Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- T-sgueathar
- T-square
- n(m)
- T-sgueathair - T-square poss cT-squares - T-sgueathraichean pl
- Subject: Technical
- tabhartach
- dative
- adj
- tuiseal tabhartach dative case
- Subject: Language
- tabhartas
- grant
- n(m)
- tabhartais - grant poss cgrants - tabhartasan pl
- manaidsear thabhartasan grants manager
- tabhartas leasachadh dachaigh home improvement grant
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- tabhartas
- donation
- n(m)
- tabhartais - donation poss cdonations - tabhartasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tachartas
- phenomenon
- n(m)
- tachartais - phenomenon poss cphenomena - tachartasan pl
- tachartas nàdarra natural phenomenon
- tachartasan anns na speuran celestial phenomena
- tachartasan fo-dhearg infrared phenomena
- tachartasan solais light phenomena
- tachartasan ultra-bhìolait ultraviolet phenomena
- Subject: Science
- tachartas
- event
- n(m)
- tachartais - event poss cevents - tachartasan pl
- clàr-ama thachartasan timetable of events
- cunntasan cruinnichte de thachartasan collected accounts of events
- oifigear thachartasan events officer
- tachartasan san àm a dh'fhalbh past events
- Subject: General
- tacograf
- tachograph
- n(m)
- tacograf - tachograph poss ctachographs - tacografan pl
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- taga
- tag
- n(m)
- taga - tag poss ctags - tagaichean pl
- Subject: Computing
- tagh
- choose
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- taghadh
- sample
- n(m)
- taghaidh - sample poss csamples - taghaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- taghadh
- selection
- n(m)
- taghaidh - selection poss cselections - taghaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tagraiche
- applicant
- n(m)
- tagraiche - applicant poss capplicants - tagraichean pl
- Subject: General
- taic
- support
- n(f)
- taice - support poss c
- a' cur taic ri foghlam bun-sgoile agus nas tràithe supporting primary and lower education
- a' cur taic ri ionnsachadh chloinne supporting children's learning
- àrd-neach-anailis sheirbhisean taice senior helpdesk support analyst
- co-òrdanaiche seirbheisean taic oileanach sudent support services coordinator
- co-òrdanaiche taic luchd-ciorraim disability support coordinator
- feumalachdan taice a bharrachd additional support needs
- làrach-lìn airson taic do thidsearan ùra support for new teachers website
- manaidseadh taic-ionnsachaidh management for support for learning
- neach-anailis sheirbheisean taice helpdesk support analyst
- neach-taice taic oileanach student support assistant
- neach-taice teaghlaich family support worker
- oifigear taice support officer
- oifigear taice ICT ICT support officer
- oifigear taice teicnigeach technical support officer
- oifigear taice teicnigeach VC VC technical support officer
- taic a bharrachd airson ionnsachadh additional support for learning
- taic air-loidhne online support
- taic airson meòrachadh support for reflection
- taic phearsanta ann an sgoiltean personal support in schools
- taic teaghlaich family support
- taic theicnigeach technical support
- taic-ionnsachaidh support for learning
- Subject: General
- taice
- auxiliary
- adj
- dòighean-taice obair-togail auxiliary construction practices
- neach-taice ospadail hospital auxiliary
- seirbheisean taice auxiliary services
- Subject: General
- taigh
- house
- n(m)
- taighe - house poss chouses - taighean pl
- acfhainn agus innealan taighe hardware and household appliances
- àirneis taighe household furnishings
- banas-taighe housekeeping
- bean-taighe housewife
- goireasan taighe household utilities
- obair-taighe housework
- stiùireadh thaighean poblach management of public households
- taigh dealaichte detached house
- taigh leth-dhealaichte semi-detached house
- taigh na h-opara opera house
- Taigh nam Morairean House of Lords
- Taigh nan Cumantan House of Commons
- taigh-chearc henhouse
- taigh-cuibhle wheelhouse
- taigh-cùirte courthouse
- taigh-dubh blackhouse
- taigh-glainne glasshouse
- taigh-solais lighthouse
- taigh-spadaidh slaughter house
- taigh-tughaidh thatched house
- taighean barraide terraced houses
- uidheamachd taighe household equipment
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Taigh an Droma
- Tyndrum
- baile Thaigh an Droma Tyndrum village
- Subject: Geography
- Taigh Iain Ghròt
- John o'Groats
- baile Thaigh Iain Ghròt village of John o'Groats
- Subject: Geography
- Taigh na Creige
- Craighouse
- tuineachadh Thaigh na Creige Craighouse settlement
- Subject: Geography
- taigh-bainne
- dairy
- taigh-bainne - dairy poss cdairies - taighean-bainne pl
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- taigh-seinnse
- public house
- n(m)
- taigh-seinnse - public house poss cpublic houses - taighean-seinnse pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- taigh-tasgaidh
- museum
- n(m)
- taigh-tasgaidh - museum poss cmuseums - taighean-tasgaidh pl
- comainn, buidhnean agus taighean-tasgaidh associations, organisations and museums
- saidheans taigh-tasgaidh museum science
- taigh-tasgaidh barantaichte accredited museum
- Subject: History
- taigheadas
- housing
- n(m)
- taigheadais - housing poss c
- comann taigheadais housing association
- sòn taigheadais housing zone
- sòn taigheadais ùr new housing zone
- taigheadas agus uidheamachd taighe housing and household equipment
- taigheadas dùmhail high density housing
- taigheadas neo-dhùmhail low density housing
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- tàileasg
- chess
- n(m)
- tàileisg - chess poss c
- Subject: General
- tailium
- thallium
- n(m)
- tailium - thallium poss c
- Subject: Science
- taing
- thanks
- n(f)
- tainge - thanks poss c
- taing mhòr many thanks
- taing mhòr thanks very much
- Subject: General
- taipir
- tapir
- n(m)
- taipir - tapir poss ctapirs - taipirean pl
- Subject: Science
- Tairbeart
- Tarbet
- Subject: Geography
- tàirneanach
- thunder
- n(m)
- tàirneanaich - thunder poss cthunder - tàirneanaich pl
- tàirneanaich agus dealanaich thunder and lightning
- Subject: Geography
- taisbean
- display
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- taisbean
- showcase
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- taisbeanadh
- revelation
- n(m)
- taisbeanaidh - revelation poss crevelations - taisbeanaidhean pl
- An Taisbeanadh (Apocalypse) Revelation (Apocalypse)
- Leabhar an Taisbeanaidh The Book of Revelation
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- taisbeanadh
- performance
- n(m)
- taisbeanaidh - performance poss cperformances - taisbeanaidhean pl
- taisbeanaidhean poblach public performances
- Subject: General
- taisbeanadh
- presentation
- n(m)
- taisbeanaidh - presentation poss cpresentations - taisbeanaidhean pl
- taisbeanaidhean àrd-ùrlair stage presentations
- Subject: General
- taisbeanadh dùbailte
- double exposition
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- taisbeanadh-slaighd
- slideshow
- n(m)
- taisbeanaidh-shlaighd - slideshow poss cslideshows - taisbeanaidhean-slaighd pl
- seall mar thaisbeanadh-slaighd view as slideshow
- Subject: Computing
- taisbeanail
- performing
- adj
- ealain thaisbeanail performing arts
- Subject: General
- taisbeanair
- indicator
- n(m)
- taisbeanair - indicator poss cindicators - taisbeanairean pl
- taisbeanair coitcheann universal indicator
- taisbeanair eaconamach economic indicator
- taisbeanair sòisealta social indicator
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- taisbeanair coitcheann
- universal indicator
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- taisbeanair sòisealta
