Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- rabaid
- rabbit
- n(f)
- rabaid(e) - rabbit poss crabbits - rabaidean pl
- Subject: Science
- racaid
- racquet
- n(f)
- racaid(e) - racquet poss cracquets - racaidean pl
- racaid teanas tennis racquet
- Subject: Physical Education
- Rach
- Go
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- rach à bith
- extinct
- vb
- a' dol à bith becoming extinct
- Subject: GeographyScience
- rach air an liosta puist
- join mailing list
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- rach thairis
- bridge
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- rackett
- rackett
- rackett - rackett poss cracketts - rackettean pl
- Subject: Music
- racùn
- raccoon
- n(m)
- racùn - raccoon poss craccoons - racùnaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- radan
- rat
- n(m)
- radain - rat poss crats - radain pl
- radan cangarù kangaroo rat
- Subject: Science
- radian
- radian
- n(m)
- radian - radian poss cradians - radianan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- radium
- radium
- n(m)
- radium - radium poss c
- Subject: Science
- radius
- radius
- n(m)
- radius - radius poss cradii - radii pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- radon
- radon
- n(m)
- radoin - radon poss c
- Subject: Science
- rag
- rag
- n(m)
- rag - rag poss crags - rags pl
- Subject: Music
- ragtime
- ragtime
- n(m)
- ragtime - ragtime poss c
- Subject: Music
- raidhfil
- rifle
- n(m)
- raidhfil - rifle poss crifles - raidhfilean pl
- Subject: General
- rainnse
- range
- n(f)
- rainnse - range poss cranges - rainnsean pl
- rainnse deuchainn testing range
- rainnse losgaidh firing range
- rainnse losgaidh is deuchainn firing and testing range
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- rainnsear
- ranger
- n(m)
- rainnseir - ranger poss crangers - rainnsearan pl
- rainnsear-pàirce park ranger
- rainnsearan ranger services
- Subject: Geography
- rainnsear-pàirce
- park ranger
- n(m)
- rainnseir-pàirce - park ranger poss cpark rangers - rainnsearan-pàirce pl
- Subject: Geography
- rainse
- ranch
- n(m)
- rainse - ranch poss cranches - rainsean plranches - rainsichean pl
- rainse-chruidh cattle ranch
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- raisean
- ration
- n(m)
- raisein - ration poss crations - raiseanan plrations - raiseans pl
- leabhar nan raisean(s) ration book
- Subject: General
- raiseanadh
- rationing
- n(m)
- raiseanaidh - rationing poss c
- Subject: GeneralHistory
- raiseanail
- rational
- adj
- àireamh raiseanail rational number
- Subject: Mathematics
- raiseanailich
- rationalise
- vb
- raiseanailich na bloighean a leanas rationalise the following fractions
- Subject: Mathematics
- ràith
- season
- n(f)
- ràithe - season poss cseasons - ràitheachan plseasons - ràithean pl
- ràith-fàis growing season
- ràithean na bliadhna seasons of the year
- toiseach na ràithe beginning of the season
- Subject: ScienceGeographyGeneral
- ràith-fàis
- growing season
- n(f)
- ràithe-fàis growing season
- ràithean-fàis growing seasons
- Subject: Geography
- ràitheil
- seasonal
- adj
- obraichean ràitheil seasonal jobs
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- rallentando
- rallentando
- adj
- Subject: Music
- rannsachadh
- enquiry
- n(m)
- rannsachaidh - enquiry poss cenquiries - rannsachaidhean pl
- fuasgladh cheistean agus rannsachadh problem solving and enquiry
- sgilean rannsachaidh enquiry skills
- Subject: Mathematics
- rannsachadh
- research
- n(m)
- rannsachaidh - research poss cresearch - rannsachaidhean pl
- àrd-chom-pàirtiche rannsachaidh senior research associate
- buidheann rannsachaidh lùth energy research group
- co-eòlaiche rannsachaidh research fellow
- co-òrdanaiche rannsachaidh research coordinator
- com-pàirtiche rannsachaidh research associate
- deuchainn-lann rannsachaidh research laboratory
- neach-taice rannsachaidh research assistant
- nurs rannsachadh clionaigeach clinical research nurse
- oifigear rannsachaidh research officer
- pròiseactan rannsachaidh research projects
- rannsachadh bun-cheallach stem cell research
- rannsachadh clionaigeach clinical research
- rannsachadh liopadomaig lipidomic research
- rannsachadh margaidheachd market research
- rannsachadh meidigeach medical research
- teicneòlaiche rannsachaidh research technician
- Subject: General
- rannsaich
- explore
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- rannsaich
- enquire
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- raon
- plane
- n(m)
- raoin - plane poss cplanes - raointean pl
- leacaich an raon tile the plane
- raon bheartagail vertical plane
- raon coimpleacs complex plane
- raon còmhnard horizontal plane
- raon trastanach diagonal plane
- raon-cothromachaidh plane of symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- raon
- range
- n(m)
- raoin - range poss cranges - raointean pl
- leth-raon eadar-chairtealach semi-interquartile range
