Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- f
- p.m
- adv
- Subject: Mathematics
- facal
- word
- n(m)
- facail - word poss cwords - facail plwords - faclan pl
- ceist-teacsa word problem
- facal air an fhacal word for word
- facal-faire password
- Subject: Language
- facal-faire
- password
- n(m)
- facail-faire - password poss cpasswords - facail-faire pl
- cuir a-steach dearbh-aithneachadh facal-faire enter password authentication
- cuir a-steach facal-faire enter password
- dearbh-aithneachadh facal-faire password authentication
- mèirleach facal-faire password stealer
- obair mèirleach facal-faire work of password stealer
- seo d' fhacal-faire here is your password
- Subject: Computing
- facaltaidh
- faculty
- n(f)
- facaltaidh - faculty poss cfaculties - facaltaidhean pl
- deadhan facaltaidh nan ealain dean of the faculty of arts
- facaltaidh gnothachais agus chur-seachadan faculty of business and leisure
- oifigear facaltaidh faculty officer
- Subject: General
- Fachabair
- Fochabers
- bùthan Fhachabair shops of Fochabers
- Subject: Geography
- faclair
- dictionary
- n(m)
- faclair - dictionary poss cdictionaries - faclairean pl
- catalogan fhaclairean dictionary catalogues
- faclairean Beurla English dictionaries
- Subject: General
- factar
- factor
- n(m)
- factair - factor poss cfactors - factaran pl
- factar àbhaisteach proper factor
- factar cumanta common factor
- factar cumanta as àirde (fcà) highest common factor
- factar cumanta as ìsle (fcì) lowest common factor
- factar na farsaingeachd area factor
- factar-sgèile scale factor
- factar-sìnidh stretch factor
- iomadan, factaran agus prìomhan multiples, factors and primes
- prìomh fhactaran prime factors
- Subject: Mathematics
- factar
- factor
- n(m)
- factair - factor poss cfactors - factaran pl
- factar daonna human factor
- factar fiosaigeach physical factor
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- factar(ach)adh
- factorisation
- n(m)
- factarachaidh - factorisation poss cfactorisations - factarachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- factaraich
- factorise
- vb
- factaraich an trì-theirmeach \( x^2 + 5x + 6 \) factorise the trinomial \( x^2 + 5x + 6 \)
- Subject: Mathematics
- factaraichte
- factorised
- adj
- factaraichte gu h-iomlan fully factorised
- Subject: Mathematics
- fad-bheatha
- lifelong
- adj
- ceannard ionnsachadh fad-bheatha head of lifelong learning
- ionnsachadh fad-bheatha lifelong learning
- Subject: General
- fada
- long
- adj
- roinneadh fada long division
- Subject: Mathematics
- fàg
- exit
- vb
- fàg is dùin exit and close
- Subject: Computing
- fàg brath
- post
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- faic nad inntinn
- visualise
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- faicsinneachd
- visibility
- n(f)
- faicsinneachd - visibility poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- faid
- length
- n(f)
- faid(e) - length poss clengths - faidean pl
- a dh'fhaid in length
- de fhaid in length
- faidean ceàrnagaichte squared lengths
- sgrìobh faid thuairmseach write an approximate length
- Subject: Mathematics
- faid
- duration
- n(m)
- faid - duration poss cdurations - faidean pl
- Subject: Music
- faid
- length
- n(f)
- faide - length poss clengths - faidean pl
- tomhas an fhaide measure of the length
- Subject: Music
- fàidh
- prophet
- n(m)
- fàidhe - prophet poss cprophets - fàidhean pl
- fàidhean brèige false prohphets
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- fàidheil
- prophetic
- adj
- leabhraichean fàidheil an t-Seann Tiomnaidh prophetic books of the Old Testament
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- faidhle
- file
- n(f)
- faidhle - file poss cfiles - faidhleachan pl
- ainm-faidhle file name
- faidhle coimpiutair computer file
- fòrmat faidhle file format
- fòrmatan faidhle file formats
- Subject: Computing
- faigh iasad
- take out a loan
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- faigh iasad
- borrow
- vb
- faigh airgead air iasad bhon bhanca borrow money from the bank
- Subject: Mathematics
- failbhean na cluaise
- earlobe
- n(m)
- failbhean na cluaise - earlobe poss cearlobes - failbheanan nan cluasan pl
- Subject: Science
- fàileadh-bodhaig
- B.O.
- n(m)
- fàileidh-bodhaig - B.O. poss cB.O. - fàileidhean-bodhaig pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- faileas
- reflection
- n(m)
- faileis - reflection poss creflections - faileasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- faileas
- shadow
- n(m)
- faileis - shadow poss cshadows - faileasan pl
- Subject: General
- faileas-sgàthain
- image
- n(m)
- faileis-sgàthain - image poss cimages - faileasan-sgàthain pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- faileas-sgàthain
- reflection
- n(m)
- faileis-sgàthain - reflection poss creflections - faileasan-sgàthain pl
- co-chothromachd faileis-sgàthain reflection symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- fàilteachas
- front of house
- n(m)
- fàilteachais - front of house poss c
- àrd-rianaire fàilteachais senior front of house administrator
- rianaire fàilteachais front of house administrator
- Subject: General
- Fair Isle
- Fair Isle
- n(m)
- fighe Fair Isle Fair Isle knitting
- Subject: Geography
- fairdeal
- invoice
- n(m)
- fairdeil - invoice poss cinvoices - fairdealan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fàire
- horizon
- n(f)
- fàire - horizon poss chorizons - fàirean pl
- Subject: Science
- faireachdainn
- emotion
- n(f)
- faireachdainn - emotion poss cemotions - faireachdainnean pl
- lèirsinn, gluasad, faireachdainn agus dealas perception, movement, emotions and drive
- Subject: General
- Fairtrade
- Fairtrade
- n(f)
- Subject: General
- faisg-dhùblachadh
- near-double
- n(m)
