Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- Là na Sàbaid
- Sunday
- n phr
- feasgar na Sàbaid Sunday afternoon
- LnS Sun
- oidhche na Sàbaid Sunday night
- Sàbaid na Càisge Easter Sunday
- sgoil Shàbaid Sunday school
- Subject: General
- làbha
- lava
- n(f)
- làbha - lava poss clava - làbha pl
- sruth làbha lava flow
- Subject: Geography
- labhair
- chat
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- labhairt
- talking
- n(f)
- labhairt - talking poss c
- èisteachd agus labhairt listening and talking
- èisteachd agus labhairt còmhla listening and talking with others
- innealan airson èisteachd agus labhairt/leughadh/sgrìobhadh tools for listening and talking/reading/writing
- Subject: General
- lach
- duck
- n(f)
- lacha - duck poss cducks - lachain plducks - lachan pl
- Subject: Science
- lachtach
- lactic
- adj
- searbhag lachtach lactic acid
- Subject: Science
- lactos
- lactose
- n(m)
- lactos - lactose poss c
- chan fhulaing Seumas lactos James is lactose intolerant
- gun fhulangas air lactos lactose intolerant
- Subject: Home Economics
- ladhran-tràghad
- sandpiper
- n(m)
- ladhrain-tràghad - sandpiper poss csandpipers - ladhrain-tràghad pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- lag
- hollow
- n(m/f)
- laig - hollow poss cluig - hollow poss chollows - lagan pl
- Subject: Geography
- lagh
- law
- n(m)
- lagha - law poss claws - laghannan pl
- casaid-cùirte law suit
- cùis-lagha court case
- lagh an sgaoilidh distributive law
- lagh armailteach military law
- lagh bun-reachdail constitutional law
- lagh chìsean tax law
- lagh cultair cultural law
- lagh dhùthchannan law of nations
- lagh eadar-nàiseanta international law
- lagh eucorach criminal law
- lagh foghlaim education law
- lagh malairt trade law
- lagh obrach labour law
- lagh prìobhaideach private law
- lagh rianachail administrative law
- lagh sòisealta social law
- lagh uachdranasan agus cheàrnaidhean sònraichte law of specific jurisdictions and areas
- laghan, riaghailtean agus cùisean laws, regulations and cases
- sgoil-lagha law school
- Sgoil-lagha Harvard Harvard Law School
- Subject: General
- Lagh an Sgaoilidh
- Distributive Law
- n phr
- Subject: Mathematics
- laghairt
- lizard
- n(m/f)
- laghairt - lizard poss clizards - laghairtean pl
- laghairt adharcach Theagsas Texas horned lizard
- Subject: Science
- lagùn
- lagoon
- n(m)
- lagùn - lagoon poss clagoons - lagùnaichean pllagoons - lagùnan pl
- Subject: Geography
- Laideann
- Latin
- n(f)
- Laidinn - Latin poss c
- bàrdachd lirig Laidinn Latin lyric poetry
- cleachdadh na Laidinn chlasaigich classical Latin usage
- faclairean Laideann chlasaigeach classical Latin dictionaries
- Laideann chlasaigeach classical Latin
- Laideann iar-chlasaigeach agus choitcheann postclassical and vulgar Latin
- seann Laideann old Latin
- Subject: Language
- laigh air
- lengthen slightly
- vb
- laigh air an nota sin slightly lengthen that note
- Subject: Music
- laigh air
- rest on
- vb
- laigh air an nota rest on the note
- Subject: Music
- làimhseachadh
- treatment
- n(m)
- làimhseachaidh - treatment poss c
- làimhseachadh cruinn-eòlach geographic treatment
- làimhseachadh dhaoine persons treatment
- làimhseachadh eachdraidheil historical treatment
- Subject: General
- làmh-choille
- cubit
- n(f)
- làimhe-coille - cubit poss ccubits - làmhan-coille pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- làmh-sgrìobhainn
- manuscript
- n(f)
- làmh-sgrìobhainn(e) - manuscript poss cmanuscripts - làmh-sgrìobhainnean pl
- làmh-sgrìobhainnean agus leabhraichean tearc manuscripts and rare books
- Subject: General
- lampa
- lamp
- n(f)
- lampa - lamp poss clamps - lampaichean pl
- lampa teasachaidh heat lamp
- solas na lampa light of the lamp
- Subject: Science
- Langholm
- Langholm
- eachdraidh Langholm history of Langholm
- Subject: Geography
- Lannraig
- Lanark
- eachdraidh Lannraig history of Lanark
- Subject: Geography
- lannsair
- surgeon
- n(m)
- lannsair - surgeon poss csurgeons - lannsairean pl
- lannsair-airm army surgeon
- lannsair-chnàmhan orthopaedic surgeon
- Subject: Science
- lannsaireachd
- surgery
- n(f)
- lannsaireachd - surgery poss c
- lannsaireachd agus raointean meidigeach co-cheangailte surgery and related medical specialities
- Subject: General
- lantanach
- lanthanide
- n(m)
- lantanaich - lanthanide poss clanthanides - lantanaich pl
- sreath nan lantanach lanthanide series
- Subject: Science
- lantanach
- lanthanoid
- n(m)
- lantanaich - lanthanoid poss clanthanoids - lantanaich pl
- sreath nan lantanach lanthanoid series
- Subject: Science
- lantanum
- lanthanum
- n(m)
- lantanum - lanthanum poss c
- Subject: Science
- laoch
- warrior
- n(m)
- laoich - warrior poss cwarriors - laoich pl
- Subject: General
- laoidh
- anthem
- n(m/f)
- laoidhe - anthem poss canthems - laoidhean pl
- laoidh nàiseanta national anthem
- Subject: Music
- laoidh
- hymn
- n(m/f)
- laoidhe - hymn poss chymn - laoidhean pl
- fonn na laoidhe the hymn tune
- Subject: Music
- Laos
- Laos
- n(m/f)
- Laos - Laos poss c
- dùthaich Laos country of Laos
- Subject: Geography
- làrach
- site
- n(m/f)
- làraich - site poss csites - làraich plsites - làraichean pl
- aithisgean làraich site reports
- feartan làraich site features
- làraichean-lìn sòisealta social network sites
- mapa làraich sitemap
- Subject: Computing
- làrach
- site
- n(m/f)
- làraich - site poss csites - làraich plsites - làraichean pl
- inbhe Làrach Dualchas Cruinneil World Heritage Site status
- làrach arc-eòlasach archaeological site
- làrach cuirm-cnuic picnic site
- Làrach de Shùim Shònraichte Shaidheansail (SSSI) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- làrach dualchais cultural heritage site
- Làrach Dualchas Cruinneil World Heritage Site
- làrach gnìomhachais industrial site
- làrach lìonadh-talmhainn landfill site
- làrach turasachd tourist site
- làrach-uaine greenfield site
- plana-làraich site plan
- sgeama làraichean-is-seirbheisean site and service scheme
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- làrach cuirm-cnuic
- picnic site
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Làrach de Shùim Shònraichte Shaidheansail (SSSI)
- Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyScience
- làrach-lìn
- website
- n(f)
- làraich-lìn - website poss cwebsites - làraich-lìn pl
- cleachd làrach-lìn fisidh use phishing website
- làrach-lìn airson taic do thidsearan ùra support for new teachers website
- làrach-lìn fisidh phishing website
- làrach-lìn thidsearan ùra new teachers website
- seirbheisean làraich-lìn website services
- Subject: Computing
- làrach-uaine
- greenfield site
- n(m/f)
- làraich-uaine - greenfield site poss cgreenfield sites - làraichean-uaine pl
- Subject: Geography
- lasachadh
- discount
- n(m)
- lasachaidh - discount poss cdiscounts - lasachaidhean pl
- bùithtean lasachaidh discount shops
- Subject: GeographyGeneralMathematics
- lasaich
- discount
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- Latbhia
- Latvia
- n(m/f)
- Latbhia - Latvia poss c
- Poblachd Latbhia Republic of Latvia
- Subject: Geography
- Latbhianach
- Latvian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Latbhianach
- Latvian
- n(m)
- Latbhianaich - Latvian poss cLatvians - Latbhianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Latbhianais
- Latvian
- n(f)
- Latbhianais - Latvian poss c
- Subject: Language
- latha
- date
- n(m)
- latha - date poss cdates - làithean pldates - lathaichean pl
- Subject: General
- latha
- day
- n(m)
- latha - day poss cdays - làithean pldays - lathaichean pl