- raon eadar-chairtealach interquartile range
- Subject: Mathematics
- raon
- plain
- n(m)
- raoin - plain poss cplains - raointean plplains - raontan pl
- Na Raointean Mòra The Great Plains
- Raon Shalisbury Salisbury Plain
- raon-tuile flood plain
- Subject: Geography
- raon
- field
- n(m)
- raoin - field poss cfields - raointean pl
- raointean de thogail dhealbhan fields of photography
- raointean sònraichte de rianachd phoblach specific fields of public administration
- raon magnaiteach magnetic field
- raon-cluiche playing field
- raon-gas gas field
- raon-guail coalfield
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- raon
- interval
- n(m)
- raoin - interval poss cintervals - raointean pl
- meadhan-raonach mid-interval
- raon-clas class interval
- Subject: Mathematics
- Raon Shalisbury
- Salisbury Plain
- n(m)
- Raon Shalisbury - Salisbury Plain poss c
- arc-eòlas Raon Shalisbury archaeology of Salisbury Plain
- Subject: Geography
- raon-clas
- class interval
- Subject: Mathematics
- raon-ola
- oil field
- n(m)
- raoin-ola - oil field poss coil fields - raointean-ola pl
- Subject: GeographyScience
- raon-tuile
- flood plain
- n(m)
- raon-tuile - flood plain poss cflood plains - raointean-tuile plflood plains - raontan-tuile pl
- Subject: Geography
- rapsodaidh
- rhapsody
- n(m)
- rapsodaidh - rhapsody poss crhapsodies - rapsodaidhean pl
- Subject: Music
- ràth
- raft
- n(m)
- ràtha - raft poss crafts - ràthan pl
- ràthan uisge geal whitewater rafts
- Subject: GeographyPhysical Education
- Ráth Caola
- Rathkeale
- Subject: Geography
- Ráth Chormaic
- Rathcormack
- Subject: Geography
- rathad
- road
- n(m)
- rathaid - road poss crothaid - road poss croads - rathaidean plroads - ròidean pl
- ceanglaichean rathaid road connections
- ceann-rathaid road terminal
- comharraidhean rathaid road markings
- cuairt-rathad ring road
- einnseanaireachd rathaid engineering of roads
- fiosrachadh rathaid road information
- leas-rathad scondary road
- prìomh rathad major road
- rathad beag minor road
- rathad ga thogail road under construction
- rathad-mòr main road
- rathad-mòr major road
- soidhnichean rathaid road signs
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- Rathad Mòr na h-Amason
- Trans-Amazonian Highway
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- rathad-beag
- byway
- n(m)
- rathaid-bhig - byway poss crothaid-bhig - byway poss cbyways - rathaidean-beaga plbyways - ròidean-beaga pl
- Subject: Geography
- rathad-caraids
- carriageway
- n(m)
- rathaid-caraids - carriageway poss crothaid-caraids - carriageway poss ccarriageways - rathaidean-caraids plcarriageways - ròidean-caraids pl
- rathad-caraids dùbailte dual carriageway
- Subject: Geography
- ràthadaireachd
- rafting
- n(f)
- ràthadaireachd - rafting poss c
- ràthadaireachd uisge geal whitewater rafting
- Subject: GeographyPhysical Education
- Rathais
- Rothes
- baile Rathais town of Rothes
- Subject: Geography
- Ratharsair
- Raasay
- Eilean Ratharsair Island of Raasay
- Subject: Geography
- reachd
- precept
- n(m)
- reachd - precept poss cprecepts - reachdan pl
- na còig reachdan moralta the five moral precepts
- Subject: General
- reachdail
- legislative
- adj
- pròiseas reachdail legislative process
- Subject: Modern Studies
- reachdas
- legislation
- n(m)
- reachdais - legislation poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- Reachrainn
- Lambay Island
- Subject: Geography
- reacòrdair
- recorder
- n(m)
- reacòrdair - recorder poss crecorders - reacòrdairean pl
- Subject: Music
- reactam
- rectum
- n(m)
- reactam - rectum poss crectums - reactaman pl
- aillse reactam rectal cancer
- Subject: Science
- reasabaidh
- recipe
- n(m)
- reasabaidh - recipe poss crecipes - reasabaidhean pl
- leabhar reasabaidhean recipe book
- Subject: Home Economics
- reat
- rate
- n(m)
- reat - rate poss crates - reatan pl
- reat ceudadach bliadhnail annual percentage rate (APR)
- reat cunbhalach constant rate
- reat san uair rate per hour
- reat-iomlaid exchange rate
- reat-lìonaidh rate of filling
- reat-ruith(e) rate of flow
- Subject: Mathematics
- reat
- rate
- n(m)
- reat - rate poss crates - reatan pl
- reat tarraing anail breathing rate
- reat-analachaidh breathing rate
- Subject: Science
- reat-bhàsan
- death rate
- n(m)
- reat-bhàsan - death rate poss cdeath rates - reatan-bhàsan pl
- Subject: Geography
- reat-bhreithean
- birth rate
- n(m)
- reat-bhreithean - birth rate poss cbirth rates - reatan-bhreithean pl
- Subject: Geography
- reat-luathachaidh
- acceleration
- n(m)
- reat-luathachaidh - acceleration poss caccelerations - reatan-luathachaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- reat-torrachais
- fertility rate
- n(m)
- reat-torrachais - fertility rate poss cfertility rates - reatan-torrachais pl
- Subject: Geography
- reatoraig
- rhetoric
- n(m)
- reatoraig - rhetoric poss c
- litreachas agus reatoraig literature and rhetoric