- faisg-dhùblachaidh - near-double poss cnear-doubles - faisg-dhùblaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- faisg-iomad
- near-multiple
- n(m)
- faisg-iomaid - near-multiple poss cnear-multiples - faisg-iomadan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fàisneachail
- divinatory
- adj
- eòlas-sgrìobhaidh fàisneachail divinatory graphology
- Subject: General
- fàl-feòir
- grass verge
- n(m)
- fàil-feòir - grass verge poss cgrass verges - fàil-feòir pl
- Subject: Geography
- falaisg
- muirburn
- n(f)
- falaisg muirburn
- Subject: Geography
- falamh
- vacant
- adj
- bùth fhalamh vacant shop
- rumannan falamh vacant rooms (eg in a hotel)
- Subject: General
- falamh na b(h)roinn
- hollow
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- fallaineachd
- fitness
- n(f)
- fallaineachd - fitness poss c
- Subject: Physical Education
- fallainn
- mantle
- n(f)
- fallainn(e) - mantle poss cmantles - fallainnean pl
- Subject: Science
- falmhachadh-sluaigh
- evacuation
- n(m)
- falmhachaidh-sluaigh - evacuation poss c
- plana falmhachaidh-sluaigh evacuation plan
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- famh
- mole
- n(m/f)
- faimh - mole poss cmoles - faimh plmoles - famhan pl
- famh òir a' Ghranndaich Grant's golden mole
- Subject: Science
- fànas
- space
- n(m)
- fànais - space poss c
- còmhdhail fànais space transportation
- Subject: Science
- fantasia
- fantasia
- n(m)
- fantasia - fantasia poss cfantasias - fantasiathan pl
- Subject: Music
- faoileag
- seagull
- n(f)
- faoileig - seagull poss cseagulls - faoileagan pl
- Subject: Science
- Faoilleach
- January
- n(m)
- Faoillich - January poss c
- 17 Faoilleach 17 January
- 17mh (Am) Faoilleach 17th of January
- am Faoilleach January
- an 17mh den Fhaoilleach 17th of January
- an seachdamh latha deug dhen Fhaoilleach the seventeenth of January
- Faoi Jan
- latha anns an Fhaoilleach a day in January
- meadhan an Fhaoillich middle of January
- Subject: General
- Faoilteach
- January
- n(m)
- Faoiltich - January poss c
- am Faoilteach January
- Faoi Jan
- latha anns an Fhaoilteach a day in January
- meadhan an Fhaoiltich middle of January
- Subject: General
- far a' chladaich
- offshore
- n phr
- eileanan far a' chladaich offshore islands
- Subject: Geography
- far-loidhne
- offline
- adj
- ann am modh far-loidhne in offline mode
- cuideachadh far-loidhne offline help
- modh far-loidhne offline mode
- obraich far-loidhne work offline
- Subject: Computing
- Farfar
- Forfar
- muinntir Fharfair people of Forfar
- Subject: Geography
- Farrais
- Forres
- baile Fharrais town of Forres
- Subject: Geography
- farsaing
- obtuse
- adj
- ceàrn farsaing obtuse angle
- triantan le ceàrn farsaing obtuse-angled triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- farsaingeachd
- breadth
- n(f)
- farsaingeachd - breadth poss cbreadths - farsaingeachdan pl
- farsaingeachd chuspairean breadth of subjects
- Subject: General
- farsaingeachd
- area
- n(f)
- farsaingeachd - area poss careas - farsaingeachdan pl
- factar farsaingeachd area factor
- farsaingeachd cearcaill area of a circle
- farsaingeachd-raoin surface area
- farsaingeachd-uachdair surface area
- lorg farsaingeachd an triantain find the area of the triangle
- obraich a-mach farsaingeachd-uachdair a' chiùb work out the surface area of the cube
- Subject: Mathematics
- fàs na gealaich
- wax
- n phr
- a' ghealach a' fàs the waxing moon
- tha fàs na gealaich gu bhith seachad the wax of the moon is almost finished
- Subject: Science
- fàs-bheairt
- organism
- n(f)
- fàs-bheairt - organism poss corganisms - fàs-bheairtean pl
- eachdraidh nàdarra fhàs-bheairtean natural history of organisms
- Subject: Science
- fàs-bheairteach
- organic
- adj
- bathar fàs-bheairteach organic products
- ceimigeachd fhàs-bheairteach organic chemistry
- teicneòlas bathar fàs-bheairteach technology of organic products
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- fàs-bheatha
- vegetation
- n(f)
- fàs-bheatha - vegetation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- fàsach
- desert
- n(m/f)
- fàsaich - desert poss cdeserts - fàsachean pldeserts - fàsaichean pl
- fàsach f(h)uar cold desert
- Subject: Geography
- fàsachadh
- desertification
- n(m)
- fàsachaidh - desertification poss c
- sìor-fhàsachadh spiral desertification
- Subject: Geography
- fasgadh
- shelter
- n(m)
- fasgaidh - shelter poss cshelters - fasgaidhean pl
- crios-fasgaidh shelter belt
- Fasgadh Anderson Anderson Shelter
- fasgadh èiginn emergency shelter
- fasgadh ionnsaigh-adhair air raid shelter
- Subject: General
- favela
- favela
- n(m)
- favela - favela poss cfavela - favelathan pl
- Subject: Geography
- feabhasach
- superlative
- adj
- buadhair feabhasach superlative adjective
- Subject: Language
- feachd
- force
- n(m/f)
- feachd - force poss cforces - feachdan pl
- feachdan adhair air forces
- feachdan coisridh infantry forces
- feachdan eachraidh mounted forces
- feachdan mara sea forces
- feachdan speisealta specialised forces
- Subject: General
- feadag
- whistle
- n(f)
- feadaig(e) - whistle poss cwhistles - feadagan pl
- feadag adhairce horn whistle
- fìdeag penny whistle
- Subject: Music
- feallsanachd
- philosophy
- n(f)
- feallsanachd - philosophy poss cphilosophies - feallsanachdan pl
- feallsanachd agus saidhceòlas philosophy and psychology
- feallsanachd agus teòiridh philosophy and theory
- feallsanachd agus teòiridh creideimh philosophy and theory of religion
- feallsanachd an t-seann Aonaidh Shobhietich philosophy of former Soviet Union
- feallsanachd ann an ceàrnaidhean eile philosophy in other geographic areas
- feallsanachd àrsaidh, nam meadhan-aoisean agus na h-àird an ear ancient, medieval and eastern philosophy
- feallsanachd bhreitheil critical philosophy