- a latha 's a dh'oidhche day and night
- là a’ bhreitheanais judgement day
- Latha na Nollaig Christmas Day
- Latha Naomh Anndra St Andrew's Day
- latha-grèine solar day
- latha-reultach sidereal day
- lathaichean, uairean agus àiteachan aoraidh days, times and places of observance
- seachd làithean seven days
- solas an latha daylight
- Subject: Science
- latha-reultach
- sidereal day
- n(m)
- latha-reultach - sidereal day poss c
- Subject: Science
- latha-saor
- holiday
- n(m)
- latha-saor - holiday poss cholidays - làithean-saora pl
- baile-turasachd holiday resort
- làithean-saora pacaideach package holidays
- riochdairean làithean-saora holiday reps
- sgìre-turasachd holiday resort (large area)
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- làthach
- mud
- n(f)
- làthaich - mud poss clàthcha - mud poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Latharna
- Larne
- Subject: Geography
- lawrencium
- lawrencium
- n(m)
- lawrencium - lawrencium poss c
- Subject: Science
- leabhar
- book
- n(m)
- leabhair - book poss cbooks - leabhraichean pl
- An Leabhar The Book
- Fèis Leabhraichean Wigtown Wigtown Book Festival
- làmh-sgrìobhainnean agus leabhraichean tearc manuscripts and rare books
- leabhar nan raisean(s) ration book
- leabhar naomh holy book
- leabhar reasabaidhean recipe book
- leabhar sheòlaidhean address book
- leabhar sheòlaidhean Outlook Outlook Address Book
- leabhar sheòlaidhean pearsanta personal address book
- leabhar tearc rare book
- leabhar-d e-book
- leabhar-sgoile school book
- leabhraichean bloca block books
- leabhraichean clò-bhuailte printed books
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson am fòrmat books notable for format
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson an còmhdaich books notable for bindings
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson cò leis agus cò às a tha iad books notable for ownership or origin
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson dhealbhan books notable for illustrations
- leabhraichean dàin an t-Seann Tiomnaidh poetic books of the Old Testament
- leabhraichean eachdraidheil an t-Seann Tiomnaidh historical books of the Old Testament
- leabhraichean fàidheil an t-Seann Tiomnaidh prophetic books of the Old Testament
- leabhraichean Gàidhlig Gaelic books
- lèirmheas leabhair book review
- leughadair-d e-book reader
- Urras Leabhraichean nan Eilean The Islands Book Trust
- Subject: General
- leabhar mòr-eòlais
- encyclopedia
- n phr
- encyclopedias - leabhraichean mòr-eòlais pl
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais anns a' Bheurla Ameireaganaich encyclopedias in American English
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais coitcheann general encyclopedic works
- Subject: General
- leabhar sheòlaidhean
- address book
- n(m)
- Leabhar Sheòlaidhean - address book poss caddress books - Leabhraichean Sheòlaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- leabhar-cheist
- catechism
- n(m)
- leabhair-cheist - catechism poss ccatechisms - leabhraichean-cheist pl
- creudan agus leabhraichean cheist creeds and catechisms
- Leabhar Aithghearr nan Ceist the Shorter Catechism
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- leabhar-d
- e-book
- n(m)
- leabhair-d - e-book poss ce-books - leabhraichean-d pl
- leabhar-dealain e-book
- leughadair-d e-book reader
- leughadair-dealain e-book reader
- lorg san leabhar-d search e-book
- Subject: Computing
- leabharlann
- library
- n(m/f)
- leabharlainn - library poss clibraries - leabharlainn pllibraries - leabharlannan pl
- dàimhean leabharlannan library relationships
- leabharlannan airson chuspairean sònraichte libraries for specific subjects
- leabharlannan coitcheann general libraries
- obrachadh leabharlainn library operations
- saidheansan leabharlainn library sciences
- saidheansan leabharlainn agus fiosrachaidh library and information sciences
- stòr susbaint content library
- Subject: General
- leac
- tile
- n(f)
- lice - tile poss ctiles - leacan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- leac
- platform
- n(f)
- lic - platform poss clice - platform poss cplatform - leacan pl
- Subject: Geography
- leacadh
- tiling
- n(m)
- leacaidh - tiling poss ctilings - leacaidhean pl
- pàtran-leacaidh tiling pattern
- Subject: Mathematics
- leacaich
- tile
- vb
- leacaich an raon tile the plane
- Subject: Mathematics
- leag
- collapse
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- leaghte
- molten
- adj
- creag leaghte molten rock
- eitean leaghte molten core
- Subject: GeographyScience
- lean ort
- proceed
- vb
- rach gu cunntair proceed to checkout
- Subject: Computing
- leanabh
- baby
- n(m)
- leanaibh - baby poss cbabies - leanaban plbabies - leanabhan pl
- leanaban roghnaichte designer babies
- leanabh roghnaichte designer baby
- leanabh tiùb-deuchainn test tube baby
- Subject: Science
- leanabh
- child
- n(m)
- leanaibh - child poss cchildren - leanaban plchildren - leanabhan pl
- leanabh an àigh child in the manger
- Subject: General
- lèanag
- green
- n(f)
- lèanaig(e) - green poss cgreens - lèanagan pl
- lèana-bòbhlaidh bowling green
- Subject: General
- leannan
- boyfriend
- n(m)
- leannain - boyfriend poss cboyfriends - leannain pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- leannan
- girlfriend
- n(m)
- leannain - girlfriend poss cgirlfriends - leannain pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- leantainneach
- consecutive
- adj
- àireamhan leantainneach consecutive numbers
- Subject: Mathematics
- leantainneach
- longitudinal
- adj
- sgrùdadh leantainneach longitudinal study
- Subject: General
- leantainneach
- continuing
- adj
- An Eaglais Shaor Leantainneach Free Church (Continuing)
- Leasachadh Proifeiseanta Leantainneach Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- Subject: General
- leas-abhainn
- tributary
- n(f)
- leas-aibhne - tributary poss ctributaries - leas-aibhnichean pl
- leas-ghleann tributary valley
- Subject: Geography
- leas-chòn
- secondary cone
- n(m)
- leas-chòn - secondary cone poss csecondary cones - leas-chònaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- leas-dheatachan
- secondary vent
- n(m)
- leas-dheatachain - secondary vent poss csecondary vents - leas-dheatachain pl
- Subject: Geography
- leas-phrosbaig
- finderscope
- n(m)
- leas-phrosbaig(e) - finderscope poss cfinderscopes - leas-phrosbaigean pl
- Subject: Science
- leas-rathad
- secondary road
- n(m)
- leas-rathaid - secondary road poss cleas-rothaid - secondary road poss csecondary roads - leas-rathaidean plsecondary roads - leas-ròidean pl
- Subject: Geography
- leasachadh
- development
- n(m)
- leasachaidh - development poss cdevelopments - leasachaidhean pl
- cothroman airson leasachadh pearsanta opportunities for personal development
- Cùmhnantan Leasachadh Dùthchail Rural Development Contracts
- cunntasair leasachaidh development accountant
- foghlam leasachadh seasmhach sustainable development education
- leasachadh dùthchail rural development
- leasachadh eaconamach economic development
- leasachadh luchd-obrach staff development
- leasachadh pearsanta personal development
- Leasachadh Proifeiseanta Leantainneach Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- leasachadh seasmhach sustainable development
- leasachaidhean coimeirsealta commercial developments
- leasachaidhean saidheansail scientific developments
- loidhne leasachaidh line of development
- manaidsear leasachadh gnothachais business development manager
