - import poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- steach-chur
- input
- n(m)
- steach-chuir - input poss cinputs - steach-churan pl
- Subject: Computing
- steach-ghluais
- import
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- steach-raon
- domain
- n(m)
- steach-raoin - domain poss cdomains - steach-raointean pl
- raon freagarrach suitable domain
- Subject: Mathematics
- stèidh
- foundation
- n(f)
- stèidhe - foundation poss cfoundations - stèidhean pl
- Subject: Technical
- steigeach
- adhesive
- adj
- pàipear steigeach sticky paper
- teip steigeach adhesive tape
- Subject: Science
- stèimean
- stamen
- n(m)
- stèimein - stamen poss cstamens - stèimeanan pl
- Subject: Science
- stèisean
- station
- n(m)
- stèisein - station poss cstations - stèiseanan pl
- cearcall stèisean-sìde weather station circle
- stèisean bàta-teasairginn lifeboat station
- stèisean cumhachd power station
- stèisean cumhachd lùth geo-thearmach geo-thermal energy power station
- stèisean cumhachd niuclasach nuclear power station
- stèisean gnàth-shìde climate station
- stèisean rannsachaidh research station
- stèisean sìde weather station
- stèisean-rèile railway station
- Subject: GeographyGeneralScience
- stèisean cumhachd
- power station
- n phr
- stèisean cumhachd lùth geo-thearmach geo-thermal energy power station
- stèisean cumhachd niuclasach nuclear power station
- Subject: Geography
- stèisean sìde
- weather station
- n phr
- cearcall stèisean-sìde weather station circle
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Steòrnabhagh
- Stornoway
- sràidean Steòrnabhaigh streets of Stornoway
- Subject: Geography
- stiogma
- stigma
- n(m)
- stiogma - stigma poss cstigmas - stiogmathan pl
- Subject: Science
- stiorap na cluaise
- stapes
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- stiùbhardachd
- stewardship
- n(f)
- stiùbhardachd - stewardship poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- stiùir
- guide
- n(m)
- stiùir - guide poss cguide - stiùiridhean pl
- stiùiridhean airson Glow Glow guides
- Subject: General
- stiùireadh
- management
- n(m)
- stiùiridh - management poss c
- buidhnean agus stiùireadh organisations and management
- ceannard fiosrachadh stiùiridh head of management information
- stiùireadh coitcheann general management
- stiùireadh luchd-obrach personnel management
- stiùireadh phrògraman programme management
- stiùireadh slàinte dhùthchail rural health management
- Subject: General
- stiùiriche
- director
- n(m)
- stiùiriche - director poss cdirectors - stiùirichean pl
- stiùiriche conaltraidh director of communications
- stiùiriche ionmhais finance director
- stiùiriche ionmhais agus ìre coileanaidh director of finance and performance management
- stiùiriche prògram leasachaidh director of development programme
- stiùiriche sheirbheisean director of services
- Subject: General
- stiùiriche-ciùil
- conductor
- n(m)
- stiùiriche-ciùil - conductor poss cconductors - stiùirichean-ciùil pl
- batan stiùiriche conductor's baton
- stiùiriche(-ciùil) orcastra orchestra conductor
- stiùirichean(-ciùil) orcastra orchestra conductors
- Subject: Music
- stoc
- stump
- n(m)
- stuic - stump poss cstumps - stuic pl
- Subject: Geography
- stoc-is-duilleach
- stem-and-leaf
- clàr stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf chart
- clàr stoc-is-duilleach cùl-ri-cùl back to back stem-and-leaf chart
- diagram stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf diagram
- graf stoc-is-duilleach stem-and-leaf graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- stocadh
- flourish
- n(m)
- stocaidh - flourish poss cflourishes - stocaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- Stoiceach
- Stoic
- adj
- feallsanachd Stoiceach Stoic philosophy
- Subject: General
- stoidhle
- style
- n(f)
- stoidhle - style (of plant) poss cstyles (of plant) - stoidhlean pl
- Subject: Science
- stoidhle
- style
- n(f)