- feallsanachd ealain fhìnealta agus maiseachaidh philosophy of fine and decorative arts
- feallsanachd Eileanan Bhreatainn philosophy of British Isles
- feallsanachd Epicùrach Epicurean philosophy
- feallsanachd meadhan-aoiseil na h-àird an iar medieval western philosophy
- feallsanachd na h-àird an ear eastern philosophy
- feallsanachd nàdarra natural philosophy
- feallsanachd nuadh modern philosophy
- feallsanachd nuadh na h-àird an iar modern western philosophy
- feallsanachd Stoic Stoic philosophy
- feallsanachdan Arastotalach Aristotelian philosophy
- feallsanachdan Greugach ro-Shocratach pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
- feallsanachdan Platonach Platonic philosophies
- feallsanachdan Skeptic agus Nuadh-phlatonach Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies
- teòiridh feallsanachd theory of philosophy
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd Bhergson
- Bergsonism
- n phr
- feallsanachd Bhergson agus toinisg Bergsonism and intuitionism
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd co-dhùnaidh
- induction
- n phr
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd mothachaidh
- sensationalism
- n phr
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd mu chrìoch na cruinne
- eschatology
- n phr
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- feallsanachd nàdair
- naturalism
- n phr
- feallsanachd nàdair agus siostaman co-cheangailte naturalism and related systems
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd teagaisg
- pedagogy
- n phr
- Subject: General
- feallsanachd tuigse
- deduction
- n phr
- Subject: General
- feallsanachdail
- philosophical
- adj
- ceistean feallsanachdail philosophical questions
- eòlas creideimh, moraltachd agus feallsanachd religious, moral and philosophical studies
- feallsanachdan sònraichte specific philosophical schools
- luchd-leantainn fheallsanachdan eadar-dhealaichte philosophical schools of thought
- siostaman feallsanachd eile other philosophical systems
- Subject: General
- feamainist
- feminist
- n(m)
- feamainist - feminist poss cfeminists - feamainistean pl
- Subject: General
- fear-tàileisg
- chessman
- fir-tàileisg - chessman poss cchessmen - fir-tàileisg pl
- Fir-tàileisg Leòdhais Lewis Chessmen
- Subject: History
- fearalas
- virility
- n(m)
- fearalais - virility poss c
- Subject: GeographySciencePersonal and Social Education
- fearann
- land
- n(m)
- fearainn - land poss c
- ath-leasachadh fearainn land reform
- cleachdadairean-fearainn dùthchail rural land users
- cleachdadh-fearainn land use
- còmhstri cleachdadh-fearainn land use conflict
- fearann coillteach woodland
- fearann dùthchail rural land
- fearann iomaill marginal land
- goireasan fearainn land resources
- grant fearann coillteach woodland grant
- iomall-thalamh marginal land
- luach fearainn land value
- sònaichean cleachdadh-fearainn land use zones
- Subject: Geography
- fearann coillteach
- woodland
- n phr
- grant fearann coillteach woodland grant
- Subject: Geography
- feart
- property
- n(m)
- fearta - property poss cproperties - feartan pl
- feartan agus feuman properties and uses
- Subject: General
- feart
- property
- n(m)
- fearta - property poss cproperties - feartan pl
- Feartan Sgrion no Feartan Taisbeanaidh (a rèir suidheachadh) Display Properties
- Subject: Computing
- feart
- feature
- n(m)
- fearta - feature poss cfeatures - feartan pl
- feart fiosaigeach physical feature
- feartan-tasgaidh depositional features
- feartan-tasgaidh costail coastal depositional features
- feartan-tìre landscape features
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- feart
- property
- n(m)
- fearta - property poss cproperties - feartan pl
- feartan chumaidhean 2D agus nithean 3D properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects
- feartan triantain properties of a triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- feart
- property
- n(m)
- fearta - property poss cproperties - feartan pl
- feart cloiche teinntich igneous rock property
- feartan neo-aithnichte unknown properties
- Subject: Science
- feart
- attribute
- n(f)
- fearta - attribute poss cattributes - feartan pl
- bith, nàdar agus feartan Dhè existence, knowablility and attributes of God
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- feart
- characteristic
- n(m)
- feart - characteristic poss ccharacteristics - feartan pl
- diofar fheartan different characteristics
- Subject: General
- feart-tìre
- landform
- n(m)
- feart-tìre - landform poss clandforms - feartan-tìre pl
- Subject: Geography
- feartan uachdair
- surface features
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- fèath
- still calm
- n(m/f)
- fèatha - still calm poss ccalm periods - fèathan pl
- Subject: Geography
- feidse
- fetch
- n(m)
- feidse - fetch poss cfetches - feidsean pl
- Subject: Geography
- fèill
- festival
- n(f)
- fèille - festival poss cfestivals - fèilltean pl
- Fèill Ionnsachaidh na h-Alba Scottish Learning Festival
- Subject: General
- fèin
- self
- pron
- ag obair air a ceann fhèin self-employed (female)
- ag obair air a cheann fhèin self-employed (male)
- an fhèin the self
- fèin-mheasadh self-assessment
- fèin-mhìneachail self-explanatory
- oibriche air a cheann fhèin self-employed person
- Subject: General
- fèin-choltach
- self-similar
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- fèin-choltas
- self-similarity
- n(m)
- fèin-choltais - self-similarity poss cself-similarities - fèin-choltasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fèin-obrachail
- automatic
- adj
- Subject: Computing
- fèineil
- selfish
- adj
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- fèis
- festival
- n(f)
- fèise - festival poss cfestivals - fèisean pl
- Fèisean nan Gàidheal Fèisean nan Gàidheal
- Subject: General
- feise
- sex
- n(f)