- manaidsear leasachaidh development manager
- oifigear leasachaidh development officer
- stiùiriche leasachaidh director of development
- Subject: GeneralBusiness StudiesGeography
- leasachadh
- improvement
- n(m)
- leasachaidh - improvement poss cimprovements - leasachaidhean pl
- feuchainn is leasachadh trial and improvement
- Subject: Mathematics
- leasachail
- developmental
- adj
- saidhceòlas diùbhrasach agus leasachail differential and developmental psychology
- Subject: General
- leasaiche bòidhchid
- beauty therapist
- n phr
- triùir leasaichean bòidhchid three beauty therapists
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- leasaichte
- developed
- adj
- dùthaich leasaichte developed country
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- leasan
- tutorial
- n(m)
- leasain - tutorials poss ctutorials - leasanan pl
- leasanan air-loidhne online tutorials
- Subject: General
- Leasoto
- Lesotho
- n(m/f)
- Leasoto - Lesotho poss c
- Rìoghachd Leasoto Kingdom of Lesotho
- Subject: Geography
- leatas
- lettuce
- n(f)
- leatas - lettuce poss clettuces - leatasan pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- leathad
- slope
- n(m)
- leathaid - slope poss cleothaid - slope poss cslopes - leathadan plslopes - leòidean pl
- àirde leathaid height of a slope
- Leathad a' Chuain Shèimh Pacific Slope region
- leathad cas steep slope
- Subject: Geography
- leathann
- broad
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- leathann
- wide
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- leathar
- leather
- n(m)
- leathair - leather poss c
- botal leathair leather bottle
- giullachd leathair leather processing
- Subject: General
- leatromachd
- pregnancy
- n(f)
- leatromachd - pregnancy poss cpregnancies - leatromachdan pl
- Subject: GeographySciencePersonal and Social Education
- Lebanach
- Lebanese
- adj
- biadh Lebanach Lebanese cuisine
- Subject: Geography
- Lebanach
- Lebanese
- n(m)
- Lebanaich - Lebanese poss cLebanese - Lebanaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Lebanon
- Lebanon
- n(m/f)
- Lebanoin - Lebanon poss c
- Poblachd Lebanoin Republic of Lebanon
- Subject: Geography
- legato
- legato
- n(m)
- legato - legato poss clegato - legatothan pl
- Subject: Music
- legato
- legato
- adj
- Subject: Music
- legato
- legato
- adv
- Subject: Music
- Leifear
- Lifford
- Subject: Geography
- leigheas
- medicine
- n(m)
- leigheis - medicine poss cmedicines - leigheasan pl
- leigheas agus slàinte medicine and health
- Subject: Science
- leigheas-chnàmh
- osteopathy
- n(m)
- leigheis-chnàmhan - osteopathy poss c
- Subject: Science
- Léim an Mhadaidh
- Limavady
- Subject: Geography
- lèirmheas
- critique
- n(m)
- lèirmheis - critique poss ccritiques - lèirmheasan pl
- brìgh an lèirmheis substance of the critique
- Subject: General
- lèirsinn
- perception
- n(f)
- lèirsinn(e) - perception poss c
- lèirsinn, gluasad, faireachdainn agus dealas perception, movement, emotions and drive
- Subject: General
- Leitir Ceanainn
- Letterkenny
- Subject: Geography
- leitmotif
- leitmotif
- n(m)
- leitmotif - leitmotif poss cleitmotifs - leitmotifean pl
- Subject: Music
- Leòdhas
- Lewis
- Eilean Leòdhais Isle of Lewis
- Subject: Geography
- leòmann
- moth
- n(m)
- leòmainn - moth poss cmoths - leòmainn pl
- burras na leòmain-seabhaig hawk moth caterpillar
- leòmain-seabhaig hawk moth
- rinn na leòmain toll na mo gheansaidh the moths made a hole in my jumper
- Subject: Science
- leòmhann
- lion
- n(m)
- leòmhainn - lion poss clions - leòmhainn pl
- Subject: Science
- leòmhann-làir
- chameleon
- n(m)
- leòmhainn-làir - chameleon poss cchameleons - leòmhainn-làir pl
- leòmhann-làir Pharson Parson's chameleon
- Subject: Science
- leòmhann-mara
- sea lion
- n(m)
- leòmhainn-mhara - sea lion poss csea lions - leòmhainn-mhara pl
- leòmhann-mara Chalafòrnia Californian sea lion
- Subject: Science
- leòn
- injury
- n(m)
- leòin - injury poss cinjuries - leòin plinjuries - leòntan pl
- leòin lusan plant injuries
- Subject: General
- leòsan
- pane
- n(m)
- leòsain - pane poss cpanes - leòsain pl
- faic leòsan ro-sheallaidh see preview pane
- leòsan ro-sheallaidh preview pane
- Subject: Computing
- Lerwick
- Lerwick
- port-mara Lerwick seaport of Lerwick
- Subject: Geography
- leth
- half
- n(m)
- leth - half poss chalves - lethean pl
- co-chothromachd leth-chuartail half-turn symmetry
- leth-char half-turn
- leth-chuairt half-turn
- leth-liotair half-litre
- leth-mheatair half-metre
- leth-uair an dèidh half past
- letheach-slighe eadar halfway between
- Subject: Mathematics
- leth-bhreith
- discrimination
- n(f)
- leth-bhreith - discrimination poss c
- leth-bhreith a thaobh cinneadh racial discrimation
- leth-bhreith chinneadail racial discrimation
- leth-bhreith fhàbharach positive discrimination
- leth-bhreith neo-fhàbharach negative discrimination
- Subject: General
- leth-bhruthach
- gentle slope
- n(m)
- leth-bhruthaich - gentle slope poss cgentle slopes - leth-bhruthaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- leth-char
- half-turn
- n(m)
- leth-chuir - half-turn poss chalf-turns - leth-charan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- leth-chearcall
- semicircle
- n(m)
- leth-chearcaill - semicircle poss csemicircles - leth-chearcaill plsemicircles - leth-chearcallan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- leth-cheathramh
- couplet
- n(f)
- leth-cheathraimh - couplet poss ccouplets - leth-cheathramhan pl
- leth-cheathramh òrain song couplet
- Subject: Music
- leth-chruinne
- hemisphere
- n(m)
- leth-chruinne - hemisphere poss chemispheres - leth-chruinnean pl
- find the volume of the hemisphere lorg tomhas-lìonaidh na leth-chruinne
- Subject: Mathematics
- leth-chruinne
- hemisphere
- n(m)
- leth-chruinne - hemisphere poss chemispheres - leth-chruinnean pl
- leth-chruinne a deas southern hemisphere
- leth-chruinne a tuath northern hemisphere
- sìde na leth-chruinne hemisphere weather
- Subject: Geography
- leth-dhealaichte
- semi-detached
- adj
- taigh leth-dhealaichte semi-detached house
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- leth-dhùnadh
- half-close
- n(m)
- leth-dhùnaidh - half-close poss chalf-closes - leth-dhùnaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- leth-eilean
- peninsula
- n(m)
- leth-eilein - peninsula poss cpeninsulas - leth-eileanan pl
- An Leth-eilean Aràbianach the Arabian Peninsula
- leth-eilean Iberia agus na h-eileanan mun cuairt Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands
- Subject: Geography
- leth-liotair
- half-litre
- n(m)
- leth-liotair - half-litre poss chalf-litres - leth-liotairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- leth-mheatair
- half-metre
- n(m)
- leth-mheatair - half-metre poss chalf-metres - leth-mheatairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- lethbhreac
- copy
- n(m)
- lethbhric - copy poss ccopies - lethbhreacan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- letheach-slighe eadar
- halfway between
- Subject: Mathematics
- letheadair
- bisector
- n(m)
- letheadair - bisector poss cbisectors - leathadairean pl
- letheadair ceart-cheàrnach perpendicular bisector
- Subject: Mathematics
- lethich
- bisect
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lethich
- halve
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- leubail
- label
- n(f)
- leubail(e) - label poss clabel - leubailean pl
- leubail puist shipping label
- leubailean clò-bhuailte printed labels
- Subject: General
- leubail puist
- shipping label
- n(m)