- social indicator
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- taiseachd
- humidity
- n(f)
- taiseachd - humidity poss c
- Subject: Geography
- taisg
- archive
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- taisg
- invest
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- taisg
- deposit
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- Taiwan
- Taiwan
- n(m/f)
- Thaiwan - Taiwan poss c
- Eilean Thaiwan Island of Taiwan
- Subject: Geography
- Tajikistan
- Tajikistan
- n(m/f)
- Thajikistan - Tajikistan poss c
- Poblachd Thajikistan Republic of Tajikistan
- Subject: Geography
- tàladh
- attraction
- n(m)
- tàlaidh - attraction poss cattractions - tàlaidhean pl
- tàlaidhean luchd-turais tourist attractions
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- talamh
- earth
- n(m)
- talmhainn - earth poss cearths - talamhan pl
- an Talamh the Earth
- An Talamh planet Earth
- cuairt eilipseach na Talmhainn timcheall na Grèine Earth's elliptical orbit around the sun
- fiaradh na Talmhainn tilt of the Earth
- forsaichean na Talmhainn Earth forces
- gluasad na Talmhainn motion of the Earth
- rùsg na Talmhainn Earth's crust
- saidheans Talmhainn agus gnàth-shìde climate and Earth science
- saidheansan Talmhainn agus geòlas Earth sciences and geology
- saidhseansan Talmhainn Earth sciences
- saidhseansan Talmhainn Afraga Earth sciences of Africa
- saidhseansan Talmhainn cheàrnaidhean eile Earth sciences of other areas
- tionndadh na Talmhainn spin of the Earth
- tionndadh na Talmhainn rotation of the Earth
- tormanan-talmhainn earth tremors
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- talamh
- ground
- n(m/f)
- talaimh - ground poss ctalmhainn - ground poss cgrounds - talamhan pl
- còmdhail air talamh ground transportation
- feòrag-thalmhainn ground squirrel
- glas-thalamh uncultivated ground
- talamh bàn fallow ground
- talamh falamh waste ground
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- talamh
- land
- n(m/f)
- talaimh - land poss ctalmhainn - land poss clands - talamhan pl
- eaconamas talmhainn agus lùtha economics of land and energy
- iomall-thalamh marginal land
- talamh àrd high land
- talamh ìosal low land
- talamh trèigte derelict land
- talamh-àitich arable land
- talamh-uisgichte irrigated land
- Subject: ScienceGeneralGeography
- talamh falamh
- waste ground
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- talamh tuathanachais
- farmland
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- talamh-fliuch
- wetlands
- n(m)
- talaimh-fliuch - wetlands poss ctalmhainn-fliuch - wetlands poss c
- Subject: Geography
- talla chomann-ceàird
- guildhall
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tamaran
- tamarin
- n(m)
- tamarain - tamarin poss ctamarins - tamarain pl
- tamaran leòmhainn òir golden lion tamarin
- Subject: Science
- Tamhlacht
- Tallaght
- Subject: Geography
- Tamhnaigh Naomh
- Saintfield
- Subject: Geography
- tampon
- tampon
- n(m)
- tampon - tampon poss ctampons - tamponan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- tana
- thin
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- tangram
- tangram
- n(m)
- tangram - tangram poss ctangrams - tangraman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Tansainia
- Tanzania
- n(m/f)
- Thansainia - Tansainia poss c
- gnàth-shìde Thansainia climate of Tanzania
- Subject: Geography
- tansaint
- tangent
- n(m)
- tansaint - tangent poss ctangents - tansaintean pl
- tansaint cearcaill tangent to a circle
- tansaint inbhearsach inverse tangent
- tansaint neo-dhìreach inverse tangent
- Subject: Mathematics
- tantalum
- tantalum
- n(m)
- tantalum - tantalum poss c
- Subject: Science
- taobh
- side
- n(m)
- tao(i)bh - side poss csides - taobhan pl
- an taobh aomach the sloping side
- an taobh claon the sloping side
- an taobh dlùth side adjacent
- an taobh mu choinneamh side opposite
- taobhan co-fhreagarrach corresponding sides
- Subject: Mathematics
- taobh-a-staigh
- interior
- n phr
- maiseachadh taobh-a-staigh interior decoration
- sealladh a-staigh interior view
- Subject: General
- taobh-dheatachan
- side vent
- n(m)
- taobh-dheatachain - side vent poss cside vents - taobh-dheatachain pl
- Subject: Geography
- taobh-rèile
- siding
- n(f)
- taobh-rèile - siding poss csidings - taobh-rèilichean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- taobhach
- lateral
- adj
- bleith thaobhach lateral erosion
- Subject: Geography
- taoitear
- tutor
- n(m)
- taoiteir - tutor poss ctutors - taoitearan pl
- Subject: General
- tapadh leat / leibh
- thank you
- n phr
- Subject: General
- tar-bhriodadh
- cross breeding
- n(m)
- cross breeding - cross breeding poss c
- Subject: GeographyScience
- tar-churraicealam
- cross-curricular
- adj
- Subject: General
- tar-dhealbh
- cross-section
- n(m)
- tar-dheilbh - cross-section poss ccross-sections - tar-dhealbhan pl
- Subject: TechnicalGeography
- tar-ghearradh
- cross-section
- n(m)
- tar-ghearraidh - cross-section poss ccross-sections - tar-ghearraidhean pl
- Subject: Technical
- tar-iomadachadh
- cross-multiplication
- n(m)
- tar-iomadachaidh - cross-multiplication poss ccross-multiplications - tar-iomadachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tar-iomadaich
- cross-multiply
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tar-laigh
- overlay
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tar-laighe
- overlay
- n(f)
- tar-laighe - overlay poss coverlays - tar-laighean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tar-sgàile
- cross-hatching
- n(m)
- tar-sgàile - cross-hatching poss ccross-hatchings - tar-sgàilean pl
- Subject: Technical
- tar-shìn
- overlap
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tar-shìneadh
- overlap
- n(m)
- tar-shìnidh - overlap poss coverlaps - tar-shìnidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tarantula
- tarantula
- n(m)
- tarantula - tarantula poss ctarantulas - tarantulathan pl
- damhan-allaidh tarantula tarantula spider
- speach-seabhaig tharantula tarantula hawk wasp
- Subject: Science
- tarbh-nathrach
- dragonfly
- n(m)
- tairbh-nathrach - dragonfly poss cdragonflies - tairbh-nathrach pl
- Subject: Science
- targaid
- target
- n(f)
- targaid(e) - target poss ctargets - targaidean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tàrn
- tarn
- n(m)
- tàirn - tarn poss ctarns - tàirn pl
- Subject: Geography
- tarraing
- draw
- vb
- a' tarraing dhealbhan drawing pictures
- a' tarraing dhealbhan drawing
- dealbhan air an tarraing a rèir cuspair drawings by subject
- tarraing dealbh draw a picture
- Subject: Art
- tarraing anail
- breathe
- n phr
- tarring anail air do shocair breathe slowly
- Subject: Science
- tarraing anail
- breathing
- n phr
- reat tarraing anail breathing rate
- Subject: Science
- tarraing anail
- respiration
- n phr
- reat tarraing anail respiration rate
- Subject: Science
- tart
- drought
- n(m)
- tairt - drought poss cdroughts - tairt pl
- Subject: Geography
- tartmhor
- arid
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- tasgadh
- investment
- n(m)
- tasgaidh - investment poss cinvestments - tasgaidhean pl
- cuir airgead an sàs to invest in
- cuir airgead an tasgadh to invest in
- cunntas-tasgaidh investment account
- cunntas-tasgaidh deposit account
- thaisg sinn £500 we invested £500
- Subject: Mathematics
- tasgadh
- deposition
- n(m)
- tasgaidh - deposition poss cdepositions - tasgaidhean pl
- feartan-tasgaidh depositional features
- feartan-tasgaidh costail coastal depositional features
- mol air a thasgadh deposition of shingle
- Subject: Geography
- tasgadh
- deposit
- n(m)