- feise - sex poss c
- beus-eòlas feise agus ginidh ethics of sex and reproduction
- eòlas gnèitheachais agus dhàimhean sex and relationships education
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- fèith
- muscle
- n(f)
- fèith(e) - muscle poss cmuscles - fèithean pl
- fèithean clèibhe intercostal muscles
- Subject: Science
- fèith-fala
- vein
- n(f)
- fèithe-fala - vein poss cveins - fèithean-fala pl
- fèith-fala na h-imleig umbilical vein
- Subject: Science
- fèith-lùthaidh
- tendon
- n(f)
- fèith-lùthaidh - tendon poss ctendons - fèithean-lùthaidh pl
- Subject: Science
- fèitheach
- veinous
- adj
- Subject: Science
- fèitheag
- capillary
- n(f)
- fèitheig(e) - capillary poss ccapillaries - fèitheagan pl
- Subject: Science
- fèitheagach
- capillary
- adj
- siostam fèitheagach capillary system
- Subject: Science
- feòil-itheadair
- carnivore
- n(m)
- feòil-itheadair - carnivore poss ccarnivores - feòil-itheadairean pl
- Subject: Science
- feòrag
- squirrel
- n(f)
- feòraig - squirrel poss csquirrels - feòragan pl
- feòrag ghlas grey squirrel
- feòrag ruadh red squirrel
- feòrag-thalmhainn ground squirrel
- Subject: Science
- fermium
- fermium
- n(m)
- fermium - fermium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ferro-choncrait
- ferro-concrete
- n(m)
- ferro-choncrait - ferro-concrete poss c
- Subject: Technical
- feuchainn is leasachadh
- trial and improvement
- Subject: Mathematics
- feum
- use
- n(m/f)
- feuma - use poss cuses - feuman pl
- feartan agus feuman properties and uses
- Subject: General
- feumalach
- utilitarian
- adj
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- feumalaiche
- utilitarian
- n(m)
- feumalaiche - utilitarian poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- feur
- grass
- n(m)
- feòir - grass poss cgrasses - feuran pl
- achadh feòir field of grass
- bileag feòir blade of grass
- fàl-feòir grass verge
- muran marram grass
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- feur fodraidh
- hay
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- feusgan
- mussel
- n(m)
- feusgain - mussel poss cmussels - feusgain pl
- àrach fheusgan mussel farming
- Subject: Geography
- fiabhras
- fever
- n(m)
- fiabhrais - fever poss cfevers - fiabhrasan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- fiacail
- tooth
- n(f)
- fiacla - tooth poss cteeth - fiaclan pl
- bàrr crown (of a tooth)
- bruis-fhiaclan toothbrush
- ciad-fhiaclan milk teeth
- còs fiacail pulp cavity
- cùlag wisdom tooth
- fiacail-carbaid premolar
- fiacail-crìche eye-tooth
- fiacail-crìche canine tooth
- fiacail-cùil molar
- fiaclan fuadain false teeth
- grodadh fhiaclan tooth decay
- Subject: Science
- fiacail-carbaid
- premolar
- fiacla-carbaid - premolar poss cpremolars - fiaclan-carbaid pl
- Subject: Science
- fiacail-crìche
- eye-tooth
- n(f)
- fiacla-crìche - eye-tooth poss ceye-teeth - fiaclan-crìche pl
- Subject: Science
- fiacail-crìche
- canine tooth
- n(f)
- fiacla-crìche - canine tooth poss ccanine teeth - fiaclan-crìche pl
- Subject: Science
- fiacail-cùil
- molar
- n(f)
- fiacla-cùil - molar poss cmolars - fiaclan-cùil pl
- Subject: Science
- fiachan
- debt
- n(pl)
- ann am fiachan in debt
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- fiadh-bheatha
- wildlife
- n(f)
- fiadh-bheatha - wildlife poss c
- àrainn fiadh-bheatha wildlife habitat
- Tèarmann Nàiseanta Fiadh-bheatha Artaigeach Arctic National Wildlife Reserve
- Subject: Geography
- fialaidh
- benevolent
- adj
- Subject: General
- fiamh-dhath
- tint
- n(m)
- fiamh-dhatha - tint poss ctints - fiamh-dhathan pl
- Subject: Art
- fiaradh
- bias
- n(m)
- fiaraidh - bias poss cbiases - fiaraidhean pl
- cuir fiaradh de 1.0 ri toradh an fhuincsean add a bias of 1.0 to the result of the function
- Subject: Mathematics
- fiaradh
- distortion
- n(m)
- fiaraidh - distortion poss cdistortions - fiaraidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- fiaradh
- tilt
- n(m)
- fiaraidh - tilt poss ctilts - fiaraidhean pl
- fiaradh na Talmhainn tilt of the earth
- meud an fhiaraidh extent of the tilt
- Subject: Science
- fiaradh
- refraction
- n(m)
- fiaraidh - refraction poss crefractions - fiaraidhean pl
- ceàrn-fiaraidh angle of refraction
- fiaradh solais refraction of light
- solas a’ fiaradh refraction of light
- Subject: Mathematics
- fiaradh
- slant
- n(m)
- fiaraidh - slant poss cslants - fiaraidhean pl
- air fhiaradh at an angle
- air fiaradh slanting
- Subject: Mathematics
- fiaradh a-null ’s a-nall
- zig-zag
- n(m)
- fiaraidh a-null ’s a-nall - zig-zag poss czig-zags - fiaraidhean a-null ’s a-nall pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fiaraich
- slant
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- fiaraichte
- biased
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- fichead
- twenty
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- fichead
- score
- n(f)
- ficheid - score poss cscores - ficheadan pl
- trì fichead ’s a deich three score and ten
- Subject: Mathematics
- ficheadamh
- twentieth
- adj
- am ficeadamh fear/tè the twentieth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- ficheadamh
- twentieth
- n(m)
- ficheadaimh - twentieth poss ctwentieths - ficheadamhan pl
- dà fhicheadamh two twentieths
- Subject: Mathematics
- ficsean
- fiction
- n(m)
- ficsein - fiction poss c
- ficsean Fraingis French fiction
- Subject: Language
- fideach
- salt marsh
- n(m)
- fidich - salt marsh poss csalt marshes - fidichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- fìdeag
- penny whistle
- n(f)
- fìdeig - penny whistle poss cpenny whistles - fìdeagan pl
- Subject: Music
- fìdeag
- whistle
- n(f)
- fìdeig - whistle poss cwhistles - fìdeagan pl
- fìdeag penny whistle
- fìdeag adhairce horn whistle
- Subject: Music
- Fìdsidh
- Fiji
- n(m/f)