- litreachas, reatoraig agus breithneachadh literature, rhetoric and criticism
- reatoraig agus cruinneachaidhean litreachais rhetoric and collections of literature
- Subject: Language
- rèidh
- even
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèidh
- flat
- adj
- aodann rèidh flat face
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèidh-phleit
- planometer
- n(f)
- rèidh-phleit(e) - planometer poss cplanometers - rèidh-phleitean pl
- Subject: Technical
- rèidh-phleiteach
- planometric
- adj
- Subject: Technical
- rèididheachd
- radiation
- n(f)
- rèididheachd - radiation poss cradiation - rèididheachdan pl
- rèididheachd gamma gamma radiation
- Subject: Science
- rèididheatar
- radiator
- n(m)
- rèidhidheatair - radiator poss cradiators - rèididheataran pl
- Subject: Technical
- rèidio
- radio
- n(m)
- rèidio - radio poss cradios - rèidiothan pl
- buille rèidio radio pulse
- putan rèidio radio button
- tonn rèidio radio wave
- tuinn rèidio radio waves
- Subject: Science
- rèile
- railroad
- n(m/f)
- rèile - railroad poss crailroads - rèilichean pl
- ceanglaichean rèile railroad connections
- ceann-rèile rail terminal
- còmhdhail rèile railroad transportation
- einnseanaireachd rèile engineering of railroads
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- rèile
- railway
- n(f)
- rèile - railway poss crailways - rèilichean pl
- ceanglaichean rèile railway connections
- ceann-rèile rail terminal
- coidse-rèile railway carriage
- loidhne-rèile railway line
- prìomh rèile main railway
- rèile ga togail railway under construction
- rèilichean fo-thalamh underground railways
- stèisean-rèile railway station
- taobh-rèile railway siding
- Subject: GeneralGeography
- rèis
- span
- n(f)
- rèis(e) - span poss cspans - rèisean pl
- rèis-gàirdein armspan
- rèis-làimhe handspan
- rèis-sgèithe wingspan
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèis
- race
- n(f)
- rèise - race poss craces - rèisean pl
- rèis-each horse race
- Subject: Physical Education
- rèis-gàirdein
- armspan
- n(f)
- rèis-gàirdein - armspan poss carmspans - rèisean-gàirdein pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèis-làimhe
- handspan
- n(f)
- rèise(e)-làimhe - handspan poss chandspans - rèisean-làimhe pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèis-sgèithe
- wingspan
- n(f)
- rèis-sgèithe - wingspan poss cwingspans - rèisean-sgèithe pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- rèiseadh
- racing
- n(m)
- rèisidh - racing poss c
- càr-rèisidh racing car
- rèiseadh bheathaichean animal racing
- rèiseadh chàraichean car racing
- rèiseadh each horse racing
- slighe-rèisidh race track
- Subject: Physical Education
- renium
- rhenium
- n(m)
- renium - rhenium poss c
- Subject: Science
- reothadh
- frost
- n(m)
- reothaidh - frost poss c
- buan-reothadh permafrost
- seac-reothadh frostbite
- Subject: Geography
- reòthta
- frozen
- adj
- Subject: Science
- reòthte
- frozen
- adj
- loch reòthte frozen lake
- Subject: Science
- reubadh-àrainneachd
- exploitation
- n(m) / n
- reubaidh-àrainneachd - exploitation poss c
- Subject: Geography
- reul
- star
- n(f)
- rèil - star poss creula - star poss cstars - reultan pl
- gluasad siostam reul chàraideach binary star system movement
- meud na reula size of the star
- Reul Dhaibhidh Star of David
- reul-iùil guiding star
- reul-iùil pole star
- reultan niutronach neutron stars
- siostam reul chàraideach binary star system
- soilleireachd na reula star brightness
- Subject: Science
- reul-bhad
- constellation
- n(m)
- reul-bhaid - constellation poss cconstellations - reul-bhadan pl
- reul-bhad a' Mhathain Mhòir the Great Bear Constellation
- Subject: Science
- reul-bhad a' Mhathain Mhòir
- the Great Bear Constellation
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- reul-chrios
- galaxy
- n(m)
- reul-chrios - galaxy poss cgalaxies - reul-chriosan pl
- siostam an reul-chrios galaxy system
- Subject: Science
- reul-chuairt
- orbit
- n(f)
- reul-chuairte - orbit poss corbits - reul-chuairtean pl
- cuairt eilipseach na Talmhainn timcheall na Grèine earth's elliptical orbit around the sun
- reul-chuairt na gealaich lunar orbit
- Subject: Science
- reul-chuairteach
- orbital
- adj
- raon reul-chuairteach orbital plane
- slighe reul-chuairt orbital path
- Subject: Science
- reul-eòlach
- astronomical
- adj
- cruinn-eòlas reul-eòlach astronomical geography
- Subject: Science
- reul-eòlaiche
- astronomer
- n(m)
- reul-eòlaiche - astronomer poss castronomers - reul-eòlaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- reul-eòlas
- astronomy
- n(m)
- reul-eòlais - astronomy poss castronomies - reul-eòlasan pl
- reul-eòlas agus saidheansan co-cheangailte astronomy and allied sciences
- Subject: Science
- reul-iùil
- pole star
- n(f)
- reul-iùil - pole star poss cpole stars - reultan-iùil pl
- Subject: Science
- reultach
- stellar
- adj
- Subject: Science
- reultach
- astronomical
- adj
- aonadan reultach (AR) astronomical units