- tasgaidh - deposit poss cdeposits - tasgaidhean pl
- cunntas-tasgaidh deposit account
- Subject: Mathematics
- tasglann
- archive
- n(m)
- tasglainn - archive poss carchives - tasglannan pl
- Subject: Computing
- Tasmania
- Tasmania
- n(f)
- Tasmania - Tasmania poss c
- muinntir Thasmania people of Tasmania
- Subject: Geography
- tatù
- tattoo
- n(m)
- tatù - tattoo poss ctattoos - tatùthan pl
- Subject: General
- teachd-a-steach
- income
- n(m)
- teachd-a-steach - income poss cincomes - teachdan-a-steach pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- teachdaire
- messenger
- n(m)
- teachdaire - messenger poss cmessengers - teachdairean pl
- Subject: General
- teacsa
- text
- n(m/f)
- teacsa - text poss ctext - teacsaichean pl
- cruthachadh theacsaichean creating texts
- teacsa naomh sacred text
- teacsaichean ioma-mhòdach multimodal texts
- Subject: General
- teacsa
- text
- n(m)
- teacsa - text poss ctexts - teacsaichean pl
- dreach teacsa a-mhàin text only version
- teacsa a-mhàin text only
- Subject: Computing
- teactonaig
- tectonic
- adj
- gluasad teactonaig tectonic shift
- pleat teactonaig tectonic plate
- pleataichean teactonaig tectonic plates
- Subject: Geography
- teagasg
- doctrine
- n(m)
- teagaisg - doctrine poss cdoctrines - teagasgan pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- teagasgail
- doctrinal
- adj
- connspaidean teagasgail agus saobh-chreideasan doctrinal controversies and heresies
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- teaghlach
- family
- n(m)
- teaghlaich - family poss cfamilies - teaghlaichean pl
- beus-eòlas dàimhean teaghlaich ethics of family relationships
- cleachdaidhean Crìosdail ann am beatha teaghlaich Christian observances in family life
- cùram aoghaireil theaghlaichean pastoral care of families
- Ìosa Crìosd agus a theaghlach Jesus Christ and his family
- neach-taice teaghlaich family support worker
- planadh-teaghlaich family planning
- rian dachaigh agus teaghlaich home and family management
- rian teaghlaich family management
- taic teaghlaich family support
- Subject: General
- Teagsas
- Texas
- n(f)
- Theagsas - Texas poss c
- laghairt adharcach Theagsas Texas horned lizard
- Subject: Geography
- teallach
- forge
- n(m)
- teallaich - forge poss cforges - teallaichean pl
- obair teallach beag small forge work
- Subject: General
- teamparait
- temperate
- adj
- gnàth-shìde theamparait temperate climate
- Subject: Geography
- teamplaid
- template
- n(f)
- teamplaid(e) - template poss ctemplates - teamplaidean pl
- pàtran teamplaid template pattern
- Subject: Computing
- teamplaid
- template
- n(m)
- teamplaid(e) - template poss ctemplates - teamplaidean pl
- cruthaich teamplaid airson ciùbaid create a template for a cuboid
- Subject: Mathematics
- teanamaint
- tenement
- n(m)
- teanamaint - tenement poss ctenements - teanamaintean pl
- teanamaintean Ghlaschu Glasgow tenements
- Subject: General
- teanas
- tennis
- n(m)
- teanas - tennis poss c
- gèam teanas game of tennis
- racaid teanas tennis racquet
- teanas-bùird table tennis
- Subject: Physical Education
- teanga
- spit
- n(f)
- teanga - spit poss cspits - teangan plspits - teangannan pl
- teanga-gainmhich sand spit
- Subject: Geography
- teanga-gainmhich
- sand spit
- n(f)
- teanga-gainmhich - sand spit poss csand spits - teangan-gainmhich plsand spits - teangannan-gainmhich pl
- Subject: Geography
- teann-stuth
- solid
- n(m)
- meacanaigs teann-stuth solid mechanics
- Subject: Science
- teanor
- tenor
- n(m)
- teanor - tenor poss ctenors - teanoran pl
- contrafonn counter meolody
- contrapuing counterpoint
- contrateanor counter tenor
- teanor-thrombòn tenor trombone
- Subject: Music
- tearc
- rare
- adj
- làmh-sgrìobhainnean agus leabhraichean tearc manuscripts and rare books
- leabhar tearc rare book
- Subject: General
- tearmach
- thermal
- adj
- beòthachadh tearmach thermal activity
- ionad-cumhachd grèine tearmach thermal solar power plant
- lùth tearmach thermal energy
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- tèarmann
- reserve
- n(m)
- tèarmainn - reserve poss creserves - tèarmainn pl
- tèarmainn fhiadh-bheatha wildlife reserves
- tèarmann fiadh-bheatha wildlife reserve
- tèarmann nàdair nature reserve
- Tèarmann Nàdair Mara Marine Nature Reserve
- Tèarmann Nàdair Nàiseanta National Nature Reserve
- Tèarmann Nàiseanta Fiadh-bheatha Artaigeach Arctic National Wildlife Reserve
- Subject: Geography
- tèarmann
- reservation
- n(m)
- tèarmainn - reservation poss creservations - tèarmainn pl
- Subject: Geography
- tèarmann Dhè
- theodicy
- n phr
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- teàrnach
- drop-down
- adj
- bogsa liosta theàrnaich drop-down list box
- liosta theàrnach drop-down list
- menu teàrnach drop-down menu
- Subject: Computing
- teàrnadh
- descending
- vb n
- notaichean a tha a' dìreadh no a' teàrnadh notes which are ascending or descending
- Subject: Music
- teàrnadh
- salvation
- n(m)
- teàrnaidh - salvation poss c
- teàrnadh agus gràs salvation and grace
- teàrnadh Dhè God's salvation
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- teàrnaidh
- descending
- adj
- ruithean-teàrnaidh descending sequences
- sgèile-teàrnaidh blues descending blues scale
- sgèilean-teàrnaidh descending scales
- Subject: Music
- teas
- heat
- n(m)
- teas - heat poss c
- aiseag teas heat transfer
- aisig teas transfer heat
- dian-theas extreme heat
- lampa teasachaidh heat lamp
- meud an teas extent of the heat
- sinc-teas heat sink
- teas geo-thearmach geo-thermal heat
- Subject: Science
- teas-dhìon
- insulation
- n(m)
- teas-dhìon - insulation poss c
- stuth teas-dhìonach airson a' bhalla cavity wall insulation
- Subject: Technical
- teas-mheidh
- thermometer
- n(f)
- teas-mheidh - thermometer poss cthermometers - teas-mheidhean pl
- Subject: Science
- teasachadh
- heating
- n(m)
- teasachaidh - heating poss c
- teasachadh, èadhradh agus fionnarachadh heating, ventilating and air-conditioning
- Subject: ScienceGeneral
- teasaich
- heat
- vb
- Subject: Science
- teasniuclasach
- thermonuclear
- adj
- iom-obrachadh teasniuclasach thermonuclear reaction
- Subject: Science
- teicneòlaiche
- technologist
- n(m)
- teicneòlaiche - technologist poss ctechnologists - teicneòlaichean pl
- teicneòlaiche foghlaim educational technologist
- Subject: General
- teicneòlas
- technological studies
- n(m)
- teicneòlais - technological studies poss c
- Subject: General
- teicneòlas
- technology
- n(m)
- teicneòlais - technology poss ctechnologies - teicneòlasan pl
- ceannard theicneòlasan amalaichte head of integrated technologies
- deadhan saidheans agus teicneòlais dean of science and technology
- neach-leasachaidh seirbheis teicneòlais technology service developer
- teicneòlas bathar fàs-bheairteach technology of organic products
- teicneòlas bìdh food technology
- teicneòlas dibhe beverage technology
- teicneòlas didseatach digital technology
- teicneòlas glaodhain agus pàipeir pulp and paper technology
- teicneòlasan amalaichte integrated technologies
- teicneòlasan co-cheangailte allied technologies
- Subject: General
- teicneòlas eadar-ìreach
- appropriate (intermediate) technology
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- teicnetium
- technetium
- n(m)
- teicnetium - technetium poss c
- Subject: Science
- teicnigeach
- technical
- adj
- briathrachas teicnigeach technical terminology
- feuman teicnigeach technical requirements
- goireas teicnigeach technical resource
- Oifigear Taice Teicnigeach Technical Support Officer
- Oifigear Taice Teicnigeach VC VC Technical Support Officer
- taic theicnigeach technical support
- Subject: General