- Fhìdsidh - Fiji poss c
- Poblachd Fhìdsidh Republic of Fiji
- Subject: Geography
- figear
- figure
- n(m)
- figeir - figure poss cfigures - figearan pl
- aon-fhigear single figure
- ceist-fhigearan figure problem
- comharra-clèithe ceithir-figearan four-figure grid reference
- comharra-clèithe sia-figearan six-figure grid reference
- cruth 3d figure
- cùrsa trì-figearan three-figure bearing
- dà-fhigear two-figure
- figear as brìgheile most significant figure
- figear brìgheil significant figure
- figear singilte single figure
- giorrachadh 5-figearan 5-figure summary
- trì-figearan three-figure
- Subject: Mathematics
- figear
- figure
- n(m)
- figeir - figure poss cfigures - figearan pl
- faid an fhigeir length of the figure
- notaichean ann am figear notes in figure
- Subject: Music
- figear
- digit
- n(m)
- figeir - digit poss cdigits - figearan pl
- aon-fhigear single digit
- cairt-fhigearan digit card
- figear singilte single digit
- Subject: Mathematics
- figear
- numeral
- n(m)
- figeir - numeral poss cnumerals - figearan pl
- figear àrdail cardinal numeral
- figear òrdail ordinal numeral
- figearan Ròmanach Roman numerals
- Subject: Mathematics
- figear
- figure
- n(m)
- figeir - figure poss cfigures - figearan pl
- figear 3sh 3d figure
- Subject: Mathematics
- figearail
- digital
- adj
- cloc figearail digital clock
- freumh figearail digital root
- sùim figearail digital sum
- toradh figearail digital product
- uair fhigearail digital time
- Subject: Mathematics
- figearan Ròmanach
- Roman numerals
- n phr
- Subject: Mathematics
- fileamaid
- filament
- n(f)
- fileamaid(e) - filament poss cfilaments - fileamaidean pl
- Subject: Science
- Filipìonach
- Philipine
- adj
- am Pleata Filipìonach Philipine Plate
- Subject: Geography
- filleadh
- layer
- n(m)
- fillidh - layer poss clayers - fillidhean pl
- filleadh òson ozone layer
- Subject: Geography
- filleadh neo-ghiùlanach
- depletion region
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- filleadh-leabachaidh
- bedding plane
- n(m)
- fillidh-leabachaidh - bedding plane poss cbedding planes - fillidhean-leabachaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- fìllte
- compound
- adj
- clàr-cholbhan fillte compound bar chart
- graf-cholbhan fillte compound bar graph
- riadh fillte compound interest
- Subject: Mathematics
- finale
- finale
- n(f)
- finale - finale poss cfinales - finaleathan pl
- finale consairt concert finale
- Subject: Music
- fiodh
- lumber
- n(m)
- fiodha - lumber poss c
- giullachd fiodha lumber processing
- Subject: Technical
- fiodh
- wood
- n(m)
- fiodha - wood poss c
- bathar fiodha wood products
- cruaidh-fhiodh hardwood
- fiodh adiabataig adiabatic wood
- giullachd fiodha wood processing
- obair-togail fiodha wood construction
- Subject: Technical
- fiodhach
- woody
- adj
- lusan fiodhach woody plants
- Subject: General
- fìon
- wine
- n(m)
- fìona - wine poss c
- fìon dearg red whine
- fìon eadar-dhealaichte different wines
- fìon geal white wine
- fìon-geur vinegar
- fìon-lios vineyard
- Subject: Home Economics
- fionnan-feòir
- grasshopper
- n(m)
- fionnain-feòir - grasshopper poss cgrasshoppers - fionnain-feòir pl
- grasshopper's long legs casan fada fionnain-feòir
- Subject: Science
- fionnarachadh
- air-conditioning
- n(m)
- fionnarachaidh - air-conditioning poss c
- teasachadh, èadhradh agus fionnarachadh heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
- Subject: Science
- fionnaraich
- air-condition
- vb
- Subject: Science
- Fionnlainn
- Finland
- n(f)
- Fhionnlainn - Finland poss c
- Poblachd Fhionnlainn Republic of Finland
- Subject: Geography
- Fionnphort
- Fionnphort
- aiseag Fhionnphoirt Fionnphort ferry
- Subject: Geography
- fìor
- real
- adj
- fìor-àireamh real number
- fìor-fhreumh real root
- Subject: Mathematics
- fìor-cheart
- accurate
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- fìor-uisge
- freshwater
- adj
- carran fìor-uisge freshwater shrimp
- iasg locha freshwater fish
- Subject: Science
- fios air ais
- feedback
- n(m)
- fios air ais - feedback poss c
- cleachd Glow airson fios air ais use Glow for feedback
- Subject: General
- fiosaigeach
- physical
- adj
- factar fiosaigeach physical factor
- feart fiosaigeach physical feature
- Subject: Geography
- Fiosaigs
- Physics
- n(m/f)
- Fiosaigs - Physics poss c
- clas Fiosaig Physics class
- fiosaigs gnìomhach applied physics
- fiosaigs nuadh modern physics
- foirmlean fiosaigs physics formulae
- Subject: Science
- fiosrachadh
- information
- n(m)
- fiosrachaidh - information poss c
- cùl-fhiosrachadh background information
- eagrachadh agus cleachdadh fiosrachaidh organising and using information
- èisteachd airson fiosrachadh listening for information
- fiosrachadh ginteil genetic information
- fiosrachadh pearsanta personal information
- iall fiosrachaidh information strand
- ionad-fiosrachaidh information centre
- làimhseachadh fiosrachaidh information handling
- leughadh agus cleachdadh meadhanan fiosrachaidh eile reading and use of other information media
- lorg agus cleachdadh fiosrachaidh finding and using information
- neach-anailis siostaman fiosrachaidh information systems analyst
- oifigear fiosrachaidh information officer
- panail fiosrachaidh information panel
- saidheansan fiosrachaidh information sciences
- saorsa fiosrachaidh freedom of information
- seirbheisean fiosrachaidh information services
- sgilean fiosrachaidh agus litearrachd information skills and literacy
- siostaman fiosrachaidh information systems
- Subject: General
- fìreanachadh
- apologetics
- n(m)
- fìreanachaidh - apologetics poss c
- fìreanachadh agus deasbaireachd apologetics and polemics
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- fìrinn
- fact
- n(f)
- fìrinn(e) - fact poss cfacts - fìrinnean pl