- astar reultach astronomical distance
- Subject: Mathematics
- reusanachadh
- reasoning
- n(m)
- reusanachaidh - reasoning poss creasonings - reusanachaidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- reusanta
- reasonable
- adj
- forsa reusanta reasonable force
- peanas reusanta reasonable punishment
- Subject: General
- Rhumsaa
- Ramsey
- n(m)
- Rhumsaa - Ramsey poss c
- turasachd ann an Rhumsaa tourism in Ramsey
- Subject: Geography
- riadh
- interest
- n(m)
- rèidh - interest poss c
- chuir e riadh mòr dheth it returned high interest
- ìre an rèidh interest rate
- riadh fìllte compound interest
- Subject: Mathematics
- riaghailt
- rule
- n(f)
- riaghailt - rule poss crules - riaghailtean pl
- riaghailt a’ cho-mheas chunbhalaich the constant ratio rule
- riaghailt iomadachaidh product rule
- Subject: Mathematics
- riaghailt
- regulation
- n(f)
- riaghailt(e) - regulation poss cregulations - riaghailtean pl
- laghan, riaghailtean agus cùisean laws, regulations and cases
- Subject: General
- riaghailt iomadachaidh
- product rule
- n(f)
- riaghailt iomadachaidh - product rule poss cproduct rules - riaghailtean iomadachaidh pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- riaghailteach
- regular
- adj
- poileagan riaghailteach regular polygon
- Subject: Mathematics
- riaghaltas
- government
- n(m)
- riaghaltais - government poss cgovernments - riaghaltasan pl
- poileasaidh riaghaltais government policy
- riaghaltas ionadail local government
- Riaghaltas na h-Alba Scotttish Government
- siostaman riaghaltasan agus stàitean systems of governments and states
- Subject: Modern StudiesGeneral
- riaghladh
- control
- n(m)
- riaghlaidh - control poss ccontrols - riaghlaidhean pl
- liosta riaghladh ruigheachd access control list
- pannal riaghlaidh control panel
- Riaghladh Cunntas Neach-cleachdaidh User Account Control
- riaghladh dì-chomasaichte disabled control
- Subject: Computing
- riaghladh
- governance
- n(m)
- riaghlaidh - governance poss c
- riaghladh phrògraman programme governance
- Subject: General
- riaghladh
- modulation
- n(m)
- riaghlaidh - modulation poss cmodulations - riaghalaidhean pl
- buaidh Riaghladh Meudachd effect of Amplitude Modulation
- Riaghladh meudachd (AM) Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Subject: Science
- riaghladh dì-chomasaichte
- disabled control
- n(m)
- riaghlaidh dhì-chomasaichte - disabled control poss cdisabled controls - riaghlaidhean dì-chomasaichte pl
- Subject: Computing
- rian
- array
- n(m)
- rian - array poss carrays - rianan pl
- Subject: Computing
- rianachail
- administrative
- adj
- lagh rianachail administrative law
- Subject: Modern Studies
- rianachd
- administration
- n(f)
- rianachd - administration poss c
- neach-taice rianachd dàta data administration assistant
- rianachd na h-eaconamaidh agus na h-àrainneachd administration of economy and environment
- rianachd paraiste parish administration
- rianachd phoblach public administration
- rianachd phoblach agus seirbheis armailteach public administration and military service
- rianachd uidheaman administration of physical plant
- Subject: General
- rianaire
- administrator
- n(m)
- rianaire - administrator poss cadministrators - rianairean pl
- rianaire acadaimigeach academic administrator
- rianaire fàilteachais front of house administrator
- rianaire leasachaidh development administrator
- Rianaire Lìn is Stòr-dàta Web and Database Administrator
- rianaire lìonra network administrator
- rianaire pròiseict project administrator
- rianaire siostaim system administrator
- seatadh rianaire administrator setup
- Subject: Computing
- riarachadh
- sharing
- n(m)
- riarachaidh - sharing poss c
- Subject: Mathematics
- riarachadh
- share
- n(m)
- riarachaidh - share poss cshares - riarachaidhean pl
- riarachadh neo-chothromach unequal sharing
- Subject: Mathematics
- riaraich
- share
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ricercar
- ricercar
- n(m)
- ricercar - ricercar poss cricercari - ricercari pl
- Subject: Music
- rids
- ridge
- n(f)
- rids - ridge poss cridges - ridsean pl
- Rids Juan de Fuca Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Subject: Geography
- Rids Juan de Fuca
- Juan de Fuca Ridge
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- Rids Meadhan na h-Atlantaig
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- riff
- riff
- n(m)
- riff - riff poss criffs - riffs pl
- Subject: Music
- Rìgh nan Trì Puingean
- Three point King
- n phr
- Rìgh nan Trì Puingean - Three point King poss c
- Subject: Physical Education
- Rinn Duáin
- Hook Head
- Subject: Geography
- riochd
- form
- n(m)
- riochd(a) - form poss cforms - riochdan pl
- an riochd as sìmplidhe simplest form
- riochd àbhaisteach number form/standard notation
- riochd didseatach digital form
- riochd indeacsail index form
- riochd pàirteil component form
- riochd pòlar polar form
- riochd saidheansail (riochd coitcheann) scientific form (standard form)