- Teicnigeachd
- Technical
- n(f)
- Teicnigeachd - Technical poss c
- briathrachas Teicnigeachd Technical terminology
- clas Teicnigeachd Technical class
- goireas Teicnigeachd Technical resource
- Subject: Technical
- teinnteach
- igneous
- adj
- clach theinnteach igneous rock
- Subject: GeographyScience
- teip steigeach
- sticky tape
- n(f)
- teip steigich - sticky tape poss csticky tapes - teipichean steigeach pl
- Subject: General
- teirm
- term
- n(f)
- teirm(e) - term poss cterms - teirmean pl
- teirm as ìsle lowest term
- teirm choitcheann general term
- teirm-x x-term
- teirm-y y-term
- Subject: Mathematics
- teirm-x
- x-term
- n(f)
- teirm-x - x-term poss cx-terms - teirmean-x pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- teirm-y
- y-term
- n(f)
- teirm-y - y-term poss cy-terms - teirmean-y pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- teist
- disclosure
- n(f)
- teiste - disclosure poss cdisclosures - teistean pl
- Subject: Computing
- teisteanas
- qualification
- n(m)
- teisteanais - qualification poss cqualifications - teisteanais plqualifications - teisteanasan pl
- Frèam Creideis agus Teisteanais na h-Alba Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework
- teisteanasan nàiseanta national qualifications
- Ùghdarras Theisteanas na h-Alba Scottish Qualifications Authority
- Subject: General
- teisteanas
- certificate
- n(m)
- teisteanais - certificate poss ccertificate - teisteanasan pl
- teisteanas dearbhachd certificate of authenticity
- teisteanasan dearbhachd certificates of authenticity
- Subject: Computing
- tele-chonaltradh
- telecommunication
- n(m)
- tele-chonaltraidh telecommunication
- Subject: General
- tele-eòlas
- teleology
- n(m)
- tele-eòlais - teleology poss c
- Subject: General
- tele-eòlasach
- teleological
- adj
- argamaid thele-eòlasach teleological argument
- Subject: General
- telurium
- tellurium
- n(m)
- telurium - tellurium poss c
- Subject: Science
- tempo
- tempo
- n(m)
- tempo - tempo poss ctempos - tempothan pl
- atharrachadh tempo change of tempo
- Subject: Music
- teòiridh
- theory
- n(f)
- teòiridh - theory poss ctheories - teòiridhean pl
- bun na teòiridh basis of the theory
- feallsanachd agus teòiridh philosophy and theory
- feallsanachd agus teòiridh creideimh philosophy and theory of religion
- teòiridh a' Bhraig Mhòir the Big Bang theory
- teòiridh cogadh dligheach just war theory
- teòiridh feallsanachd theory of philosophy
- teòiridh mean-fhàis theory of evolution
- Subject: General
- teoram
- theorem
- n(f)
- teoram - theorem poss ctheorems - teoraman pl
- ais-theoram reverse theorem
- ais-theoram converse theorem
- ais-theoram Phythagoras converse theorem of Pythagoras
- teoram nan dà-theirmeach binomial theorem
- teoram Phythagoras Pythagoras' theorem
- Subject: Mathematics
- teòthachd
- temperature
- n(f)
- teòthachd - temperature poss ctemperatures - teòthachdan pl
- dian-theòthachdan extreme temperatures
- teòthachd chuibheasach average temperature
- teòthachd-meadhain median temperature
- Subject: ScienceMathematicsGeography
- terbium
- terbium
- n(m)
- terbium - terbium poss c
- meatailt therbium terbium metal
- terbium clòraid terbium chloride
- terbium ogsaid terbium oxide
- Subject: Science
- testosteron
- testosterone
- n(m)
- testosteroin - testosterone poss c
- Subject: Science
- tetrahedron
- tetrahedron
- n(m)
- tetrahedron - tetrahedron poss ctetrahedrons - tetrahedra pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- teudach
- stringed
- adj
- ionnsramaidean teudach stringed instruments
- Subject: Music
- Tha
- Yes
- adv
- Subject: Computing
- Thailand
- Thailand
- n(m/f)
- Thailand - Thailand poss c
- Rìoghachd Thailand Kingdom of Thailand
- Subject: Geography
- thoir beachd
- comment
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- thoir cead-cleachdaidh
- license
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- thoir leat
- carry
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir taic do
- accompany
- vb
- thoir taic don òran accompany the song
- Subject: Music
- thoir tuairmse (air)
- guess
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir tuairmse air
- estimate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir tuairmse air
- approximate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir-air-falbh
- subtract
- vb
- thoir-air-falbh 8 bho 20 subtract 8 from 20
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir-air-falbh
- take away
- vb
- thoir-air-falbh 8 bho 20 take 8 away from 20
- Subject: Mathematics
- thoir-air-falbh
- minus
- vb
- samhla toirt-air-falbh minus sign
- sia thoir-air-falbh ceithir six minus four
- soidhne toirt-air-falbh minus sign
- Subject: Mathematics
- tidsear
- teacher
- n(m/f)
- tidseir - teacher poss cteachers - tidsearan pl
- làrach-lìn airson taic do thidsearan ùra support for new teachers website
- làrach-lìn thidsearan ùra new teachers website
- tidsear-ionaid supply teacher
- Subject: General
- tighead
- thickness
- n(m)
- tigheid - thickness poss cthicknesses - tigheadan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tìm
- time
- n(f)
- tìme - time poss ctimes - tìmean pl
- comharra-tìme time signature
- ruitheam tìm choitcheann common time rhythm
- tìm choitcheann common time
- Subject: Music
- tìm
- time
- n(f)
- tìme - time poss ctimes - tìmean pl
- loidhne-tìme timeline
- Subject: General
- tìm-òrdugh
- chronology
- n(m)
- tìm-òrdugh - chronology poss cchronologies - tìm-òrdughan pl
- Subject: Science
- Timor an Ear
- East Timor
- n(m/f)
- Thimor an Ear - East Timor poss c
- neo-eisimeileachd Thimor an Ear independence of East Timor
- Subject: Geography
- tinneas
- illness
- n(m)
- tinneasan - illnesses poss cillness - tinneis pl
- buaidh an tinneis the effect of the illness
- tinneas deireannach terminal illness
- tinneas-bàis life limiting illness
- Subject: Science
- tinneas
- disease
- n(m)
- tinneis - disease poss cdiseases - tinneasan pl
- tinneas Alzheimer Alzheimer's disease
- tinneas cridhe heart disease
- Subject: Science
- tinneas an t-siùcair
- diabetes
- n(m)
- tinneas an t-siùcair - diabetes poss c
- Subject: General
- Tiobraid Árann
- Tipperary
- Subject: Geography
- tìoc
- teak
- n(m)
- tìoca - teak poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tìoc
- teak
- adj
- àirneis thìoca teak furniture
- fiodh tìoca teak wood
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tìodhlacadh
- funeral
- n(m)
- tìodhlacaidh - funeral poss cfunerals - tìodhlacaidhean pl
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- tiomnadh
- testament
- n(m)
- tiomnaidh - testament poss ctestaments - tiomnaidhean pl
- An Seann Tiomnadh (Tanakh) Old Testament (Tanakh)
- An Tiomnadh Nuadh New Testament
- leabhraichean dàin an t-seann Tiomnaidh poetic books of the Old Testament
- leabhraichean eachdraidheil an t-Seann Tiomnaidh historical books of the Old Testament
- leabhraichean fàidheil an t-Seann Tiomnaidh prophetic books of the Old Testament
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- tiompano
- timpano
- n(m)
- tiompano - timpano poss ctimpani - tiompaini pl
- Subject: Music
- tional-sgudail
- refuse collection
- n(m)
- tionail-sgudail - refuse collection poss crefuse collections - tionalan-sgudail pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tionndadh
- inversion
- n(m)
- tionndaidh - inversion poss cinversions - tionndaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tionndadh
- translation
- n(m)
- tionndaidh - translation poss ctranslations - tionndaidhean pl
- Subject: Language
- tionndadh
- turning
- n(m)
- tionndaidh - turning poss cturnings - tionndaidhean pl