- leubail puist - shipping label poss cshipping labels - leubailean puist pl
- sgrìobh leubail puist write shipping label
- Subject: Computing
- leubaileadh
- annotating
- vb n
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- leud
- breadth
- n(m)
- leud - breadth poss cbreadths - leudan pl
- faid agus leud length and breadth
- Subject: Mathematics
- leud
- width
- n(m)
- leòid - width poss cwidths - leudan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- leud-banna
- bandwidth
- n(m)
- leòid-bhanna - bandwidth poss cbandwidths - leudan-banna pl
- Subject: Computing
- leudachadh
- expansion
- n(m)
- leudachaidh - expansion poss cexpansions - leudachaidhean pl
- leudachadh dà-theirmeach binomial expansion
- leudachadh Maclaurin Maclaurin expansion
- Subject: Mathematics
- leudaich
- expand
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- leughadair sgrion
- screen reader
- n(m)
- leughadair sgrion - screen reader poss cscreen readers - leughadairean sgrion pl
- Subject: General
- leughadh
- reading
- n(m)
- leughaidh - reading poss creadings - leughaidhean pl
- innealan airson èisteachd agus labhairt/leughadh/sgrìobhadh tools for listening and talking/reading/writing
- leughadh agus cleachdadh meadhanan fiosrachaidh eile reading and use of other information media
- leughadh airson sùim a ghabhail ann an cultaran eile reading to appreciate other cultures
- leughadh airson tlachd reading for enjoyment
- leughadh riatanach essential reading
- Subject: General
- leum
- leap
- n(m)
- leuma - leap poss cleaps - leuman pl
- leum luath quick leap
- meud an leuma extent of leap
- Subject: Music
- leum thairis
- skip
- vb
- leum air adhart skip to next
- leum gu bàrr skip to top
- Subject: Computing
- leumadair
- dolphin
- n(m)
- leumadair - dolphin poss cdolphins - leumadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- leus-mara
- beacon
- n(m)
- leòis-mara - beacon poss cbeacons - leòis-mara pl
- Subject: Geography
- levée
- levée
- n(f)
- levée - levée poss clevées - levées pl
- levée nàdarra natural levée
- levée thogte built levée
- Subject: Geography
- Liabost
- Lybster
- baile Liaboist village of Lybster
- Subject: Geography
- libearalachd
- liberalism
- n(f)
- libearalachd - liberalism poss c
- roghainneachd, libearalachd agus traidiseantalachd eclecticism, liberalism and traditionalism
- Subject: General
- Libia
- Libya
- n(m/f)
- Libia - Libya poss c
- dùthaich Libia country of Libya
- Subject: Geography
- Libianach
- Libyan
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Libianach
- Libyan
- n(m)
- Libianaich - Libyan poss cLibyans - Libianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Libiria
- Liberia
- n(m/f)
- Libiria - Liberia poss c
- Poblachd Libiria Republic of Liberia
- Subject: Geography
- Libirianach
- Liberian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Libirianach
- Liberian
- n(m)
- Libirianaich - Liberian poss cLiberians - Libirianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- lidseadh
- leaching
- n(m)
- lidsidh - leaching poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Liechtenstein
- Liechtenstein
- n(m/f)
- Liechtenstein - Liechtenstein poss c
- dùthaich Liechtenstein country of Liechtenstein
- Subject: Geography
- lied
- lied
- n(m)
- lied - lied poss clieds - liedean pl
- Subject: Music
- lighiche chnàmhan
- osteopath
- n(m)
- lighiche-chnàmhan - osteopath poss costeopaths - lighichean-chnàmhan pl
- Subject: Science
- linn
- era
- n(m/f)
- linne - era poss ceras - linntean pl
- an Linn Mesozoic the Mesozoic Era
- Subject: General
- Linn na Cloiche
- Stone Age
- n phr
- muinntir Linn na Cloiche people of the Stone Age
- Subject: History
- Linn na Deighe
- Ice Age
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Àrasaig
- Sound of Arisaig
- n(f)
- cladach Linne Àrasaig shore of Sound of Arisaig
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Chluaidh
- Firth of Clyde
- n(f)
- uisge Linne Chluaidh water of Firth of Clyde
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Fhoirthe
- Firth of Forth
- n(f)
- uisge Linne Fhoirthe water of Firth of Forth
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Mhoireibh
- Moray Firth
- n(f)
- oirthir Linne Mhoireibh Moray Firth coastline
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Sholway
- Solway Firth
- n(f)
- uisge Linne Sholway water of Solway Firth
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Stronsay
- Stronsay Firth
- n(f)
- uisge Linne Stronsay water of Stronsay Firth
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Tatha
- Firth of Tay
- n(f)
- uisge Linne Tatha water of Forth of Tay
- Subject: Geography
- Linne Westray
- Westray Firth
- n(f)
- Uisge Linne Westray Water of (the) Westray Firth
- Subject: Geography
- liogamaint
- ligament
- n(m)
- liogamaint - ligament poss cligaments - liogamaintean pl
- Subject: Science
- liomf
- lymph
- n(m)
- liomf - lymph poss c
- nòd liomf lymph node
- Subject: Science
- liomph
- lymph
- n(m)
- liomph - lymph poss c
- nòd liomph lymph node
- Subject: Science
- lìon
- web
- n(m)
- lìn - web poss cwebs - lìn pl
- lìon-bìdh food web
- Subject: Science
- Lìon
- Web
- n(m)
- Lìn - Web poss cWebs - Lìn pl
- bacaidhean-lìn web restrictions
- biathadh lìn web feed
- blog web log
- brobhsair Lìn Web browser
- ceangal lìn web connection
- Co-phàirt Lìn Web Part
- còmhradh Lìn Web discussion
- duilleag lìn web page
- innealan-lìn web tools
- lorg san lìon search the web
- lorg san lìon search web
- lorg san lìon shlàn search whole web
- pasgain lìn Web Folders
- ro-shealladh duilleag lìn web page preview
- ruigsinneachd lìn web accessibility
- seòladh lìn web address
- slatan-tomhais agus stiùireadh Lìn Web standards and guidelines
- trafaig lìn web traffic
- Subject: Computing
- lìon
- net
- n(m)
- lìn - net poss cnets - lìontan pl
- lìon ciùb net of a cube
- Subject: Mathematics
- Lìon na Cruinne
- World Wide Web
- n(m)
- Co-bhanntachd Lìon na Cruinne World Wide Web Consortium
- Subject: Computing
- lìonadh-talmhainn
- landfill
- n(m)
- lìonaidh-talmhainn - landfill poss c
- làrach lìonadh-talmhainn landfill site
- Subject: Geography
- lionn
- liquid
- n(m)
- lionna - liquid poss cliquids - lionntan pl
- lionn milis sweet liquid
- Subject: Mathematics
- lionn
- fluid
- n(m)
- lionna - fluid poss cfluids - lionnan pl
- lionn amniotaig amniotic fluid
- Subject: Science
- lionnach
- liquid
- adj
- haidridean lionnach liquid hydrogen
- meacanaigs stuth lionnach liquid mechanics
- Subject: Science
- lìonra
- network
- n(m)
- lìonra - network poss cnetworks - lìonraidhean pl
- co-chòrdanaiche lìonra network adapter
- cumadh lìonra network configuration
- Dràibh Lìonra Network Drive
- Draoidh Cur-an-sàs Clò-bhualadair Lìonra Network Printer Installation Wizard
- Ionad Lìonra Network Centre
- làraichean-lìn sòisealta social network sites
- Lìonra air a Shàbhaladh Saved network
- lìonra bann-leathainn broadband network
- lìonra ionadail (LAN) local area network (LAN)
- lìonra sòisealta social network
- lìonraidhean air an sàbhaladh saved networks
- lìonraidhean ionadail (LAN) local area networks (LAN)
- Neach-anailis Obair Lìonra Network Operations Analyst
- Network Explorer Network Explorer
- rianaire lìonra network administrator
- Subject: Computing
- lìonra sòisealta
- social network
- n(m)
- lìonra shòisealta - social network poss csocial networks - lìonraidhean sòisealta pl
- làraichean-lìn sòisealta social network sites
- Subject: Computing
- lìonrachadh
- networking
- n(m)
- lìonrachadh sòisealta social networking
- Subject: General
- liopadomaig