- Subject: Mathematics
- riochd
- notation
- n(m)
- riochda - notation poss cnotations - riochdan pl
- riochd àbhaisteach standard notation/number form
- riochd saidheansail scientific notation
- Subject: Mathematics
- riochd saidheansail
- scientific notation
- n(m)
- Subject: Mathematics
- riochdaich
- represent
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- riochdail
- representative
- adj
- bloigh riochdail representative fraction
- Subject: Mathematics
- riochdair
- pronoun
- n(m)
- riochdair - pronoun poss cpronouns - riochdairean pl
- riochdair pearsanta personal pronoun
- riochdair roimhearach prepositional pronoun
- Subject: Language
- riochdaire
- representative
- n(m)
- riochdaire - representative poss crepresentatives - riochdairean pl
- riochdairean làithean-saora holiday reps
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- rìoghachd
- kingdom
- n(f)
- rìoghachd - kingdom poss ckingdoms - rìoghachdan pl
- an Rìoghachd Aonaichte the United Kingdom
- Subject: Geography
- rionnag
- star
- n(f)
- rionnaig(e) - star poss cstars - rionnagan pl
- rionnagan niutronach neutron stars
- sgeith-rionnaig shooting star
- solas na rionnaig(e) light of the star
- Subject: Science
- rionnag an earbaill
- comet
- n(f)
- rionnag an earbaill - comet poss ccomets - rionnagan an earbaill pl
- earball rionnag-an-earbaill comet tail
- rionnag-an-earbaill aig Halley Halley's comet
- Subject: Science
- rionnagach
- stellar
- adj
- Subject: Science
- ripieno
- ripieno
- n(m)
- ripieno - ripieno poss cripieni - ripieni pl
- Subject: Music
- ritornello
- ritornello
- n(m)
- ritornello - ritornello poss critornelli - ritornelli pl
- cruth ritornello ritornello form
- Subject: Music
- ro-cheòl
- overture
- n(m)
- ro-chiùil - overture poss covertures - ro-cheòl pl
- Subject: Music
- ro-chlasaigeach
- preclassical
- adj
- Greugais ro-chlasaigeach preclassical Greek
- Subject: Language
- ro-dhreag
- meteoroid
- n(f)
- ro-dhreige - meteoroid poss cmeteoroids - ro-dhreagan pl
- Subject: Science
- ro-eachdraidheil
- prehistoric
- adj
- fosailean agus beatha ro-eachdraidheil fossils and prehistoric life
- Subject: General
- ro-innleachd
- strategy
- n(f)
- ro-innleachd - strategy poss cstrategies - ro-innleachdan pl
- ro-innleachdan inntinn mental strategies
- Subject: General
- ro-inns
- predict
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- ro-innse
- prediction
- n(m)
- ro-innse - prediction poss cpredictions - ro-innsean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ro-innse
- prediction
- n(m)
- ro-innse - prediction poss cpredictions - ro-innse pl
- Subject: Geography
- ro-leasachan
- prefix
- n(m)
- ro-leasachain - prefix poss cprefices - ro-leasachain pl
- Subject: Language
- ro-shealladh
- preview
- n(m)
- ro-sheallaidh - preview poss cpreviews - ro-sheallaidhean pl
- cuir ro-shealladh brath add post preview
- leòsan ro-sheallaidh preview pane
- ro-shealladh brath post preview
- ro-shealladh clò-bhualaidh print preview
- Subject: Computing
- ro-thuairmse
- projection
- n(m/f)
- ro-thuairmse - projection poss cprojections - ro-thuairmsean pl
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- ro-thùs-ghinean
- pre-embryo
- n(m)
- ro-thùs-ghinein - pre-embryo poss cpre-embryos - ro-thùs-ghineanan pl
- Subject: Science
- ròbot
- robot
- n(m)
- ròbot - robot poss crobot - ròbotan pl
- Subject: General
- rock
- rock
- n(m)
- rock - rock poss c
- ceòl rock rock music
- Subject: Music
- ròdium
- rhodium
- n(m)
- ròdium - rhodium poss c
- Subject: Science
- roentgenium
- roentgenium
- n(m)
- roentgenium - roentgenium poss c
- Subject: Science
- rogha
- favourite
- n(m)
- rogha - favourite poss cfavourites - roghaidhean pl
- mo roghaidhean my favorites
- Subject: Computing
- roghainn
- choice
- n(m/f)
- roghainn - choice poss cchoices - roghainnean pl
- pearsanachadh agus roghainn personalisation and choice
- planadh airson roghainnean agus atharrachaidhean planning for choices and changes
- tlachd agus roghainn enjoyment and choice
- Subject: General
- roghainn
- option
- n(m)
- roghainn - option poss coptions - roghainnean pl
- buidheann roghainn option group
- putan roghainn option button
- roghainnean brobhsair browser options
- roghainnean eadar-lìn internet options
- roghainnean sgrion no roghainnean taisbeanaidh (a rèir suidheachadh) display options
- sònraich buidheann roghainn identify option group
- Subject: Computing
- roghainneachd
- eclecticism
- n(f)
- roghainneachd eclecticism
- roghainneachd, liberalachd agus traidiseantalachd eclecticism, liberalism and traditionalism
- Subject: General
- roghainneil
- optional
- adj
- àireamh roghainneil optional number
- Subject: General
- roile
- roll
- n(m/f)
- roile - roll poss crolls - roilichean pl
- Subject: General
- roilig
- roll
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- roiligeadh
- rolling
- n(m)