- luach-tionndaidh turning value
- puing-tionndaidh turning point
- Subject: Mathematics
- tionndaidh
- invert
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tionndaidh
- turn
- vb
- tionndaidh gu do làimh chlì turn left
- tionndaidh gu do làimh dheis turn right
- tionndaidh tro 90° turn through 90°
- Subject: Mathematics
- tionndaidh
- translate
- vb
- Subject: Language
- tionndaidh bun-os-cionn
- invert
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tionnsgaineach
- entrepreneurial
- adj
- ionnsachadh tionnsgaineach entrepreneurial learning
- Subject: General
- tionnsgal
- invention
- n(m)
- tionnsgail - invention poss cinventions - tionnsgalan pl
- tionnsgalan ainmeil le Bach famous inventions by Bach
- toiseach tionnsgail the beginning of an invention
- Subject: Music
- tìr
- territory
- n(f)
- tìre - territory poss cterritories - tìrean pl
- tìrean mun cuairt adjacent territories
- Subject: Geography
- tir-chruth
- relief
- n(m)
- tir-chruth - relief poss c
- Subject: Geography
- tìreachas
- colonisation
- n(m)
- tìreachais - colonisation poss c
- tìreachas eadar-nàiseanta international colonisation
- Subject: Modern Studies
- Tiriodh
- Tiree
- Eilean Thiriodh Isle of Tiree
- Subject: Geography
- titanium
- titanium
- n(m)
- titanium - titanium poss c
- aloidh titanium titanium alloy
- co-thàthadh titanium titanium compound
- fàinne titanium titanium ring
- titanium dà-ogsaid titanium dioxide
- titanium ogsaid titanium oxide
- Subject: Science
- tiùb-deuchainn
- test tube
- n(f)
- tiùb-deuchainn - test tube poss ctest tubes - tiùban-deuchainn pl
- leanaban tiùb-deuchainn test tube babies
- leanabh tiùb-deuchainn test tube baby
- Subject: Science
- tiugh
- thick
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- tiugh
- dense
- adj
- ceò thiugh dense fog
- Subject: Science
- tiughad
- thickness
- n(m)
- tiughaid - thickness poss cthicknesses - tiughadan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tiùna
- tuna
- n(f)
- tiùna - tuna poss ctunas - tiùnathan pl
- Subject: Science
- tlachd
- enjoyment
- n(f)
- tlachd - enjoyment poss cenjoyments - tlachd pl
- dùbhlan agus tlachd challenge and enjoyment
- leughadh airson tlachd reading for enjoyment
- tlachd agus roghainn enjoyment and choice
- Subject: General
- Tobar an Choire
- Tobercurry
- Subject: Geography
- Tobar Mhoire
- Tobermory
- Àrd-sgoil Thobar Mhoire Tobermory High School
- Subject: Geography
- Tobar na Màthar
- Motherwell
- sgoiltean Thobar na Màthar Motherwell schools
- Subject: Geography
- todhar
- fertiliser
- n(m)
- todhair - fertiliser poss cfertilisers - todhar pl
- Subject: Geography
- togail
- building
- n(f)
- togail - building poss c
- obair-togail building and construction
- stuthan togail building materials
- Subject: General
- togail dhealbhan
- photography
- n(m)
- togail dhealbhan - photography poss c
- raointean agus seòrsachan de thogail dhealbhan fields and kinds of photography
- togail dhealbhan agus ealain coimpiutair photography and computer art
- togail dhealbhan didseatach digital photography
- togail dhealbhan, dealbhan-camara agus ealain choimpiutair photography, photographs and computer art
- Subject: General
- togail-sgudail
- litter pick
- n(f)
- togail-sgudail - litter pick poss c
- Subject: Geography
- togalach
- building
- n(m)
- togalaich - building poss cbuildings - togalaichean pl
- togalach trèigte derelict building
- togalaichean airson adhbharan creideimh buildings for religious purposes
- togalaichean airson foghlam agus rannsachadh buildings for education and research
- togalaichean comhairle municipal buildings
- togalaichean còmhnaidh agus an leithid residential and related buildings
- togalaichean crith-sheasmhach earthquake proof buildings
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Tògo
- Togo
- n(m/f)
- Thogo - Togo poss c
- Poblachd Thogo Republic of Togo
- Subject: Geography
- toidhleatan poblach
- public convenience
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tòimhseachan
- puzzle
- n(m)
- tòimhseachain - puzzle poss cpuzzles - tòimhseachain pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- toimhsean
- balance
- n(f)
- toimhsean - balance poss cbalances - toimhseanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- toimhsean
- scales
- n(m)
- toimhsean - scales poss cscales - toimhseanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- toinisg
- intuitionism
- n(f)
- toinisg(e) - intuitionism poss c
- feallsanachd Bhergson agus toinisg Bergsonism and intuitionism
- Subject: General
- toinisgeil
- intelligent
- adj
- Subject: General
- toirm
- roll
- n(f)
- toirme - roll poss crolls - toirmean pl
- toirm dhrumaichean drum roll
- toirm teud-dhruma snare-drum roll
- Subject: Music
- toirmisgte
- prohibited
- adj
- sgrìobhadh toirmisgte, foill-sgrìobhadh agus meall-sgrìobhadh prohibited works, forgeries and hoaxes
- Subject: General
- toirt leat
- carrying
- n(f)
- Subject: Mathematics
- toirt-air-falbh
- subtraction
- n(f)
- toirt-air-falbh - subtraction poss c
- sèine toirt-air-falbh subtraction chain
- stòiridh toirt-air-falbh subtraction story
- Subject: Mathematics
- toirt-air-falbh
- taking away
- n(f)
- toirt-air-falbh - taking away poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- toiseach
- start
- n(m)
- toisich - start poss c
- air ais chun toisich back to start
- Subject: Computing
- Tòiseachadh
- Getting Started
- n(m)
- Tòiseachaidh - Getting Started poss c
- Subject: Computing
- tòiseachadh
- startup
- n(m)
- tòiseachaidh - startup poss cstartups - tòiseachaidhean pl
- Subject: Computing
- tòisich
- start
- vb
- menu-tòiseachaidh start menu
- tòisich an seo start here
- tòisich snàithlean ùr start new thread
- Subject: Computing
- toit-cheò
- smog
- n(m/f)
- toit-cheò - smog poss ctoit-cheòtha - smog poss c
- Subject: Geography
- toll dubh
- black hole
- n(m)
- tuill dhuibh - black hole poss cblack holes - tuill dhubha pl
- a' sgrùdadh an tuill dhuibh examining the black hole
- Subject: Science
- toll-dubh
- dungeon
- n(m)
- tuill-dhuibh - dungeon poss cdungeons - tollan-dubha pl
- fuachd an tuill-dhuibh cold of the dungeon
- Subject: General
- toll-èadhair
- air-hole
- n(m)
- tuill-èadhair - air-hole poss cair-holes - tuill-èadhair pl
- Subject: Science
- toll-sèididh
- blowhole
- n(m)
- tuill-sèididh - blowhole poss cblowholes - tuill-sèididh pl
- Subject: Geography
- toll-slugaidh
- swallow hole
- n(m)
- tuill-slugaidh - swallow hole poss cswallow holes - tuill-slugaidh pl
- Subject: Geography
- toll-tòine
- anus
- n(m)
- tuill-tòine - anus poss canuses - tuill-tòine pl
- Subject: Science
- tomad
- mass
- n(m)
- tomaid - mass poss cmasses - tomadan pl
- òraidiche speactromachd tomaid lecturer in mass spectrometry
- speactromachd tomaid mass spectrometry
- teicneòlaiche rannsachaidh ann an speactraimeachd tomaid research technician in mass spectrometry
- tomad stuth-bodhaig tissue mass
- tomad-èadhair air mass
- Subject: Science
- tomhais
- measure
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhais
- guess
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhais
- weigh
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- measure
- n(m)
- tomhais - measure poss cmeasures - toimhsean plmeasures - tomhasan pl
- àireamh, airgead agus tomhas number, money and measure
- airgead, uair agus tomhas money, time and measure
- siolandair-tomhais measuring cylinder
- teip-tomhais measuring tape
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- measurement
- n(m)
- tomhais - measurement poss cmeasurements - toimhsean plmeasurements - tomhasan pl
- dè cho mionaideach 's a tha an tomhas? how accurate is the measurement?