- stoidhle - style poss cstyles - stoidhlichean pl
- Iar-Shiota Stoidhle (CSS) Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- siota stoidhle style sheet
- Subject: Computing
- stoidhle
- style
- n(f)
- stoidhle - style poss cstyles - stoidhlichean pl
- stoidhle bel canto bel canto style
- stoidhle ionnsramaideach instrumental style
- Subject: Music
- stoidhle rapsodaig
- rhapsodic style
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- stòiridh
- story
- n(f)
- stòiridh - story poss cstories - stòiridhean pl
- stòiridh cur-ris addition story
- stòiridh toirt-air-falbh subtraction story
- stòiridh-àireamhan number story
- Subject: Mathematics
- stoirm
- storm
- n(m/f)
- stoirme - storm poss cstorms - stoirmean pl
- rag-stoirm severe storm
- stoirm t(h)ropaigeach tropical storm
- stoirm-gainmhich sandstorm
- sùil stoirm eye of storm
- Subject: Geography
- Stonehaven
- Stonehaven
- baile Stonehaven town of Stonehaven
- Subject: Geography
- stòr-dàta
- database
- n(m)
- stòr-dàta - database poss cdatabases - stòran-dàta pl
- Rianaire Lìn is Stòr-dàta Web and Database Administrator
- stòr-dàta ghoireasan air-loidhne online resource database
- Subject: General
- stòras
- resource
- n(m)
- stòrais - resource poss cresource - stòrais plresources - stòrasan pl
- manaidseadh stòrasan na h-àrainneachd managing environmental resources
- stòras nobhailean grafaigeach graphic novel resource
- stòrasan airson conaltradh Glow Glow communications resource bank
- stòrasan nàdarra natural resources
- stòrasan uisge water resources
- Subject: General
- stràc
- slash
- n(m/f)
- stràic - slash poss cslashes - stràcan pl
- comharra stràic slash mark
- stràc-air-adhart forward slash
- stràc-air-ais backslash
- Subject: Computing
- stràc
- stroke
- n(f)
- stràic - stroke poss cstrokes - stràcan pl
- Subject: Music
- stràc-cunntaidh
- tally mark
- n(m/f)
- stràic-cunntaidh - tally mark poss ctally marks - stràcan-cunntaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- stràic
- strike
- n(m)
- stràic - strike poss cstrikes - stràicean pl
- Subject: Music
- stràic
- slur
- n(m)
- stràic - slur poss cslurs - stràicean pl
- Subject: Music
- stràic
- strike
- n(m)
- stràic - strike poss cstrikes - stràicean pl
- Subject: Music
- stratosfèar
- stratosphere
- n(m)
- stratosfèar - stratosphere poss c
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- strìoch
- streak
- n(f)
- strìoch - streak poss cstreaks - strìochan pl
- strìoch thùsach primitive streak
- Subject: General
- stròc
- stroke
- n(m)
- stròca - stroke poss cstrokes - stròcan pl
- ghabh i stròc she had a stroke
- stròc-grèine heatstroke
- Subject: GeographySciencePersonal and Social Education
- stròc-grèine
- heatstroke
- n(m)
- stròc-grèine - heatstroke poss cheatstroke - stròc-grèine pl
- Subject: GeographySciencePersonal and Social Education
- Stromness
- Stromness
- cidhe Stromness Stromness pier
- Subject: Geography
- strontium
- strontium
- n(m)
- strontium - strontium poss c
- strontium clòraid strontium chloride
- Subject: Science
- structar
- structure
- n(m)
- structair - structure poss cstructures - structaran pl
- structar ailtireachail architectural structure
- structar àireamh-sluaigh population structure
- structar àireamh-sluaigh na RA UK population structure
- structaran ann an ailtireachd deilbh-tìre structures in landscape architecture
- structaran poblach public structures
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- structar-aoise
- age structure
- n(m)
- structar-aoise - age structure poss cage structures - structaran-aoise pl
- Subject: Geography
- stuth
- material
- n(m)
- stutha - material poss cmaterials - stuthan pl
- stuthan sònraichte specific materials
- stuthan togail building materials
- stuthan trèanaidh training materials
- Subject: General
- stuth
- tissue
- n(m)
- stutha - tissue poss ctissues - stuthan pl
- stuth bodhaig body tissue
- stuth cealla cell tissue
- stuth fèithe muscle tissue