- roiligidh - rolling poss crollings - roiligidhean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- roimhe
- previous
- adv
- duilleag roimhe previous page
- Subject: Computing
- roimhear
- preposition
- n(m)
- roimheir - preposition poss cprepositions - roimhearan pl
- abairt roimhearach prepositional phrase
- riochdair roimhearach prepositional pronoun
- roimhear + suidheachadh ceangailte preposition + possessive case
- suidheachadh roimhearach prepositional case
- Subject: Language
- roinn
- divide
- vb
- roinn 54 le 9 divide 54 by 9
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinn
- section
- n(f)
- roinne - section poss csections - roinnean pl
- Roinnean nam Mìltean The Thousand Sections
- Subject: General
- roinn
- share
- n(f)
- roinne - share poss cshares - roinnean pl
- roinnean cothromach equal shares
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinn
- share
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinn
- region
- n(f)
- roinne - region poss cregions - roinnean pl
- an Roinn Eòrpa Europe
- roinn beinne mountain region
- roinn cuain ocean region
- roinn na h-Artaig Arctic region
- roinnean Chanada regions of Canada
- roinnean gnàth-shìde climate regions
- roinnean nàdarra natural regions
- roinnean pòlach polar regions
- roinnean pòlarach polar regions
- roinnean ughdarrasan ionadail local authority regions
- Subject: Geography
- roinn
- sector
- n(f)
- roinne - sector poss csectors - roinnean pl
- obraichean san roinn neo-fhoirmeil informal sector jobs
- roinn neo-fhoirmeil informal sector
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- roinn ribheidean
- reed section
- n phr
- Subject: Music
- roinneadair
- divider
- n(m)
- roinneadair - divider poss cdividers - roinneadairean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinneadh
- division
- n(m)
- roinnidh - division poss cdivisions - roinnidhean pl
- algoritim roinnidh division algorithm
- roinneadh fada long division
- roinneadh neo-chothromach unequal division
- Roinnidhean nan Ceud The Hundred Divisions
- seantans-roinnidh division sentence
- soidhne/samhla roinnidh division sign
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinneil
- regional
- adj
- atharrachadh roinneil regional variation
- comhairle roinneil regional council
- crìoch roinneil regional boundary
- Subject: Geography
- roinneil
- departmental
- adj
- rianaire roinneil departmental administrator
- Subject: General
- roinniche
- divisor
- n(m)
- roinniche - divisor poss cdivisors - roinnichean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinnidheachd
- divisibility
- n(f)
- roinnidheachd - divisibility poss c
- roinn 54 le 9 divide 54 by 9
- Subject: Mathematics
- roinnte
- divided
- adj
- air a roinn/roinnte gu cothromach divided equally
- àireamhan roinnte divided numbers
- graf-cholbhan-roinnte divided bar graph
- Subject: Mathematics
- ròiseid
- resin
- n(f)
- ròiseid(e) - resin poss cresin - ròiseidean pl
- peant ròiseid acriolach acrylic resin paint
- Subject: General
- Romàinia
- Romania
- n(f)
- Romàinia - Romania poss c
- meud Romàinia size of Romania
- Subject: Geography
- Romàinianach
- Romanian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Romàinianach
- Romanian
- n(m)
- Romàinianaich - Romanian poss cRomanians - Romàinianaich pl
- ban-Romàinianach Romanian (female)
- Subject: Geography
- Ròmanach
- Roman
- adj
- creideamh Ròmanach Roman religion
- figearan Ròmanach Roman numerals
- snaigheadh Ròmanach Roman sculpture
- Subject: General
- Romànais
- Romansch
- n(f)
- Romànais - Romansch poss c
- Subject: Language
- Romànianais
- Romanian
- n(f)
- Romànianais - Romanian poss c
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais ann an Romànianais encyclopedias in Romanian
- litreachasan Romànianais Romanian literatures
- Subject: Language
- Romansach
- Romance
- adj
- cànanan Romansach Romance languages
- Subject: Language
- rombas
- rhombus
- n(m)
- rombas - rhombus poss crhombuses - rombasan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- Romney Nuadh
- New Romney
- n(m)
- Romney Nuaidh - New Romney poss c
- baile Romney Nuaidh the town of New Romney
- Subject: Geography
- Ronaldsay a Deas
- South Ronaldsay
- Eilean Ronaldsay a Deas Island of South Ronaldsay
- Subject: Geography
- Ronaldsay a Tuath
- North Ronaldsay
- Eilean Ronaldsay a Tuath Island of North Ronaldsay
- Subject: Geography
- rondo
- rondo
- n(m)
- rondo - rondo poss crondos - rondothan pl
- Subject: Music
- Ros Abhartaich
- Rosehearty
- n(m)
- Borgh Ros Abhartaich Burgh of Rosehearty
- Subject: Geography
- Ros Comáin
- Roscommon
- Subject: Geography
- Ros Cré
- Roscrea
- Subject: Geography
- Ros Láir
- Rosslare
- Subject: Geography
- Ros Mhic Thriúin
- New Ross
- Subject: Geography
- ròs-fhiodh
- rosewood
- n(m)
- ròs-fhiodha - rosewood poss c
- Subject: Geography
- Rosbrog
- Roxburgh
- Caisteal Rosbrog Roxburgh Castle
- Subject: Geography
- roth-tomhais
- trundle wheel
- n(m/f)