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- dimension
- n(m)
- tomhais - dimension poss cdimensions - toimhsean pldimensions - tomhasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- survey
- n(m)
- tomhais - survey poss csurveys - toimhsean plsurveys - tomhasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- weighing
- n(m)
- tomhais - weighing poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas
- guess
- n(m)
- tomhais - guess poss cguesses - toimhsean plguesses - tomhasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tomhas-lìonaidh
- volume
- n(m)
- tomhais-lìonaidh - volume poss cvolumes - tomhasan-lìonaidh pl
- tomhas-lìonaidh cruth-cuartail volume of revolution
- Subject: Mathematics
- Tonga
- Tonga
- n(m/f)
- Thonga - Tonga poss c
- Eilean Thonga Island of Tonga
- Subject: Geography
- tonn
- wave
- n(m)
- tuinn - wave poss cwaves - tuinn pl
- àirde-tuinn wave height
- eag gearradh-tuinn wave-cut notch
- leac gearradh-tuinn wave-cut platform
- lùth nan tonnan wave energy
- tonn rèidio radio wave
- tonnan-rùsgaidh destructive waves
- tonnan-tasgaidh constructive waves
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- tonn-fhad
- wavelength
- n(m)
- tonn-fhaid - wavelength poss cwavelengths - tonn-fhadan pl
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- tonnan sìosmaig
- seismic waves
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyScience
- topeòlas
- topology
- n(f)
- topeòlais - topology poss c
- Subject: General
- topografaidh
- topography
- n(m)
- topografaidh - topography poss c
- Subject: Geography
- topografaig
- topographic
- adj
- map topografaig topographic map
- Subject: Geography
- toradh
- outcome
- n(m)
- toraidh - outcome poss coutcomes - toraidhean pl
- toraidhean comasach possible outcomes
- toraidhean le coltachd cho-ionann equally likely outcomes
- Subject: GeneralMathematics
- toradh
- product
- n(m)
- toraidh - product poss cproducts - toraidhean pl
- toradh scalar scalar product
- Subject: Mathematics
- toradh
- yield
- n(m)
- toraidh - yield poss cyields - toraidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- toradh
- produce
- n(m)
- toraidh - produce poss c
- toradh organach organic produce
- Subject: GeographyBusiness Studies
- toradh
- yield
- n(m)
- toraidh - yield poss cyields - toraidhean pl
- Subject: Geography
- toradh-earrannan
- dividend
- n(f)
- toraidh-earrannan - dividend poss cdividends - toraidhean-earrannan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- toradh-iomadachaidh
- product
- n(m)
- toraidh-iomadachaidh - product poss cproducts - toraidhean-iomadachaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Toraigh
- Tory Island
- Subject: Geography
- torc
- moment
- n(m)
- torc - moment poss c
- Subject: Science
- torium
- thorium
- n(m)
- torium - thorium poss c
- sreath torium thorium series
- torium dà-ogsaid thorium dioxide
- Subject: Science
- torman
- drone
- n(m)
- tormain - drone poss cdrones - tormanan pl
- Subject: Music
- tornado
- tornado
- n(m)
- tornado - tornado poss ctornado - tornadothan pl
- Subject: Geography
- torrach
- fertile
- adj
- ùir thorrach fertile soil
- Subject: Geography
- torrachadh
- fertilisation
- n(m)
- torrachaidh - fertilisation poss c
- torrachadh in vitro in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
- Subject: Science
- torrachas
- fertility
- n(m)
- torrachais - fertility poss c
- reat-torrachais fertility rate
- Subject: Geography
- tòrradh
- funeral
- n(m)
- tòrraidh - funeral poss cfunerals - tòrraidhean pl
- teine-tòrraidh funeral pyre
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- Trá Lí
- Tralee
- Subject: Geography
- Trá Mhór
- Tramore
- Subject: Geography
- tractar
- tractor
- n(m)
- tractair - tractor poss ctractors - tractaran pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- trafaig
- traffic
- n(f)
- trafaige - taffic poss c
- dùmhlachd-trafaig traffic congestion
- gluasad trafaig traffic flow
- suirbhidh trafaig traffic survey
- tomhais gluasad trafaig measure traffic flow
- trafaig dhùmhail congested traffic
- trafaig dhùmhail dense traffic
- trafaig dhùmhlaichte congested traffic
- trafaig tuathanais farm traffic
- uàrdan-trafaig traffic warden
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- traidiseantalachd
- traditionalism
- n(f)
- traidiseantalachd - traditionalism poss c
- roghainneachd, libearalachd agus traidiseantalachd eclecticism, liberalism and traditionalism
- Subject: General
- tràigh
- beach
- n(f)
- tràghad - beach poss ctràighe - beach poss cbeaches - tràghannan plbeaches - tràighean pl
- bunaiteachadh tràghad beach stabilisation
- Subject: Geography
- Tràigh a' Chaisteil
- Brodick
- bun-sgoil Thràigh a' Chaisteil Brodick primary school
- Subject: Geography
- tràigh-aibhne
- river beach
- n(f)
- tràigh-aibhne - river beach poss criver beaches - tràigh-aibhnichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- traigsean
- traction
- n(m)
- traigsean - traction poss c
- Subject: Geography
- tràillealachd
- slavery
- n(f)
- tràillealachd - slavery poss c
- tràillealachd agus saoradh slavery and emancipation
- Subject: General
- transpòs
- transpose
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- trapesium
- trapezium
- n(m)
- trapesium - trapezium poss ctrapezia - trapesiuman pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- trasnadh
- intersection
- n(m)
- trasnaidh - intersection poss cintersections - trasnaidhean pl
- crasg point of intersection
- puing-trasnaidh point of intersection
- trasnadh-clèithe graticule intersection
- Subject: MathematicsGeography
- trasnadh-clèithe
- graticule intersection
- n(m)
- trasnaidh-clèithe - graticule intersection poss cgraticule intersections - trasnaidhean-clèithe pl
- Subject: Geography
- trast-thomhas
- diameter
- n(m)
- trast-thomhais - diameter poss cdiameters - trastan-tomhas pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- trastan
- diagonal
- n(m)
- trastain - diagonal poss cdiagonals - trastanan pl
- cruth-thrastan body diagonal
- trastan aodainn face diagonal
- trastan fànais space diagonal
- Subject: Mathematics
- trastanach
- diagonal
- adj
- loidhne thrastanach diagonal line
- raon trastanach diagonal plane
- Subject: Mathematics
- tràth
- period
- n(m)
- tràith - period poss ctràtha - period poss cperiods - tràthan pl
- Subject: General
- tràth
- early
- adj
- an eaglais thràth agus eaglaisean na h-àird an ear early church and eastern churches
- foghlam tràth-ìrean early education
- goireasan airson nan tràth-ìrean resources for early years
- tràth-ìrean early years
- tràth-thaic(e) early intervention
- Subject: General
- tràth-oideachaidh
- tutorial
- n(m)
- tràth-oideachaidh - tutorial poss ctutorials - tràthan-oideachaidh pl
- Subject: General
- tràth-thaic
- early intervention
- n(f)
- tràth-thaic(e) - early intervention poss c
- Subject: General
- trèanadh
- training
- n(m)
- trèanaidh - training poss c
- oifigear trèanaidh chlàran oileanach student records training officer
- stuthan trèanaidh training materials
- Subject: General
- treas
- third
- adj
- an treas fear the third one
- An Treas Geàrr-chunntas Third Summary
- àrachas treas-partaidh third party insurance
- san treas àite in third place
- Subject: Mathematics
- treas(amh)
- third
- n(m)
- treas(aimh) - third poss cthirds - treas(amh)an pl
- dà threas(amh) two thirds
- Subject: Mathematics
- treasamh
- third
- adj
- an treasamh fear the third one
- san treasamh àite in third place
- Subject: Mathematics
- treibhdhireas
- integrity
- n(m)
- treibhdhireis - integrity poss c
- Subject: General
- trèig
- cancel
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- trèigte
- derelict
- adj
- talamh trèigte derelict land
- togalach trèigte derelict building
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- treòir
- instruction
- n(f)
- treòire - instruction poss cinstructions - treòrachadh pl
- Lean an treòrachadh Follow the instructions
- Subject: Computing
- treòir-nota
- leading note
- n(m)
- treòir-nota - leading note poss cleading notes - treòir-notaichean pl
- fuaim treòir-nota sound of leading note
- Subject: Music
- trèoraiche
- mentor
- n(m)
- treòraiche - mentor poss cmentors - treòraichean pl