- fìrinnean co-cheangailte related facts
- fìrinnean cur-ris addition facts
- Subject: Mathematics
- fìrinn
- truth
- n(f)
- fìrinn(e) - truth poss ctruths - fìrinnean pl
- ceithir fìrinnean uasal four noble truths
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- fiseadh
- phishing
- n(m)
- fisidh - phishing poss cphishings - fisidhean pl
- cleachd làrach-lìn fisidh use phishing website
- làrach-lìn fisidh phishing website
- Subject: Computing
- fitheach
- raven
- n(m)
- fithich - raven poss cravens - fithich pl
- Subject: Science
- fiùg
- fugue
- n(m)
- fiùg - fugue poss cfugues - fiùgan pl
- cuspair fiùg fugue subject
- toiseach a' fiùg beginning of the fugue
- Subject: Music
- fiùgail
- fugal
- adj
- ceòl fiùgail fugal music
- Subject: Music
- flaiseadh
- flashing
- n(m)
- flaisidh - flashing poss cflashings - flaisidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- flaitheanas
- heaven
- n(m)
- flaitheanais - heaven poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- flaitheas
- heaven
- n(m)
- flaitheis - heaven poss c
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- flat
- flat
- adj
- flat face aodann flat
- Subject: Mathematics
- flat
- even
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- flin
- sleet
- n(m)
- fline - sleet poss c
- Subject: Geography
- flinne
- sleet
- n(m)
- flinne - sleet poss c
- Subject: Geography
- fluaraid
- fluoride
- n(f)
- fluaraid - fluoride poss c
- calcium fluaraid calcium fluoride
- haidridean fluaraid hydrogen fluoride
- iterbium fluaraid ytterbium fluoride
- sodium fluaraid sodium fluoride
- Subject: Science
- fluarain
- fluorine
- n(m)
- fluarain - fluorine poss c
- Subject: Science
- flùr
- flower
- n(m)
- flùir - flower poss cflowers - flùraichean pl
- lusan comharraichte airson feartan agus fhlùraichean plants noted for characteristics and flowers
- Subject: Science
- fo ghealladh-pòsaidh
- engaged
- n phr
- thug iad gealladh-pòsaidh they got engaged
- Subject: General
- fo mhulad
- the blues
- n phr
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- fo-bhruthadh
- subduction
- n(m) / n
- fo-bhruthaidh - subduction poss c
- sòn fo-bhruthaidh subduction zone
- Subject: Geography
- fo-bhuidheann
- subgroup
- n(m/f)
- fo-bhuidhinn - subgroup poss cfo-bhuidhne - subgroup poss csubgroups - fo-bhuidhnean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fo-cheann
- sub heading
- n(m)
- fo-chinn - sub heading poss csub headings - fo-chinn pl
- Subject: Computing
- fo-chearclach
- concave
- adj
- lionsa fo-chearclach concave lens
- Subject: Science
- fo-dhearg
- infrared
- adj
- tachartasan fo-dhearg infrared phenomena
- Subject: Science
- fo-ghearradh
- undercutting
- n(m)
- fo-ghearraidh - undercutting poss c
- Subject: Geography
- fo-làrach
- subsite
- n(f)
- fo-làraich - subsite poss csubsites - fo-làraichean pl
- Subject: Computing
- fo-mhothachadh
- subconscious
- n(m)
- fo-mhothachaidh - subconscious poss c
- fo-mhothachadh agus staidean atharraichte subconscious and altered states
- neo-mhothachadh agus fo-mhothachadh the unconscious and the subconscious
- Subject: General
- fo-mhothachail
- subconscious
- adj
- Subject: General
- fo-phlanaid
- dwarf planet
- n(m)
- fo-phlanaid(e) - dwarf planet poss cdwarf planets - fo-phlanaidean pl
- Subject: Science
- fo-roinn
- subdivide
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- fo-roinneadh
- subdivision
- n(f)
- fo-roinnidh - subdivision poss csubdivisions - fo-roinnidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fo-sgàil-bhrat
- under canopy
- n(m)
- fo-sgàil-bhrat - under canopy poss c
- Subject: Geography
- fòcas
- focus
- n(m)
- fòcas - focus poss cfoci - fòcasan pl
- Subject: Geography
- fodar
- fodder crop
- n(m)
- fodair - fodder crop poss c
- Subject: Geography
- foghar
- autumn
- n(m)
- foghair - autumn poss cautumns - foghair pl
- co-fhad nan tràth foghair autumnal equinox
- duilleagan an fhoghair autumn leaves
- Subject: General
- fogharadh
- harvesting
- vb n
- Subject: Geography
- foghlaim
- educational
- adj
- co-òrdanaiche leasachadh foghlaim educational development coordinator
- cuairtean foghlaim educational tours
- neach-leasachaidh foghlaim educational developer
- teicneòlaiche foghlaim educational technologist
- Subject: General
- foghlam
- education
- n(m)
- foghlaim - education poss c
- a' cur ri foghlam àrd-sgoile enhancing secondary school education
- a' cur taic ri foghlam bun-sgoile agus nas tràithe supporting primary and lower education
- cùisean poileasaidh ann am foghlam policy issues in education
- Duaisean Foghlaim na h-Alba Scottish Education Awards
- Eòlas Corporra Physical Education
- Eòlas Creideimh agus Moraltachd Religious and Moral Education
- eòlas gnèitheachais agus dhàimhean sex and relationships education
- Eòlas Pearsanta agus Sòisealta Personal and Social Education
- foghlam airson saoranachd education for citizenship
- Foghlam Alba Education Scotland
- foghlam àrd ìre higher education
- foghlam àrd-sgoile secondary education
- foghlam bun-sgoile primary education
- foghlam bun-sgoile elementary education
- Foghlam Dhreuchdan Career Education
- foghlam eadar-nàiseanta international education
- foghlam farsaing coitcheann broad general education
- foghlam Gàidhlig Gaelic education
- foghlam in-ghabhalta inclusive education
- foghlam inbhich adult education
- foghlam ionmhais financial education
- foghlam leasachadh seasmhach sustainable development education
- foghlam nas tràithe lower education
- foghlam sìthe peace education
- foghlam sònraichte special education
- Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig Gaelic Medium Education
- ICT ann am foghlam ICT in education
- iomairt ann am foghlam enterprise in education
- lagh foghlaim education law
- naidheachdan foghlaim education news