- roth-thomhais - trundle wheel poss ctrundle wheels - rothan-tomhais pl
- roth-tomhais meatair metre trundle wheel
- Subject: Mathematics
- Really Simple Syndication
- n(m)
- Really Simple Syndication (RSS) - RSS pl
- Ballrachd RSS RSS Subscriptions
- Subject: Computing
- ruadh-dhonn
- reddish-brown
- adj
- Subject: Art
- Ruanda
- Rwanda
- n(m/f)
- Ruanda - Rwanda poss c
- Poblachd Ruanda Republic of Rwanda
- Subject: Geography
- rubato
- rubato
- n(m)
- rubato - rubato poss crubatos - rubatothan pl
- Subject: Music
- rubha
- headland
- n(m)
- rubha - headland poss cheadlands - rubhaichean pl
- Rubha Dhùnaid Dunnet Head
- Subject: Geography
- rubha
- point
- n(m)
- rubha - point poss cpoints - rubhaichean pl
- Rubha an Stòir Point of Stoer
- Rubha na Cananaich Chanonry Point
- Subject: Geography
- rubha
- head
- n(m)
- rubha - head poss cheads - rubhaichean pl
- Rubha Bheachy Beachy Head
- Rubha Charmel Carmel Head
- Rubha Chemaes Cemaes Head
- Rubha Dhùnaid Dunnet Head
- Rubha Fhlamborough Flamborough Head
- Rubha Shumburgh Sumburgh Head
- Rubha Spurn Spurn Head
- Rubha St Abb St Abb's Head
- Rubha St Catherine St Catherine's Point
- Rubha St David St David's Head
- Rubha Strumble Strumble Head
- Rubha Threvose Trevose Head
- Rubha Worms Worms Head
- Subject: Geography
- rubha
- peninsula
- n(m)
- rubha - peninsula poss cpeninsulas - rubhaichean pl
- fearann an rubha peninsula land
- Rubha Lleyn Lleyn Peninsula
- Rubha na h-Aoidhe Eye Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- rubha
- promontory
- n(m)
- rubha - promontory poss cpromontories - rubhaichean pl
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Acla
- Achill Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Bhaile a' Mhuilinn
- Milton Ness
- n(m)
- fearann Rubha Bhaile a' Mhuilinn land of Milton Ness
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Bheachy
- Beachy Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Bheachy - Beachy Head poss c
- taigh-solais Rubha Bheachy Beachy Head lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Chahore
- Cahore Point
- n(m)
- Rubha Chahore - Cahore Point poss c
- Tha Rubha Chahore mu uair a thìde deas air Baile Àtha Cliath Cahore Point is about an hour south of Dublin
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Charmel
- Carmel Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Charmel - Carmel Head poss c
- Tha Rubha Charmel air iar-thuath na Cuimrigh Carmel Head lies at the north west tip of Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Charraig an Rois
- St John's Point
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Chathóir
- Cahore Point
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Chemaes
- Cemaes Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Chemaes - Cemaes Head poss c
- dealbhan de Rubha Chemaes photos of Cemaes Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Chorsewall
- Corsewall Point
- n(m)
- taigh-solais Rubha Chorsewall Corsewall Point lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Dhùnaid
- Dunnet Head
- n(m)
- taigh-solais Rubha Dhùnaid Dunnet Head lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Fethaland
- Point of Fethaland
- n(m)
- taigh-solais Rubha Fethaland Point of Fethaland lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Fhlamborough
- Flamborough Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Fhlamborough - Flamborough Head poss c
- Blàr Rubha Fhlamborough Battle of Flamborough Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Hartland
- Hartland Point
- n(m)
- Rubha Hartland - Hartland Point poss c
- taigh-solais Rubha Hartland Hartland Point lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Hùnais
- Rubha Hunish
- n(m)
- mòinteach Rubha Hùnais Rubha Hunish moorland
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Inis Eoghain
- Inishowen Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Iorrais
- Erris Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Lizard
- Lizard Point
- n(m)
- Rubha Lizard - Lizard Point poss c
- Rubha Lizard anns a' Chòrn Lizard Point in Cornwall
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Lleyn
- Lleyn Peninsula
- n(m)
- Rubha Lleyn - Lleyn Peninsula poss c
- Rubha Lleyn ann an iar thuath na Cuimrigh Lleyn Peninsula in north west Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Mhálanna
- Malin Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha na h-Aoidhe
- Eye Peninsula
- n(m)
- bailtean Rubha na h-Aoidhe villages of Eye Peninsula
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Robhanais
- Butt of Lewis
- n(m)
- Rubha Robhanais - Butt of Lewis poss c
- taigh-solais Rubha Robhanais Butt of Lewis lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Shumburgh
- Sumburgh Head
- n(m)
- eòin Rubha Shumburgh birds of Sumburgh Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Spurn
- Spurn Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Spurn - Spurn Head poss c