- treòraichean Glow Glow mentors
- Subject: General
- treubh
- tribe
- trèibh - tribe poss ctreubha - tribe poss ctribes - treubhan pl
- treubh Ameir-innseanach Kayapo Kayapo Amerindian tribe
- tùsanaich original native tribes
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- treubh Ameir-innseanach Kayapo
- Kayapo Amerindian tribe
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- trì
- three
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trì-deug
- thirteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trì-sheallach
- three-dimensional
- adj
- 3sh 3d
- cruth trì-sheallach 3 dimensional solid
- Subject: Mathematics
- trì-theirmeach
- trinomial
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trì-theirmeach
- trinomial
- n(m)
- trì-theirmich - trinomial poss ctrinomials - trì-theirmich pl
- abairt thrì-theirmeach trinomial expression
- factaraich an trì-theirmeach \( 6k^2 + k - 70\) factorise the trinomial \( 6k^2 + k - 70\)
- Subject: Mathematics
- trian
- third
- n(m)
- trian - third poss c
- dà thrian two thirds
- Subject: Mathematics
- triantan
- triangle
- n(m)
- triantain - triangle poss ctriangles - triantain pl
- aodainnean triantain triangle faces
- feartan triantain properties of a triangle
- lorg farsaingeachd an triantain find the area of the triangle
- triantan ceart-cheàrnach(ail) right angled triangle
- triantan co-chasach isosceles triangle
- triantan ionann-thaobhach equilateral triangle
- triantan le ceàrn farsaing obtuse-angled triangle
- triantan neo-chothromach scalene triangle
- Subject: Mathematics
- triantanach
- triangular
- adj
- àireamhan triantanach triangular numbers
- aodann triantanach triangular face
- pioramaid le bonn triantanach triangular based pyramid
- priosam triantanach triangular prism
- Subject: Mathematics
- triantanachd
- trigonometry
- n(f)
- triantanachd - trigonometry poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- tricead
- frequency
- n(m)
- triceid - frequency poss cfrequencies - triceadan pl
- clàr-triceid frequency table
- tricead dàimheach relative frequency
- tricead tionalach cumulative frequency
- Subject: Mathematics
- tricead
- frequency
- n(m)
- triceid - frequency poss cfrequencies - triceadan pl
- tricead micro-thonn microwave frequency
- Subject: Science
- tricead
- incidence
- n(m)
- triceid - incidence poss cincidences - triceadan pl
- tricead ghalaran incidence of disease
- Subject: General
- triceratops
- triceratops
- n(m)
- triceratops - triceratops poss c
- Subject: Science
- trìd-dheàlrach
- translucent
- adj
- Subject: Science
- trìd-dheàlrachd
- translucency
- n(f)
- trìd-dheàlrachd - translucency poss c
- Subject: Science
- trìd-dhoilleir
- opaque
- adj
- Subject: Science
- trìd-shoilleir
- transparent
- adj
- Subject: Science
- trìd-shoilleireachd
- transparency
- n(f)
- trìd-shoillearachd - transparency poss ctransparencies - trìd-shoilleireachdan pl
- Subject: Science
- Trinidad agus Tobago
- Trinidad and Tobago
- n(m/f)
- Thrinidad agus Thobago - Trinidad and poss c
- ceanna-bhaile Thrinidad agus Thobago capital of Trinidad and Tobago
- Subject: Geography
- trìobailte
- treble
- n(m)
- trìobailte - treble poss ctrebles - trìobailtean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- trìoblaich
- treble
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- trìoblaichte
- trebled
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trìoblaichte
- tripled
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trithead
- thirty
- n(f) / adj
- trithead 's a dhà thirty-two
- trithead 's a h-aon thirty-one
- Subject: Mathematics
- tritheadamh
- thirtieth
- adj
- an tritheadamh fear/tè the thirtieth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- trìtheamh
- third
- adj
- san trìtheamh àite (3rd - 3mh) in third place
- Subject: Mathematics
- trìtheamh
- third
- n(m)
- trìtheimh - third poss cthirds - trìtheamhan pl
- dà thrìtheamh two thirds
- Subject: Mathematics
- troich dhearg
- red dwarf
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- troich dhubh
- black dwarf
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- troich gheal
- white dwarf
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- troigh
- foot
- n(f)
- troighe - foot poss cfeet - troighean pl
- 6 troighean is ceithir òirlich 6 foot 4 inches
- troigh cheàrnagach square foot
- Subject: Mathematics
- trom
- heavy
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- trombòn
- trombone
- n(m)
- trombòn - trombone poss ctrombones - trombònan pl
- beus-thrombòn bass trombone
- teanor-thrombòn tenor trombone
- Subject: Music
- tropaig
- tropic
- n(f)
- tropaig - tropic poss ctropics - tropaigean pl
- anns na tropaigean in the tropics
- fo-thropaigean sub-tropics
- Tropaig Chansar Tropic of Cancer
- Tropaig Chapracorn Tropic of Capricorn
- Subject: Geography
- tropaigeach
- tropical
- adj
- coilltean-uisge tropaigeach tropical rainforests
- craobhan cruaidh-fhiodh tropaigeach tropical hardwood trees
- feur tropaigeach tropical grassland
- ìsleachadh tropaigeach tropical depression
- lusan sreap tropaigeach tropical climbing plants
- sgìre thropaigeach tropical region
- stoirm t(h)ropaigeach tropical storm
- Tropaigeach Cuantach Tropical Maritime
- Tropaigeach Mòr-roinneil Tropical Continental
- Subject: Geography
- tropaigeach
- tropic
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Tropaigeach Cuantach
- Tropical Maritime
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Tropaigeach Mòr-roinneil
- Tropical Continental
- adj phr
- Subject: Geography
- tropaigean
- tropics
- n(pl)
- tropaigean - tropics poss c
- anns na tropaigean in the tropics
- fo-thropaigean sub-tropics
- Subject: Geography
- tropospeur
- troposphere
- n(m)
- tropospeura - troposphere poss c
- Subject: Science
- trosg
- cod
- n(m)
- truisg - cod poss ccod - truisg pl
- iasgach an truisg cod fishing
- Subject: Science
- truaghan
- loser
- n(m)
- truaghain - loser poss closers - truaghain pllosers - truaghanan pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- truailleadh
- pollution
- n(m)
- truaillidh - pollution poss c
- Subject: GeographyScience
- tsunami
- tsunami
- n(m)
- tsunami - tsunami poss ctsunamis - tsunamithean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Tuaim
- Tuam
- Subject: Geography
- tuaireamach
- random
- adj
- àireamh thuaireamach random number
- clàr àireamhan tuaireamach random number table
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmse
- estimation
- n(f)
- tuairmse - estimation poss cestimations - tuairmsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmse
- estimate
- n(f)
- tuairmse - estimate poss cestimates - tuairmsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmse
- guess
- n(f)
- tuairmse - guess poss cguesses - tuairmsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmse
- approximation
- n(f)
- tuairmse - approximation poss capproximations - tuairmsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmse air thuairmse
- iteration
- n phr
- this example of trial and improvement is referred to as iteration canaidh sinn 'tuairmse air thuairmse' ris an eisimpleir seo de 'feuch is leasaich'
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmseach
- approximate
- adj
- sgrìobh faid thuairmseach write an approximate length
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuairmseach
- iterative
- adj
- pròiseas thuairmsean iterative process
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuar
- hue
- n(m)
- tuair - hue poss chues - tuaran pl
- Subject: Art
- tuar
- tint
- n(m)
- tuair - tint poss ctints - tuaran pl
- cuir tuar air tint it
- Subject: Art
- tuarastal
- salary
- n(m)
- tuarastail - salary poss csalaries - tuarastail plsalaries - tuarastalan pl
- tuarastal bliadhnail yearly salary
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuarastal
- wage
- n(m)
- tuarastail - wage poss cwages - tuarastail plwages - tuarastalan pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tuath
- north
- n(m)
- tuath - north poss c
- (an) ear-thuath (the) north east
- (an) iar-thuath (the) north west
- Abhainn Tyne a Tuath North Tyne River
- Am Pòla a Tuath North Pole
- an àird a tuath north