- lipidomic
- adj
- ceannard rannsachadh liopadomaig head of lipidomic research
- rannsachadh liopadomaig lipidomic research
- Subject: General
- liopadomaigs
- lipidomics
- n(f)
- liopadomaigs - lipidomics poss c
- ceannard rannsachadh liopadomaig head of lipidomic research
- Subject: General
- Lios Mòr
- Lismore
- caistealan Lios Mhòir Lismore castles
- Subject: Geography
- Lios na gCearrbhach
- Lisburn
- Subject: Geography
- Lios na Scéithe
- Lisnaskea
- Subject: Geography
- Lios Tuathail
- Listowel
- Subject: Geography
- lios-mheas
- orchard
- n(m)
- liosa-mheas - orchard poss corchards - liosan-mheas pl
- liosan-mheas, measan agus coilltearachd orchards, fruits and forestry
- ubhalghort apple orchard
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- liosta-miann
- wishlist
- n(f)
- liosta-miann - wishlist poss cwishlists - liostaichean-miann pl
- cuir ri liosta-miann add to wishlist
- Subject: Computing
- liotair
- litre
- n(m)
- liotair - litre poss clitres - liotairean pl
- leth-liotair half-litre
- liot/mion litre/min
- liotair/liotairean sa mhionaid litres per minute
- Subject: Mathematics
- liotograf
- lithograph
- n(m)
- liotograf - lithograph poss clithographs - liotografan pl
- Subject: Art
- liotografaidh
- lithography
- n(m)
- liotografaidh - lithography poss c
- Subject: Art
- liotografaig
- lithographic
- adj
- pròiseasan liotografaig lithographic processes
- Subject: Art
- lirig
- lyric
- n(f)
- lirig(e) - lyric poss clyrics - lirigean pl
- bàrdachd lirig na Laidinn Latin lyric poetry
- lirigean òrain lyrics of a song
- ùghdar nan lirigean author of the lyrics
- Subject: Music
- lirigeach
- lyrical
- adj
- Subject: Music
- lirigeachd
- lyricism
- n(f)
- lirigeachd - lyricism poss clyricisms - lirigeachdan pl
- bòidhchead na lirigeachd beauty of the lyricism
- lirigeachd òrain lyricism of song
- Subject: Music
- litearra
- literate
- adj
- Subject: GeographyLanguageGeneral
- litearrachd
- literacy
- n(f)
- litearrachd - literacy poss c
- litearrachd agus àireamhachd literacy and numeracy
- litearrachd tar-ionnsachaidh literacy across learning
- sgilean fiosrachaidh agus litearrachd information skills and literacy
- Subject: General
- litir
- epistle
- n(f)
- litreach - epistle poss cepistles - litrichean pl
- na Litrichean the Epistles
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- litir
- letter
- n(f)
- litreach - letter poss cletters - litrichean pl
- litir bheag small letter
- litir mhòr capital letter
- litrichean gu caraid letters to a friend
- Litrichean Laidinn Latin letters
- litrichean na h-aibidil letters of the alphabet
- Subject: Language
- litium
- lithium
- n(m)
- litium - lithium poss c
- co-thàthadh litium lithium compound
- litium carbonat lithium carbonate
- Subject: Science
- litreachadh
- spelling
- n(m)
- litreachaidh - spelling poss c
- Subject: Language
- litreachas
- literature
- n(m)
- litreachais - literature poss cliteratures - litreachasan pl
- Eadailtis, Romàinis agus litreachasan co-cheangailte Italian, Romanian and related literatures
- litreachas adhraidh devotional literature
- litreachas agus reatoraig literature and rhetoric
- litreachas Grèugais nuadh modern Greek literature
- litreachas Portagailis Portuguese literature
- litreachas, reatoraig agus breithneachadh literature, rhetoric and criticism
- litreachasan Afro-Àisianach neo-Sheimitig non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
- litreachasan Afro-Àisianach; litreachasan Seimitig Afro-Asiatic literatures; Semitic literatures
- litreachasan Astro-innseach agus cànanan eile Austronesian and other literatures
- litreachasan cànanan eile literatures of other languages
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Deas South American native literature
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native literature
- litreachasan Eadailig; litreachas Laidinn Italic literatures; Latin literature
- litreachasan Ear-Indo-Eòrpach agus Ceilteach East Indo-European and Celtic literatures
- litreachasan eile other literatures
- litreachasan eile nan cànan Gearmainig other Germanic literatures
- litreachasan Greugach; Greugais chlasaigeach Hellenic literatures; classical Greek
- litreachasan Greugais, clasaigeach agus nuadh classical and modern Greek literatures
- litreachasan Laidinn agus Eadailig Latin and Italic literatures
- litreachasan nan cànan Eadailig eile literatures of other Italic languages
- litreachasan nan cànan Gearmainig literatures of Germanic languages
- litreachasan nan cànan Romansach literatures of Romance languages
- litreachasan Occitan agus Catalan Occitan and Catalan literatures
- litreachasan Romàinis agus litreachasan co-cheangailte Romanian and related literatures
- litreachasan Spàinntis agus Portagailis Spanish and Portuguese literatures
- litreachasan taobh an ear agus ear-dheas Àisia literatures of East and Southeast Asia
- reatoraig agus cruinneachaidhean litreachais rhetoric and collections of literature
- Subject: Language
- Lituàinia
- Lithuania
- n(m/f)
- Lituàinia - Lithuania poss c
- Poblachd Lituàinia Republic of Lithuania
- Subject: Geography
- Lituàinianach
- Lithuanian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Lituàinianach
- Lithuanian
- n(m)
- Lituàinianaich - Lithuanian poss cLithuanians - Lituàinianaich pl
- Subject: Geography
- Locarbaidh
- Lockerbie
- eachdraidh Locarbaidh history of Lockerbie
- Subject: Geography
- loch
- lake
- n(m/f)
- locha - lake poss clakes - lochan pl
- Loch Bhala Bala Lake
- Loch Bhrenig Lake Brenig
- loch bogha-daimh ox-bow lake
- loch crutha-eich horseshoe lake
- loch domhainn deep lake
- loch ràitheil seasonal lake
- loch reòthte frozen lake
- loch riobain ribbon lake
- Subject: Geography
- loch
- loch
- n(m)
- locha - loch poss clochs - lochan pl
- loch cruthaichte artificial loch
- loch-mara sea loch
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Aillionn
- Lough Allen
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Ainninn
- Lough Ennell
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Airceig
- Loch Arkaig
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Airceig water of Loch Arkaig
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Àlainn
- Lochaline
- n(m)
- eòin Loch Àlainn birds of Lochaline
- Subject: Geography
- Loch an Inbhir
- Lochinver
- caladh Loch an Inbhir Lochinver harbour
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Baghasdail
- Lochboisdale
- n(m)
- aiseag Loch Baghasdail Lochboisdale ferry
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Bhala
- Bala Lake
- n(m)
- Loch Bhala - Bala Lake poss c
- leud Loch Bhala width of Bala Lake
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Bhraoin
- Loch Broom
- n(m)
- beul Loch Bhraoin mouth of Loch Broom
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Bhrenig
- Lake Brenig
- n(m)
- Loch Bhrenig - Lake Brenig poss c
- iasgach air Loch Bhrenig fishing on Lake Brenig
- Subject: Geography
- loch bogha-daimh
- ox-bow lake
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Càin
- Loch Ken
- n(m)
- iasgach Loch Càin Loch Ken fishing
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Coirib
- Lough Carrib
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Con
- Lough Conn
- Subject: Geography
- loch crutha-eich
- horseshoe lake
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Cuan
- Strangford Lough
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Cuilinn
- Lough Cullin
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Dearg
- Lough Derg
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Deirgeirt