- prìomhachasan nàiseanta ann am foghlam national priorities in education
- Subject: General
- foileag
- pancake
- n(f)
- foileig - pancake poss cpancakes - foileagan pl
- latha nam foileagan pancake day
- Subject: Home Economics
- foillseachadh
- publication
- n(m)
- foillseachaidh - publication poss cpublications - foillseachaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- foillseachadh
- publishing
- n(m)
- foillseachaidh - publishing poss c
- foillseachadh bàrr-deasga desktop publishing
- meadhanan naidheachd, obair-naidheachd agus foillseachadh news media, journalism and publishing
- Subject: General
- foillsich
- publish
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- foireansach
- forensic
- adj
- saidheans foireansach forensic science
- Subject: Science
- foirmle
- formula
- n(m)
- foirmle - formula poss cformulae - foirmlean pl
- foirmle ceimigeachd chemistry formula
- Subject: Science
- foirmle
- formula
- n(m)
- foirmle - formula poss cformulae - foirmlean pl
- foirmle 'aon-oidhirp' 'one-pass' formula
- Subject: Mathematics
- fois-fòirneirt
- ceasefire
- fois-fòirneirt - ceasefire poss c
- loidhne fois-fòirneirt ceasefire line
- Subject: General
- fòn (cobhair-rathaid)
- telephone (road assist)
- n(m)
- fòn (cobhair-rathaid) - telephone (road assist) poss ctelephones (road assist) - fònaichean (cobhair-rathaid) pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- fonaigs
- phonics
- n(f)
- fonaigs - phonics poss c
- leabhar fonaigs phonics book
- Subject: Language
- foneataig
- phonetic
- n(f)
- foneataig - phonetic poss cphonetics - foneataigean pl
- Subject: Language
- foneataigs
- phonetics
- n(f)
- foneataigs - phonetics poss c
- foneòlas agus foneataigs phonology and phonetics
- Subject: Language
- foneòlas
- phonology
- n(m)
- foneòlais - phonology poss c
- foneòlas na Fraingis French phonology
- Subject: Language
- fonn
- melody
- n(m)
- fuinn - melody poss cmelodies - fuinn pl
- contrafhonn counter melody
- fonn binn sweet melody
- fonn seinn singing melody
- fuaim an fhuinn sound of the melody
- Subject: Music
- fonn
- air
- n(m)
- fuinn - air poss cairs - fuinn pl
- Subject: Music
- fonn
- tune
- n(m)
- fuinn - tune poss ctunes - fuinn pl
- fonn air meur-chlàr tune on a keyboard
- fonn na laoidhe the hymn tune
- fuinn chuairteach cyclic tunes
- Subject: Music
- fonn-duain
- recitative
- adj
- Subject: Music
- fonnmhor
- melodic
- adj
- òrain fhonnmhor melodic songs
- Subject: Music
- fòram
- forum
- n(m)
- fòraim - forum poss cforum - fòraman pl
- Subject: Computing
- forc(a)
- fork
- n(f)
- forca - fork poss cforks - forcaichean pl
- Subject: Home Economics
- Foreland a Tuath
- North Foreland
- n(m)
- Fhoreland a Tuath - North Foreland poss c
- taigh-solais Fhoreland a Tuath North Foreland lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- fòrmat
- format
- n(m)
- fòrmat - format poss cformats - fòrmatan pl
- fòrmat faidhle file format
- fòrmatan faidhle file formats
- Subject: Computing
- fòrmat
- format
- vb
- fòrmat am faidhle format file
- Subject: Computing
- forsa
- force
- n(m)
- forsa - force poss cforces - forsaichean pl
- forsa agus lùth force and energy
- forsa reusanta reasonable force
- forsaichean agus gluasad forces and motion
- forsaichean na Talmhainn Earth forces
- Subject: Science
- forte
- loud
- adj
- cluich forte play loudly
- Subject: Music
- fosail
- fossil
- n(f)
- fosail(e) - fossil poss cfossil - fosailean pl
- aois fosail fossil age (age of fossil)
- connadh-fosail fossil fuel
- fosail eòin bird fossil
- fosailean agus beatha ro-eachdraidheil fossils and prehistoric life
- lorg fhosailean fossil hunting
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- fosaileach
- fossil
- adj
- artropodan fosaileach fossil arthropods
- còrdaidean fosaileach fossil chordates
- druim-altachain fhuar-fhuileach fhosaileach fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
- èisg fhosaileach fossil fishes
- eòin fhosaileach fossil birds
- mamalan fosaileach fossil mammals
- micro-fhàs-bheairtean fosaileach fossil microorganisms
- molascan fosaileach fossil mollusks
- molascoidean fosaileach fossil molluscoids
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach fossil invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach cladaich fossil seashore invertebrates
- neo-dhruim-altachain fhosaileach mara fossil marine invertebrates
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- fosfar
- phosphor
- n(m)
- fosfair - phosphor poss c
- Subject: Science
- fosfaras
- phosphorus
- n(m)
- fosfaras - phosphorus poss c
- Subject: Science
- fosfonat
- phosphonate
- n(m)
- fosfonat - phosphonate poss cphosphonates - fosfonatan pl
- Subject: Science
- fosgailte
- reflex
- adj
- ceàrn fosgailte reflex angle
- Subject: Mathematics
- foto-co-chur
- photosynthesis
- n(m)
- foto-co-chuir - photosynthesis poss c
- Subject: Science
- Foula
- Foula
- eòin Fhoula birds of Foula
- Subject: Geography
- fradharc
- eyesight
- n(m)
- fradhairc - eyesight poss c
- Subject: Science
- Fraingis
- French
- n(f)
- Fraingis - French poss c
- aoireadh Fraingis French satire
- bàrdachd Fhraingis French poetry
- cleachdadh stèidhichte na Fraingis standard French usage
- gràmar na Fraingis French grammar
- Guiana na Frainge French Guiana
- Subject: Language
- fraingium
- francium
- n(m)
- fraingium - francium poss c
- Subject: Science
- Frangach
- French
- adj
- còrn Frangach French horn
- Subject: Geography
- Frangach
- French
- n(m)
- Frangaich - French person poss cFrench people - Frangaich pl
- ban-Fhrangach French woman
- Subject: Geography
- fras
- shower
- n(f)
- froise - shower poss cshowers - frasan pl
- Subject: General
- fras
- shower
- n(f)
- froise - shower poss cshowers - frasan pl
- Subject: Geography
- frasadair
- sprinkler
- n(m)