- fosailean rin lorg air Rubha Spurn fossils found in Spurn Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha St Abb
- St Abb's Head
- n(m)
- creagan Rubha St Abb rocks of St Abb's Head
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha St Catherine
- St Catherine's Point
- n(m)
- Rubha St Catherine - St Catherine's Point poss c
- cuairt timcheall air Rubha St Catherine walk around St Catherine's Point
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha St David
- St David's Head
- n(m)
- Rubha St David - St David's Head poss c
- Rubha St David, A' Chuimrigh St David's Head, Wales
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Start
- Start Point
- n(m)
- Rubha Start - Start Point poss c
- taigh-solais Rubha Start Start Point lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Strumble
- Strumble Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Strumble - Strumble Head poss c
- taigh-solais Rubha Strumble Strumble Head lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Thairbeirt
- Tarbat Ness
- n(m)
- taigh-solais Rubha Thairbeirt Tarbat Ness lighthouse
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Threvose
- Trevose Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Threvose - Trevose Head poss c
- stèisean bàta-teasairginn Rubha Threvose Trevose Head lifeboat station
- Subject: Geography
- Rubha Worms
- Worms Head
- n(m)
- Rubha Worms - Worms Head poss c
- cuairtean air Rubha Worms walks at Worms Head
- Subject: Geography
- rudhadh
- blush
- n(m)
- rudhaidh - blush poss c
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- rudhadh
- blushing
- n(m)
- rudhaidh - blushing poss c
- thàinig ruadhadh na gruaidhean she blushed
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- ruibidium
- rubidium
- n(m)
- ruibidium - rubidium poss c
- Subject: Science
- ruidhle
- reel
- n(m)
- ruidhle - reel poss creels - ruidhleachan plreels - ruidhlean pl
- Subject: Music
- ruig
- access
- vb
- Subject: Computing
- ruigheachd
- access
- n(f)
- ruigheachd - access poss c
- àite ruigheachd access point
- ceadan ruigheachd access permissions
- còd ruigheachd access code
- grad-ruigheachd quick access
- iuchair ruigheachd access key
- liosta riaghladh ruigheachd access control list
- Pròtacal Ruigheachd Brath Eadar-lìn (IMAP) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
- ruigheachd Eadar-lìn Internet access
- ruigheachd gun chead access violation
- solaraiche ruigheachd access provider
- Solaraiche Ruigheachd Eadar-lìn (IAP) Internet Access Provider (IAP)
- Subject: Computing
- ruigsinneach
- accessible
- adj
- dreach ruigsinneach accessible version
- Subject: Computing
- ruigsinneachd
- accessibility
- n(f)
- ruigsinneachd - accessibility poss c
- Draoidh Ruigsinneachd Accessibility Wizard
- goireasan ruigsinneachd accessibility aids
- Subject: Computing
- rùilear
- rule
- n(m)
- rùileir - rule poss crules - rùilearan pl
- rùilear còmhnard horizontal rule
- rùilear stàilinn steel rule
- Subject: Technical
- rùilear
- ruler
- n(m)
- rùileir - ruler poss crulers - rùilearan pl
- rùilear cm cm ruler
- rùilear comhnard horizontal rule
- Subject: Mathematics
- Rùintean-dìomhair
- Secret Secrets
- n phr
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- Ruiseanach
- Russian
- adj
- Subject: Geography
- Ruiseanach
- Russian
- n(m)
- Ruiseanaich - Russian poss cRussians - Ruiseanaich pl
- ban-Ruiseanach Russian (female)
- Subject: Geography
- Ruiseanais
- Russian
- n(f)
- Ruiseanais - Russian poss c
- Subject: Language
- Ruisis
- Russian
- n(f)
- Ruisis - Russian poss c
- Subject: Language
- ruith
- sequence
- n(f)
- ruithe - sequence poss csequences - ruithean pl
- ruith chromataig chromatic sequence
- ruithean cromataig chromatic sequences
- ruithean-dìridh ascending sequences
- ruithean-teàrnaidh descending sequences
- Subject: Music
- ruith-dheth
- run-off
- n(f)
- ruith-dheth - run-off poss c
- Subject: Geography
- ruitheam
- rhythm
- n(m/f)
- ruitheim - rhythm poss crhythms - ruitheaman pl
- ruitheam dhotagach dotted rhythm
- ruitheam na buille rhythm of the beat
- ruitheam tìm choitcheann common time rhythm
- Subject: Music
- Rùm
- Rhum
- Eilean Rùm Isle of Rhum
- Subject: Geography
- rùn
- rune
- n(m)
- rùin - rune poss crunes - rùnaichean pl
- clach rùnaichean rune stone
- Subject: History
- rùnaire
- secretary
- n(m)
- rùnaire - secretary poss csecretary - rùnairean pl
- leas-rùnaire deputy secretary
- rùnaire ionmhais finance secretary
- Rùnaire na Dùthcha Home Secretary
- Rùnaire na Stàite Secretary of State
- rùnaire pròiseict project secretary
- Subject: General
- rùsg
- crust
- n(m)
- rùisg - crust poss ccrusts - rùsgan pl
- pleataichean rùisg crustal plates
- rùsg cuantach oceanic crust
- rùsg mòr-thìreach continental crust
- rùsg na Talmhainn Earth’s crust
- Subject: Geography
- rutenium
- ruthenium
- n(m)
- rutenium - ruthenium poss c
- Subject: Science
- rutherfordium
- rutherfordium
- n(m)
- rutherfordium - rutherfordium poss c
- Subject: Science