- Lough Derg
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Eadar Dhà Chaolas
- Eddrachillis Bay
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Eadar Dhà Chaolas water of Eddrachillis Bay
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Èireann
- Loch Earn
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Èireann water of Loch Earn
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Éirne Íochtair
- Lower Lough Erne
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Éirne Uachtair
- Upper Lough Erne
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Èite
- Loch Etive
- n(m)
- meud Loch Èite size of Loch Etive
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Fanaich
- Loch Fannich
- n(m)
- dàm Loch Fanaich Loch Fannich dam
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Feabhail
- Lough Foyle
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Fìn
- Loch Fyne
- n(m)
- cladaichean Loch Fìn shores of Loch Fyne
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Garadh
- Loch Garry
- n(m)
- coltas Loch Garadh appearance of Loch Garry
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Garman
- Wexford
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Lagain
- Loch Laggan
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Lagain water of Loch Laggan
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Langabhat
- Loch Langabhat
- n(m)
- bradan Loch Langabhat Loch Langabhat salmon
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Lao
- Belfast Lough
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Laoghail
- Loch Loyal
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Laoghail water of Loch Loyal
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Laomainn
- Loch Lomond
- n(m)
- bruachan Loch Laomainn banks of Loch Lomond
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Léin
- Lough Leane
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Lìobhann
- Loch Leven
- n(m)
- Caisteal Loch Lìobhann Loch Leven Castle
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Lìomhann
- Loch Lyon
- n(m)
- bruach Loch Lìomhann bank of Loch Lyon
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Lòchaidh
- Loch Lochy
- n(m)
- doimhne Loch Lòchaidh depth of Loch Lochy
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Long
- Loch Long
- n(m)
- meud Loch Long size of Loch Long
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Ma-Ruibhe
- Loch Maree
- n(m)
- eileanan Loch Ma-Ruibhe Loch Maree islands
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Measca
- Lough Mask
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Meilbhe
- Lough Melvin
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Mhonair
- Loch Monar
- n(m)
- dàm Loch Mhonair Loch Monar dam
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Mhòrair
- Loch Morar
- n(m)
- uisge Loch Mhòrair water of Loch Morar
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Mòr a' Mhathain
- Great Bear Lake
- n(m)
- Loch Mòr a' Mhathain - Great Bear Lake poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Mòr an t-Salainn
- Great Salt Lake
- n(m)
- Loch Mòr an t-Salainn - Great Salt Lake poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Loch nam Madadh
- Lochmaddy
- aiseag Loch nam Madadh Lochmaddy ferry
- Subject: Geography
- Loch nan Clàr
- Loch nan Clar
- n(m)
- bric Loch nan Clàr Loch nan Clar trout
- Subject: Geography
- Loch nEathach
- Lough Neagh
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Nis
- Loch Ness
- n(m)
- uilebheist Loch Nis Loch Ness monster
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Obha
- Loch Awe
- n(m)
- bruachan Loch Obha banks of Loch Awe
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Raineach
- Loch Rannoch
- n(m)
- iasgach Loch Rainich Loch Rannoch fishing
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Raonasa
- Lochranza
- baile Loch Raonasa village of Lochranza
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Rí
- Lough Ree
- Subject: Geography
- loch riobain
- ribbon lake
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Seile
- Loch Shiel
- n(m)
- doimhne Loch Seile depth of Loch Shiel
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Sin
- Loch Shin
- n(m)
- bòidhchead Loch Sin beauty of Loch Shin
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Snìosort
- Loch Snizort
- n(m)
- beul Loch Snìosort mouth of Loch Snizort
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Súilí
- Lough Swilly
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Tatha
- Loch Tay
- n(m)
- taobh deas Loch Tatha south side of Loch Tay
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Thoirbheartain
- Loch Torridon
- n(m)
- eileanan Loch Thoirbheartain islands of Loch Torridon
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Uail
- Lough Owel
- Subject: Geography
- Loch Vyrnwy
- Lake Vyrnwy
- n(m)
- Loch Vyrnwy - Lake Vyrnwy poss c
- Tèarmann Nàdair Loch Vyrnwy Lake Vyrnwy Nature Reserve
- Subject: Geography
- loch-tasgaidh
- reservoir
- n(m)
- loch-tasgaidh - reservoir poss creservoirs - lochan-tasgaidh pl
- Loch-tasgaidh an Dubh-Uisge Blackwater Reservoir
- Loch-tasgaidh Chlaerwen Claerwen Reservoir
- Loch-tasgaidh Loch Bhrianne Lake Brianne Reservoir
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh an Dubh-Uisge
- Blackwater Reservoir
- n(m)
- Loch-tasgaidh an Dubh-Uisge - Blackwater Reservoir poss c
- meud Loch-tasgaidh an Dubh-Uisge size of Blackwater Reservoir
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh Chlaerwen
- Claerwen Reservoir
- n(m)
- Loch-tasgaidh Chlaerwen - Claerwen Reservoir poss c
- Loch-tasgaidh Chlaerwen sa Chuimrigh Claerwen Reservoir in Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh Daer
- Daer Reservoir
- n(m)
- uisge Loch-tasgaidh Daer Daer Reservoir water
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh Loch Bhrianne
- Lake Brianne Reservoir
- n(m)
- Loch-tasgaidh Loch Bhrianne - Lake Brianne Reservoir poss c
- Loch-tasgaidh Loch Bhrianne sa Mhonadh Chambrian Lake Brianne Reservoir in the Cambrian Mountains
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh Oirrinn
- Orrin Reservoir
- n(m)
- uisge Loch-tasgaidh Oirrinn water of Orrin Reservoir
- Subject: Geography
- Loch-tasgaidh Pholl an Phúca
- Poulaphouca Reservoir
- Subject: Geography
- Lochlann
- Scandinavia
- n(f)
- Lochlainn - Scandinavia poss c
- feallsanachd Lochlainn philosophy of Scandinavia
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Lochlainn newspapers in Scandinavia
- Subject: Geography
- Lochlannach
- Scandinavian
- adj
- cànanan Lochlannach Scandinavian languages
- cruinneachaidhean anns na cànanan Lochlannach collections in Scandinavian languages
- irisean anns na cànanan Lochlannach serials in Scandinavian languages
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais anns na cànanan Lochlannach encyclopedias in Scandinavian languages
- Subject: Language
- Lochlannach
- Viking
- n(m)
- Lochlannaich - Viking poss cVikings - Lochlannaich pl
- Subject: History
- Lochlannach
- Viking
- adj
- aodach Lochlannach Viking clothes
- clogaid Lochlannach Viking helmet
- Subject: History
- locus
- locus
- n(m)
- locus - locus poss cloci - loci pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- log a-mach
- log out
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- log a-mach
- logout
- n(m)
- logouts - logaidhean a-mach pl
- Subject: Computing
- log a-steach
- log in
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- log air
- log on
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- log dheth