- Subject: Science
- stuth
- substance
- n(m)
- stutha - substance poss csubstance - stuthan pl
- mì-fheum de stuthan substance misuse
- stuth iom-obrachail reactive substance
- Subject: General
- stuth sruthach
- fluid
- n phr
- stuth sruthach - fluid poss cfluids - stuthan sruthach pl
- meacanaigs stuth sruthach fluid mechanics
- Subject: Science
- stuth-beathachaidh
- nutrient
- n(m)
- stuth-beathachaidh - nutrient poss cnutrients - stuthan-beathachaidh pl
- cearcall a’ bheathachaidh nutrient cycle
- Subject: GeographyScienceHome Economics
- stuth-gealachaidh
- bleach
- n(m)
- stuth-gealachaidh - bleach poss cbleaches - stuthan-gealachaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- stuth-giorsaidh
- irritant
- n(m)
- stuth-giorsaidh - irritant poss cirritants - stuthan-giorsaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- stuth-sgaoilidh
- solvent
- n(m)
- stuth-sgaoilidh - solvent poss csolvents - stuthan-sgaoilidh pl
- tha uisge na stuth-sgaoilidh airson siùcar water is a solvent for sugar
- Subject: Science
- stuth-spreadhaidh
- explosive
- n(m)
- stuth-spreadhaidh - explosive poss cexplosives - stuthan-spreadhaidh pl
- stuthan-spreadhaidh, connadh agus bathar co-cheangailte explosives, fuels and related products
- Subject: General
- stuth-sùighteach
- absorbent
- n(m)
- stutha-shùightich - absorbent poss cabsorbents - stuthan-sùighteach pl
- Subject: Science
- suaicheantas
- insignia
- n(m)
- suaicheantais - insignia poss cinsignias - suaicheantais pl
- eachdraidh-beatha, sloinntearachd agus suaicheantais biography, genealogy and insignia
- Subject: General
- suap
- swap
- n(m)
- suap - swap poss cswaps - suapan pl
- Subject: General
- suath
- hover
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- subsadaidh
- subsidy
- n(m)
- subsadaidh - subsidy poss csubsidies - subsadaidhean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Sudan
- Sudan
- n(m)
- Shudan - Sudan poss c
- Poblachd Shudan Republic of Sudan
- Subject: Geography
- Suez
- Suez
- n(m/f)
- Shuez - Suez poss c
- Canàl Shuez Suez Canal
- Subject: Geography
- sùghadh
- absorption
- n(m)
- sùghaidh - absorption poss cabsorptions - sùghaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- suidheachadh
- case
- n(m)
- suidheachaidh - case poss ccases - suidheachaidhean pl
- roimhear + suidheachadh ceangailte preposition + possessive case
- suidheachadh ainmneach nominal case
- suidheachadh ceangailte possessive case
- suidheachadh gairmeach vocative case
- suidheachadh roimhearach prepositional case
- Subject: Language
- suidheachadh
- setting
- n(m)
- suidheachaidh - setting poss csettings - suidheachaidhean pl
- seataidhean pearsanta personal settings
- Subject: Computing
- suidheachadh
- position
- n(m)
- suidheachaidh - position poss cpositions - suidheachaidhean pl
- cumadh, suidheachadh agus gluasad shape, position and movement
- Subject: Mathematics
- suidheachadh
- situation
- n(m)
- suidheachaidh - situation poss csituations - suidheachaidhean pl
- suidheachadh steigeach sticky situation
- Subject: General
- suidhich
- set
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- suidse-putaidh
- push-switch
- n(f)
- suidse-putaidh - push-switch poss cpush-switches - suidsichean-putaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- sùigh
- absorb
- vb
- a' sùigheadh uisge absorbing water
- sùigheadh absorbing
- Subject: Science
- sùighteach
- absorbent
- adj
- Subject: Science
- sùil
- eye
- n(f)
- sùla - eye poss ceyes - sùilean pl
- àird na sùla eye-level
- fradharc eyesight
- losgann craoibhe nan sùilean dearga red-eyed tree frog
- mala eyebrow
- priobadh na sùla blink of an eye
- sùil-dhubh black eye
- sùilean gorma blue eyes
- Subject: Science
- sùil air ais
- revision
- Subject: Mathematics
- sùim
- amount
- n(f)
- suim(e) - amount poss camounts - suimeannan pl
- dè an t-sùim airgid a tha agad? how much (what amount/sum of) money do you have?