- frasadair - sprinkler poss csprinklers - frasadairean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- frasair
- shower
- n(m)
- frasair - shower poss cshowers - frasairean pl
- treidhe frasair shower tray
- Subject: General
- freagarrach
- fitting
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- freagarrachd
- compliance
- n(f)
- freagarrachd - compliance poss c
- oifigear freagarrachd compliance officer
- Subject: General
- freagarrachd
- fitness
- n(f)
- freagarrachd - fitness poss c
- Subject: Physical Education
- freagrachadh
- adaptation
- n(m)
- freagrachaidh - adaptation poss cadaptations - freagrachaidhean pl
- meud an fhreagrachaidh extent of the adaptation
- Subject: Science
- freagraich
- adapt
- vb
- Subject: Science
- frèam
- framework
- n(m)
- frèama - framework poss cframeworks - frèamaichean plframeworks - frèaman pl
- einnseanair bathar-bog, frèaman-d software engineer, e-frameworks
- Frèam Creideis agus Teisteanais na h-Alba Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
- Subject: General
- Freedom Rides
- Freedom Rides
- n phr
- Subject: History
- freumh
- root
- n(m)
- freumha - root poss croots - freumhan pl
- cumhachdan agus freumhan powers and roots
- fìor-fhreumh real root
- freumh ceàrnagach square root
- freumh ciùbach cubic root
- Subject: Mathematics
- freumh
- source
- n(m)
- freumh(a) - source poss csources - freumhaichean plsources - freumhan pl
- Subject: General
- freumh
- root
- n(m)
- freumha - root poss croots - freumhaichean plroots - freumhan pl
- freumhaichean-taice buttress roots
- freumhan craoibhe roots of a tree
- Subject: Geography
- freumh-fhaclachd
- etymology
- n(m)
- freumh-fhaclachd - etymology poss c
- freumh-fhaclachd na Greugais chlasaigich classical Greek etymology
- freumh-fhaclachd na h-Eadailtis Italian etymology
- Subject: Language
- freumh-taice
- buttress root
- n(m)
- freumha-taice - buttress root poss cbuttress roots - freumhaichean-taice pl
- Subject: Geography
- fuachd
- cold
- n(m) / n
- fuachd - cold poss ccolds - fuachdan pl
- dian-fhuachd extreme cold
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- fuadain
- artificial
- adj
- ceimigean fuadain artificial chemicals
- uisgeachadh fuadain artificial irrigation
- Subject: GeographyScience
- fuaigheal
- sewing
- n(m)
- fuaigheil - sewing poss c
- fuaigheal, aodach agus beatha làitheil sewing, clothing and personal living
- Subject: Home Economics
- fuaigheil
- sew
- vb
- Subject: Home Economics
- fuaim
- sound
- n(m/f)
- fuaim - sound poss csounds - fuaimean pl
- Subject: Science
- fuaim-tarsainn
- crossing noise
- n(m)
- fuaim-tarsainn - crossing noise poss ccrossing noises - fuaimean-tarsainn pl
- Subject: Music
- fuaimearra
- reverberant
- adj
- Subject: Science
- fuaimneachadh
- pronounciation
- n(m)
- fuaimneachaidh - pronounciation poss cpronounciations - fuaimneachaidhean pl
- Subject: Language
- fuaimreachadh
- reverberation
- n(m)
- fuaimreachaidh - reverberation poss creverberations - fuaimreachaidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- fuaimrich
- reverberate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- fuar
- cold
- adj
- aghaidh fhuar cold front
- dian-fhuachd extreme cold
- fàsach f(h)uar cold desert
- seactor fuar cold sector
- Subject: Geography
- fuar-fhuileach
- cold-blooded
- adj
- druim-altachain fhuar-fhuileach cold-blooded vertebrates
- druim-altachain fhuar-fhuileach fhosaileach fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
- Subject: Science
- fuasgail
- solve
- vb
- fuasgladh cheistean problem solving
- Subject: Mathematics
- fuasgladh
- solution
- n(m)
- fuasglaidh - solution poss csolutions - fuasglaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- fuasgladh cheistean
- problem solving
- n phr
- Subject: Mathematics
- fuil
- blood
- n(f)
- fala - blood poss c
- bruthadh-fala blood pressure
- cealla-fala blood cell
- cuairt na fala circulatory system
- cuartachadh fala circulation of blood
- fuil-mìos period (menstruation)
- pìob-fala blood vessel
- pìoban-fala blood vessels
- pleiteag fala blood platelet
- ruith na fala bloodstream
- ruith-fala bloodstream
- siostam na fala blood system
- Subject: Science
- fuil-mìos
- menstruation
- n(f)
- fala-mìos - menstruation poss c
- Subject: Science
- fuil-mìos
- period
- n(f)
- fuil-mìos - period poss c
- pian fuil-mìos period pain
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- fuincsean
- function
- n(m)
- fuincsean - function poss cfunctions - fuincseanan pl
- air sgàth seo, canar gur e fuincsean cuartach le cuairt de 360° a tha anns an fhuincsean sine for this reason, the sine function is said to be a periodic function with a period of 360°
- canaidh sinn steach-raon ris an dàta a tha a’ dol a-steach agus mach-raon ris an dàta a thig a-mach à inneal-fuincsean we call the data that goes into a function machine ‘domain’ and the data that comes out of it ‘range’
- fuincsean ceàrnanach quadratic function
- fuincsean ciùbach cubic function
- fuincsean co-thionndaichte reciprocal function
- fuincsean còrr odd function
- fuincsean cothromach equal function
- fuincsean cothromach even function
- fuincsean cuartach periodic function
- fuincsean loidhneach linear function
- fuincsean sreathach linear function
- inneal-fuincsean function machine
- sgrìobh cuairt an fhuincsean y = 7 cos x° write the period of the function y = 7 cos x°
- Subject: Mathematics
- fuincseanach
- functional
- adj
- comharradh fuincseanach functional notation
- Subject: Mathematics
- funail
- funnel
- n(m)
- funail - funnel poss cfunnels - funailean pl
- funail sìolachaidh filter funnel
- Subject: Science
- funcaidh
- funky
- adj
- ceòl funcaidh funky music
- Subject: Music
- fungas
- fungus
- n(m)
- fungas - fungus poss cfungi - fungasan pl
- Subject: Science