- log off
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- loga
- log
- n(m)
- loga - log poss clogs - logaichean pl
- faidhle loga log file
- Subject: Computing
- logadh
- logging
- n(m)
- logaidh - logging poss cloggings - logaidhean pl
- logadh a-mach logging out
- logadh a-steach logging in
- Subject: Computing
- logaireachd
- logging
- n(f)
- logaireachd - logging poss c
- logaireachd roghnach selective logging
- Subject: Geography
- logaritmeach
- logarithmic
- adj
- diofarachadh logaritmeach logarithmic differentiation
- Subject: Mathematics
- loidhne
- line
- n(f)
- loidhne - line poss clines - loidhnichean pl
- an loidhne as freagarraiche line of best fit
- clàr-cholbhan-loidhne bar line chart
- co-chothromachd loidhne line symmetry
- graf loidhne-dhìreach straight-line graph
- graf loidhne-lùbte curved-line graph
- graf-cholbhan-loidhne bar line graph
- graf-cholbhan-loidhne line bar graph
- graf-ioma-loidhne multiple line graph
- graf-loidhne line graph
- loidhne bheartagail vertical line
- loidhne chòmhnard horizontal line
- loidhne lùbte curved line
- loidhne thrastanach diagonal line
- loidhne-àirde contour
- loidhne-àireamhan number line
- loidhne-clèithe grid line
- loidhne-cothromachaidh line of symmetry
- loidhne-meadhain centre line
- loidhne-meadhain median line
- loidhne-tìme timeline
- loidhne-tuath north line
- loidhnichean co-shìnte parallel lines
- loidhnichean-àirde contour lines
- Subject: Mathematics
- loidhne
- line
- n(f)
- loidhne - line poss clines - loidhnichean pl
- bun-loidhne base line
- loidhne aotrom feint line
- loidhne dhìreach straight line
- loidhne fhalaichte hidden line
- loidhne-àirde height line
- loidhne-dàtaim datum line
- loidhne-grunnd ground line
- loidhne-meadhain centre line
- loidhne-togail construction line
- Subject: Technical
- Loidhne ADSL
- Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
- n(f)
- Subject: Computing
- loidhne-a-muigh
- outline
- n(f)
- loidhne-a-muigh - outline poss coutlines - loidhnichean a-muigh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- loidhne-àirde
- contour
- n(f)
- loidhne-àirde - contour poss ccontours - loidhnichean-àirde pl
- loidhnichean-àirde contour lines
- pàtrain loidhnichean-àirde contour patterns
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- loidhne-bruthaidh
- isobar
- n(f)
- loidhne-bruthaidh - isobar poss cisobars - loidhnichean-bruthaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- loidhne-clèithe
- line of staff
- n(f)
- loidhne-clèithe - line of staff poss clines of staff - loidhnichean-clèithe pl
- àireamh loidhnichean-clèithe number of lines of staff
- suidheachadh loidhne-clèithe position of line of staff
- Subject: Music
- loidhne-gearraidh
- cutting plane
- n(f)
- loidhne-gearraidh - cutting plane poss ccutting planes - loidhnichean-gearraidh pl
- Subject: Technical
- loidhne-laigse
- line of weakness
- n(f)
- loidhne-laigse - line of weakness poss clines of weakness - loidhnichean-laigse pl
- Subject: Geography
- loidhne-sgàinidh
- fault line
- n(f)
- loidhne-sgàinidh - fault line poss cfault line - loidhnichean-sgàinidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- loidhne-stiùiridh
- guideline
- n(f)
- loidhne-stiùiridh - guideline poss cguidelines - loidhnichean-stiùiridh pl
- Subject: Technical
- loidhne-tarsainn
- transect
- n(f)
- loidhne-tarsainn - transect poss ctransects - loidhnnichean-tarsainn pl
- Subject: Geography
- loidhne-tìme
- timeline
- n(f)
- loidhne-tìme - timeline poss ctimelines - loidhnichean-tìme pl
- Subject: General
- loidhneach
- linear
- adj
- fuincsean loidhneach linear function
- Subject: Mathematics
- loidhnichean buidhe dùbailte
- double yellow lines
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- loidse
- lodge
- n(m/f)
- loidse - lodge poss clodges - loidseachan pllodges - loidsichean pl
- eag-loidsichean eco-lodges
- Subject: Geography
- loidsig
- logic
- n(f)
- loidsig - logic poss c
- Subject: General
- loisg
- shoot
- vb
- a' losgadh air na geòidh shooting the geese
- Subject: General
- lom
- net
- adj
- cuideam lom net weight
- pàigheadh lom net pay
- Subject: Mathematics
- long
- ship
- n(f)
- luinge - ship poss cships - longan pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- lorg
- footprint
- n(f)
- luirge - footprint poss cfootprints - lorgan pl
- lorg cruinne global footprint
- lorg cruinne sgoiltean schools' global footprint
- Subject: General
- lorg
- find
- vb
- cha deach dad a lorg nothing was found
- lorg facal find a word
- Subject: Computing
- lorg
- locate
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- lorg
- search
- vb
- einnsean-lorg search engine
- grad-lorg quick search
- leasachadh einnsein-lorg search engine optimization
- lorg san làrach search site
- lorg san làrach seo search this site
- lorg san làrach seo search within this site
- lorg san lìon search the web
- lorg san lìon search web
- lorg san lìon shlàn search whole web
- Subject: Computing
- lorg & glan
- debug
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- lorg luach
- find the value
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lorg slighe
- breadcrumb
- n(f)
- lorg slighe - breadcrumb poss cbreadcrumbs - lorgan slighe pl
- slighe lorgan breadcrumb trail
- Subject: Computing
- losgadh
- shooting
- n(m)
- losgaidh - shooting poss cshootings - losgaidhean pl
- Subject: General
- losgadh-bràghad
- heartburn
- n(m)
- losgaidh-bràghad - heartburn poss c
- pian an losgaidh-bràghad the pain of the heartburn
- pian losgadh-bràghad heartburn pain
- Subject: Science
- losgann
- frog
- n(m/f)
- losgainn - frog poss cfrogs - losgannan pl
- casan losgainn frog's legs
- losgann craoibhe nan sùilean dearga red-eyed tree frog
- losgann cumail-uisge water-holding frog
- losgann na saighid phuinnseanta poison arrow frog
- Subject: Science
- lot(a)
- croft
- n(m)
- lota - croft poss ccrofts - lotaichean pl
- Subject: General
- luach
- value
- n(m)
- luach - value poss cvalues - luachan pl
- a' leasachadh cultar luachan developing a culture of values
- Luachan agus Saoranachd values and citizenship
- luachan, adhbharan agus prionnsapalan Curraicealam airson Sàr-mhathais values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence
- Subject: General
- luach
- evaluation
- n(m)
- luaich - evaluation poss cevaluations - luachan pl
- co-òrdanaiche luachaidh agus rannsachaidh evaluation and research coordinator
- Subject: Mathematics
- luach
- value
- n(m)
- luach - value poss cvalues - luachan pl
- cìs luach leasaichte (VAT) value added tax (VAT)
- liost na luachan a dh’fhaodadh a bhith aig x list the possible values of x
- liost na luachan a tha comasach airson x list the possible values of x
- lorg na luachan aig x find the values of x
- luach (a rèir) àite place value
- luach mionaideach exact value
- luach-tionndaidh turning value
- luachan a tha comasach possible values
- Subject: Mathematics
- luach (a rèir) àite
- place value
- n phr
- Subject: Mathematics
- luach-tionndaidh
- turning value
- n(m)
- luach-tionndaidh - turning value poss cturning values - luachan-tionndaidh (pl) pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Luachras
- Leuchars
- stèisean-rèile Luachrais Leuchars railway station
- Subject: Geography
- luaidhe
- lead
- n(m/f)
- luaidhe - lead poss c
- luaidhe cròmat lead chromate
- Subject: Science
- luathrachadh
- cremation
- n(m)
- luathrachaidh - cremation poss ccremations - luathrachaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- luathraich
- cremate
- vb