- lorg sùim nan àireamhan seo find the sum of these numbers
- sùim airgid sum of money
- Subject: Mathematics
- sùim
- sum
- n(f)
- suim(e) - sum poss csums - suimeannan pl
- dè an t-sùim airgid a tha agad? how much (what amount/sum of) money do you have?
- lorg sùim nan àireamhan seo find the sum of these numbers
- sùim airgid sum of money
- sùim gu neo-chrìochnachd sum to infinity
- sùim iomlan total sum
- Subject: Mathematics
- sùim
- total
- n(f)
- suime - total poss ctotals - suimeannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- suirbhidh
- survey
- n(m)
- suirbhidh - survey poss csurveys - suirbhidhean pl
- map Suirbhidh Òrdanais (SÒ) Ordinance Survey map
- suirbhidh càileachd àrainneachd environmental quality survey
- suirbhidh trafaig traffic survey
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- suirghe
- dating
- n(f)
- suirghe - dating poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- sulfar
- sulphur
- n(m)
- sulfair - sulphur poss c
- sulfar dà-ogsaid sulphur dioxide
- Subject: Science
- Sultain
- September
- n(f)
- Sultain(e) - September poss c
- 19 Sultain 19 September
- 19mh (An t-) Sultain 19th of September
- an 19mh dhen t-Sultain 19th of September
- an naoidheamh latha deug dhen t-Sultain the nineteenth of September
- An t-Sultain September
- latha anns an t-Sultain a day in September
- Sult Sept
- toiseach na Sultain beginning of September
- Subject: General
- sunnd
- well-being
- n(m)
- sunnd - well-being poss c
- slàinte agus sunnd health and well-being
- sunnd inntinneil, faireachail, sòisealta agus corporra mental, emotional, social and physical well-being
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- supernova
- supernova
- n(f)
- Subject: Science
- Suranam
- Suriname
- n(m/f)
- Shuranam - Suriname poss c
- Poblachd Shuranam Republic of Suriname
- Subject: Geography
- surd
- surd
- n(m)
- surd - surd poss csurds - surdan pl
- surdan co-ionann equivalent surds
- Subject: Mathematics
- surfactant
- surfactant
- n(m)
- surfactant - surfactant poss csurfactants - surfactantan pl
- Subject: Science
- suriceit
- suricate
- n(m)
- suriceit - suricate poss csuricates - suriceitean pl
- Subject: Science
- susbaint
- content
- n(f)
- a' cruthachadh agus a' sgaoileadh susbaint creating and sharing content
- freagarrachd susbaint content rating
- leum gu susbaint jump to content
- oifigear susbaint content officer
- rianachd susbaint content management
- seòrsa susbaint content class
- siostam rianachd susbaint (CMS) content management system (CMS)
- stòr susbaint content library
- susbaint(e) content
- teamplaid susbaint content template
- Subject: Computing
- Swaziland
- Swaziland
- n(m/f)
- Swaziland - Swaziland poss c
- Rìoghachd Swaziland Kingdom of Swaziland
- Subject: Geography
- syllogism
- syllogism
- n(m)
- syllogism - syllogism poss csyllogisms - syllogisms pl
- Subject: General