- an àird a tuath the north
- an costa a tuath north coast
- An Cuan a Tuath North Sea
- An Roinn Eòrpa a tuath agus an iar air an Eadailt gu ca. 499 Europe north and west of Italy to ca. 499
- an tuath magnaiteach magnetic north
- Bearaig a Tuath North Berwick
- buidhnean ann an Ameireaga a Tuath organisations in North America
- Cànanan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native languages
- ceann a tuath meadhan nan Stàitean Aonaichte north central United States
- Coiria a Tuath North Korea
- Costa Iar-thuath Afraga agus eileanan bhon chladach Northwest African coast and offshore islands
- cruinn-eòlas agus siubhal ann an Ameireaga a Tuath geography of and travel in North America
- Downs Dorset a Tuath North Dorset Downs
- eachdraidh Ameireaga a Tuath history of North America
- eachdraidh Crìosdaidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath history of Christianity in North America
- ear-thuath nan Stàitean Aonaichte northeastern United States
- Foreland a Tuath North Foreland
- Iar-Thuath na Gàidhealtachd North West Highlands
- litreachasan dùthchasach Ameireaga a Tuath North American native literature
- Mòinteach Iorc a Tuath North York Moors
- mu thuath in the north
- Na Downs a Tuath North Downs
- pàipearan-naidheachd ann an Ameireaga a Tuath newspapers in North America
- Ronaldsay a Tuath North Ronaldsay
- saidhseansan talmhainn Ameireaga a Tuath earth sciences of North America
- staitistigs choitcheann Ameireaga a Tuath general statistics of North America
- tuath air Glaschu north of Glasgow
- Uibhist a Tuath North Uist
- Walsham a Tuath North Walsham
- Subject: Geography
- tuath
- north
- adj
- gaoth tuath north wind
- Subject: Geography
- tuath
- northerly
- adj
- a' dol gu tuath going in a northerly direction
- bhon àird a tuath from a northerly direction
- Subject: Geography
- tuath-loidhne
- northing
- n(f)
- tuath-loidhne - northing poss cnorthings - tuath-loidhnichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- tuathal
- anti-clockwise
- adj
- car tuathal anti-clockwise turn
- Subject: Mathematics
- tuathanachas
- agriculture
- n(m)
- tuathanachais - agriculture poss c
- Subject: General
- tuathanachas
- farming
- n(m)
- tuathanachais - farming poss c
- tuathanachas àitich arable farming
- tuathanachas àitich coimeirsealta commercial arable farming
- tuathanachas anns na Fens farming in The Fens
- tuathanachas bainne dairy farming
- tuathanachas bheathaichean animal husbandry
- tuathanachas bith-beò subsistence farming
- tuathanachas chaorach-monaidh hill sheep farming
- tuathanachas mheasan fruit farming
- tuathanachas organach organic farming
- tuathanachas stuic pastoral farming
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- tuathanachas
- husbandry
- n(m)
- tuathanachais - husbandry poss c
- tuathanachas bheathaichean animal husbandry
- Subject: Geography
- tuathanas
- farm
- n(m)
- tuathanais - farm poss cfarms - tuathanasan pl
- tuathanas àiteachais agricultural farm
- tuathanas bainne dairy farm
- tuathanas organach organic farm
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tubhailte-mhìosail
- sanitary towel
- n(f)
- tubhailte-mhìosail - sanitary towel poss csanitary towels - tubhailtean-mìosail pl
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Tubhalu
- Tuvalu
- n(m/f)
- Thubhalu - Tuvalu poss c
- Eilean Thubhalu Island of Tuvalu
- Subject: Geography
- tuigseach
- intelligent
- adj
- Subject: General
- tuil
- flood
- n(f)
- tuile - flood poss cfloods - tuilean plfloods - tuiltean pl
- raon-tuile flood plain
- Subject: Geography
- tuil-dhoras
- lock
- n(m)
- tuil-dhorais - lock poss clocks - tuil-dhorsan pl
- Subject: Geography
- tuileachadh
- flooding
- n(m)
- tuileachaidh - flooding poss c
- fo chunnart tuileachaidh risk of flooding
- tuileachadh leanailteach persistent flooding
- Subject: Geography
- tuilium
- thulium
- n(m)
- tuilium - thulium poss c
- Subject: Science
- tuilleadh
- more
- adv
- leugh tuilleadh read more
- Subject: Computing
- Tuilsce
- Tulsk
- Subject: Geography
- tuineachadh
- settlement
- n(m)
- tuineachaidh - settlement poss csettlements - tuineachaidhean pl
- prìomh-adhbhar tuineachaidh settlement function
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- tuirbin
- turbine
- n(m)
- tuirbin - turbine poss cturbines - tuirbinean pl
- tuirbin-gaoithe wind turbine
- Subject: Geography
- tuirc-ghorm
- turquoise
- adj
- Subject: Art
- Tuircmeanastan
- Turkmenistan
- n(m/f)
- Thuircmeanastan - Turkmenistan poss c
- cruth-tìre Thuircmeanastan landscape of Turkmenistan
- Subject: Geography
- tuiseal
- case
- n(m)
- tuiseil - case poss ccases - tuisealan pl
- tuiseal ainmneach nominative case
- tuiseal gairmeach vocative case
- tuiseal ginideach genitive case
- tuiseal tabhartach dative case
- Subject: Language
- Tulach Cultaire
- Tillicoultry
- Baile Thulach Cultaire Town of Tillicoultry
- Subject: Geography
- Tulach Mhór
- Tullamore
- Subject: Geography
- tulchuiseach
- intelligent
- adj
- Subject: General
- tundra
- tundra
- n(m)
- tundra - tundra poss c
- Subject: Geography
- tungstan
- tungsten
- n(m)
- tungstan - tungsten poss c
- lampa thungstain tungsten lamp
- stàilinn thungstain tungsten steel
- tungstan carbaid tungsten carbide
- Subject: Science
- Tunisia
- Tunisia
- n(m/f)
- Thunisia - Tunisia poss c
- Poblachd Thunisia Republic of Tunisia
- Subject: Geography
- tunna
- tonne
- n(m)
- tunna - tonne poss ctonnes - tunnachan pltonnes - tunnaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tunna
- ton
- n(m)
- tunna - ton poss ctons - tunnaichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tunnag
- duck
- n(f)
- tunnagan ducks
- tunnaig duck
- Subject: Science
- tùr
- intelligence
- n(m)
- tùir - intelligence poss c
- pròiseasan inntinn agus tùr mental processes and intelligence
- Subject: General
- tùr
- rook
- n(m)
- tùir - rook poss crooks - tùir pl
- Subject: General
- tùrail
- intelligent
- adj
- Subject: General
- turas
- tour
- n(m)
- turais - tour poss ctours - turasan pltours - tursan pl
- companaidh thurais tour operator
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- turasachd
- tourism
- n(f)
- turasachd - tourism poss c
- baile-turasachd tourist village
- eag-thurasachd eco-tourism
- goireasan turasachd tourist facilities
- làrach turasachd tourist site
- mòr-thurasachd mass tourism
- turasachd neo-mhillteach responsible tourism
- turasachd sheasmhach sensible tourism
- turasachd sheasmhach sustainable tourism
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- turasachd neo-mhillteach
- responsible tourism
- n phr
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- turchairt
- chance
- n(m)
- turchairt - chance poss cchance - turchairtean pl
- ceòl-turchairt chance music
- geamannan-turchairt games of chance
- Subject: General
- turtar
- turtle
- n(m)
- turtair - turtle poss cturtles - turtair plturtles - turtairean pl
- turtar-coille wood turtle
- Subject: Science
- tùs
- origin
- n(m)
- tùis - origin poss corigins - tùsan pl
- bho thùs originally
- creideamhan às na h-Innseachan religions of Indic origin
- leabhraichean comharraichte airson cò leis agus cò às a tha iad books notable for ownership or origin
- Pròstanaich a bhuineas do Mhòr-thìr na Roinn Eòrpa Protestants of Continental origin
- tùs a' chruinne-cè origin of the universe
- tùs agus crìoch anaman fa leth origin and destiny of individual souls
- tùs-àite place of origin
- Subject: General
- tùs
- origin
- n(m)
- tùis - origin poss corigins - tùsan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- tùs-ghinean
- embryo
- n(m)
- tùs-ghinein - embryo poss cembryos - tùs-ghineanan pl
- Subject: Science
- tùs-sheòrsa
- prototype
- n(m)
- tùs-sheòrsa - prototype poss cprototypes - tùs-sheòrsaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- tùsach
- primitive
- adj
- strìoch thùsach primitive streak
- Subject: General
- tùsanaich
- original native tribes
- n(pl)
- Subject: Geography
- tweet
- tweet
- n(m)
- tweet - tweet poss ctweets - tweets pl
- Subject: Computing
- Twitter
- Twitter
- n(m)
- Twitter - Twitter poss c
- Subject: Computing
- typhoon
- typhoon
- n(m)
- typhoon - typhoon poss ctyphoons - typhoonan pl
- Subject: Geography