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- luaths
- speed
- n(m)
- luaiths - speed poss c
- luathaich speed up
- luaths aig àm sònraichte sam bith instantaneous speed
- luaths na gaoithe wind speed
- luaths solais speed of light
- luaths-gaoithe wind speed
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- lùb
- curve
- n(m)
- lùib - curve poss ccurves - lùban pl
- lùb-tòrachd pursuit curve
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùb-aibhne
- meander
- n(f)
- lùib-aibhne - meander poss cmeanders - lùban-aibhne pl
- amhach lùib-aibhne neck of meander
- Subject: Geography
- lùb-bheanntan
- fold mountains
- Subject: Geography
- lùb-thràigh
- slip-off slope
- n(f)
- lùb-thràghad - slip-off slope poss clùb-thràighe - slip-off slope poss cslip-off slopes - lùb-thràighean pl
- Subject: Geography
- lùb-tòrachd
- pursuit curve
- n(m)
- lùb-tòrachd - pursuit curve poss cpursuit curves - lùban-tòrachd pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùbach
- meandering
- adj
- allt lùbach meandering stream
- sruthan lùbach meandering stream
- Subject: Geography
- lùbte
- curved
- adj
- graf loidhne-lùbte curved-line graph
- loidhne lùbte curved line
- Subject: Mathematics
- luch
- mouse
- n(f)
- lucha - mouse poss cmice - luchainn plmice - luchan pl
- brùth am putan lucha press the mouse button
- brùth am putan-lucha clì press the left mouse button
- brùth am putan-lucha deas press the right mouse button
- cliog lucha mouse click
- cliogan lucha mouse clicks
- dèan cliog lucha do a mouse click
- gluais an luch move the mouse
- putain lucha mouse buttons
- putain-lucha clì left mouse buttons
- putain-lucha deasa right mouse buttons
- putan lucha mouse button
- putan-lucha clì left mouse button
- putan-lucha deas right mouse button
- Subject: Computing
- luchd
- load
- n(f)
- luchd - load poss cloads - luchdan pl
- luchd-speinseanach suspended load
- Subject: Geography
- luchd-obrach
- personnel
- n(m)
- luchd-obrach - personnel poss c
- stiùireadh luchd-obrach personnel management
- Subject: General
- luchd-obrach
- staff
- n(m)
- luchd-obrach - staff poss c
- leasachadh luchd-obrach staff development
- neach-leasachaidh luchd-obrach staff developer
- neach-obrach staff member
- rianaire leasachadh luchd-obrach Gàidhlig Gaelic staff development administrator
- Subject: General
- luchdachadh a-nuas
- download
- n(m)
- luchdachaidh a-nuas - download poss cdownloads - luchdachaidhean a-nuas pl
- Subject: Computing
- luchdachadh suas
- upload
- n(m)
- luchdachaidh suas - upload poss cuploads - luchdachaidhean suas pl
- Subject: Computing
- luchdaich a-nuas
- download
- vb
- luchdaich a-nuas aig àm eile download later
- luchdaich a-nuas an-dràsta download now
- Subject: Computing
- luchdaich suas
- upload
- vb
- luchdaich suas aig àm eile upload later
- luchdaich suas an-dràsta upload now
- Subject: Computing
- lùghdachadh
- decrease
- n(m)
- lùghdachaidh - decrease poss cdecreases - lùghdachaidhean pl
- lùghdachadh ceudadach percentage decrease
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdachadh
- discount
- n(m)
- lùghdachaidh - discount poss cdiscounts - lùghdachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdachadh
- reduction
- n(m)
- lùghdachaidh - reduction poss creductions - lùghdachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdachadh nàdarra
- natural decrease
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- lùghdaich
- decrease
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdaich
- decrease
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdaich
- discount
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdaich
- reduce
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- lùghdaich ìre
- downgrade
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- Lugsamburg
- Luxembourg
- n(m/f)
- Lugsamburg - Luxembourg poss c
- dùthaich Lugsamburg country of Luxembourg
- Subject: Geography
- luibh-eòlas
- botany
- n(m)
- luibh-eòlais - botany poss c
- lusan (luibh-eòlas) plants (botany)
- Subject: Science
- luibheach
- herbaceous
- adj
- lusan luibheach herbaceous plants
- Subject: General
- Luimneach
- Limerick
- Subject: Geography
- Lùnastal
- August
- n(m)
- Lùnastail - August poss c
- 11 Lùnastal 11 August
- 11mh (An) Lùnastal 11th of August
- an 11mh dhen Lùnastal 11th of August
- an aonamh latha deug dhen Lùnastal the eleventh of August
- an Lùnastal August
- deireadh an Lùnastail end of August
- latha anns an Lùnastal a day in August
- Lùn Aug
- Subject: General
- Lunnainn
- London
- n(m)
- Lunnainn - London poss c
- mòr-bhaile Lunnainn city of London
- Sgìre Lunnainn Greater London
- Subject: Geography
- lus
- plant
- n(m)
- luis - plant poss clusa - plant poss cplants - lusan pl
- leòin, galaran agus plàighean lusan plant injuries, diseases and pests
- lusan (luibh-eòlas) plants (botany)
- lusan bhascular neo-shìolach vascular seedless plants
- lusan comharraichte airson fheartan agus fhlùraichean plants noted for characteristics and flowers
- lusan fiodhach woody plants
- lusan gun shìol seedless plants
- lusan luibheach herbaceous plants
- pàirtean sònraichte ann an lusan specific parts of plants
- siostaman sònraichte ann an lusan specific systems in plants
- Subject: Science
- lus nam ban-sìth
- foxglove
- n(m)
- lus nam ban-sìth - foxglove poss cfoxgloves - lusan nam ban-sìth pl
- Subject: Science
- lus-itheadair
- herbivore
- n(m)
- lus-itheadair - herbivore poss cherbivores - lus-itheadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- lut
- lute
- n(m)
- luta - lute poss clutes - lutan pl
- ceòl an luta music of the lute
- Subject: Music
- lutaire
- lutanist
- n(m)
- lutaire - lutanist poss clutanists - lutairean pl
- ceòl an lutaire lutanist's music
- lutaire a' cluich a lutanist playing
- Subject: Music
- lutetium
- lutetium
- n(m)
- lutetium - lutetium poss c
- Subject: Science
- lùth
- energy
- n(m)
- lùtha - energy poss cenergies - lùthan pl
- aiseag lùtha energy transfer
- bolgain-solais beag-lùth energy efficient light bulbs
- buidheann rannsachaidh lùtha energy research group
- bun lùtha energy source
- bun lùtha ath-nuadhachail renewable energy source
- bunan lùtha energy sources
- caitheamh-lùth energy consumption
- eaconamas lùtha economics of energy
- fòrsa agus lùth force and energy
- lùth ann am biadh energy in food
- lùth ath-nuadhachail renewable energy
- lùth cineataig kinetic energy
- lùth gaoithe wind energy
- lùth geo-thearmach geo-thermal energy
- lùth grèine solar energy
- lùth nan tonnan wave energy
- lùth san àrainneachd energy in the environment
- lùth tearmach thermal energy
- rannsachadh lùtha energy research
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- lùth ath-nuadhachail
- renewable energy
- n(m)
- lùtha ath-nuadhachail - renewable energy poss c
- bun lùtha ath-nuadhachail renewable energy source
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- lùth-chleas
- athletics
- n(m)
- lùth-chleasa - athletics poss cathletics - lùth-chleasan pl
- number of athletics at Commonwealth Games àireamh de lùth-chleasan aig Geamannan Co-fhlaitheis
- Subject: Physical Education
- lùth-chleasach
- athletic
- adj
- geamannan lùth-chleasach athletic games
- spòrsan lùth-chleasach athletic sports
- Subject: Physical Education
- lùth-chleasachd
- athletics
- n(f)
- lùth-chleasachd - athletics poss c
- an interest in athletics ùidh ann an lùth-chleasachd
- Subject: Physical Education
- lùth-chleasaiche
- athlete
- n(m)
- lùth-chleasaiche - athlete poss cathletes - lùth-chleasaichean pl
- Subject: Physical Education