Facail a’ tòiseachadh le:
- obair
- labour
- n(f)
- obrach - labour poss coibre - labour poss clabours - obraichean pllabours - oibrichean pl
- eaconamas obrach labour economics
- lagh obrach labour law
- obair-làimhe manual labour
- Subject: General
- obair
- work
- n(f)
- obrach - work poss coibre - work poss cworks - obraichean plworks - oibrichean pl
- aonad-obrach work unit
- clàran-leabhraichean de dh'obraichean air cuspairean sònraichte bibliographies of works on specific subjects
- clàran-leabhraichean de dh'obraichean bho àiteachan sònraichte bibliographies of works from specific places
- comainn airson obair creideimh associations for religious works
- eagrachadh, obair shòisealta agus adhradh Crìosdail Christian organization, social work and worship
- Eòlas-fuadain air Obair Virtual Work Experience
- leabhraichean mòr-eòlais coitcheann general encyclopedic works
- obair an earraich spring work
- obair mhath good work
- obair shealach temporary work
- obair teallach beag small forge work
- obair-earrainn passage work
- obraichean coitcheann general works
- oifig agus obair aoghaireil pastoral office and work
- saidheans coimpiutair, fiosrachadh agus obraichean coitcheann computer science, information and general works
- sgilean airson obair skills for work
- sgrìobhadh gun urra agus fo ainm-pinn of anonymous and pseudonymous works
- sgrìobhadh toirmisgte, foill-sgrìobhadh agus meall-sgrìobhadh prohibited works, forgeries and hoaxes
- Subject: General
- obair
- job
- n(f)
- obrach - job poss coibre - job poss cjobs - obraichean pljobs - oibrichean pl
- obraichean ràitheil seasonal jobs
- obraichean san roinn neo-fhoirmeil informal sector jobs
- Subject: GeographyGeneralBusiness Studies
- obair shealach
- temporary work
- n phr
- Subject: Mathematics
- obair-dachaigh
- homework
- n(f)
- obair-dachaigh - homework poss c
- taic le obair-dachaigh help with homework
- Subject: General
- obair-dèanaimh
- manufacturing
- n(f)
- obair-dèanaimh - manufacturing poss c
- obair-dèanaimh airson fheuman sònraichte manufacture for specific uses
- Subject: General
- obair-dèanaimh
- manufacture
- n(f)
- obair-dèanaimh - manufacture poss c
- obair-dèanaimh airson fheuman sònraichte manufacture for specific uses
- Subject: General
- obair-làimhe
- manual labour
- n(f)
- obair-làimhe - manual labour poss c
- Subject: GeographyGeneral
- obair-mheatailt
- metalwork
- n(f)
- obair-mheatailt(e) - metalwork poss c
- obair-mheatailt agus bun-bhathar meatailt metalworking and primary metal products
- obair-mheatailt ealain art metalwork
- snaigheadh, searamaigs agus obair-mheatailt sculpture, ceramics and metalwork
- Subject: Art
- obair-mheatailt
- metalworking
- n(f)
- obair-mheatailt - metalworking poss c
- obair-mheatailt agus bun-bhathair meatailt metalworking and primary metal products
- Subject: Art
- obair-naidheachd
- journalism
- n(f)
- obair-naidheachd - journalism poss c
- meadhanan naidheachd, obair-naidheachd agus foillseachadh news media, journalism and publishing
- Subject: General
- obair-talmhainn
- earthwork
- n(f)
- obair-talmhainn - earthwork poss cearthworks - obraichean-talmhainn pl
- Subject: Geography
- obair-togail
- construction
- n(f)
- obair-togail - construction poss c
- dòighean-taice obair-togail auxiliary construction practices
- obair-togail fiodha agus saorsainneachd wood construction and carpentry
- Subject: General
- Obar Bhrothaig
- Arbroath
- Glaodhach Obar Bhrothaig Declaration of Arbroath
- Subject: Geography
- Obar Dheathain
- Aberdeen
- muinntir Obar Dheathain people of Aberdeen
- Subject: Geography
- Obar Pheallaidh
- Aberfeldy
- Oifis-puist Obar Pheallaidh Aberfeldy Post Office
- Subject: Geography
- obbligato
- obbligato
- adj
- Subject: Music
- oboe
- oboe
- n(m)
- oboe - oboe poss coboes - oboethean pl
- Subject: Music
- obrachadh
- operation
- n(m)
- obrachaidh - operation poss coperations - obrachaidhean pl
- obrachadh inbhearsach inverse operation
- obrachadh neo-dhìreach inverse operation
- Subject: Mathematics
- obrachadh
- operation
- n(m)
- obrachaidh - operation poss coperations - obrachaidhean pl
- einnseanaireachd agus obrachadh co-cheangailte engineering and allied operations
- mèinnearachd agus obrachadh co-cheangailte mining and related operations
- obrachadh leabharlainn library operations
- Subject: General
- obrachadh
- working out
- n(m)
- obrachaidh - working out poss cworking out - obrachaidhean pl
- seall d' obrachadh show your working out
- Subject: Mathematics
- obrachadh a-mach
- calculation
- n(m)
- obrachaidh a-mach - calculation poss ccalculations - obrachaidhean a-mach pl
- obrachadh a-mach measgaichte mixed calculation operation
- obrachadh a-mach uair is uair repeated calculation
- Subject: Mathematics
- obraich
- operate
- vb
- Subject: Mathematics
- obraich a-mach
- calculate
- vb
- obraich a-mach farsaingeachd na ceàrnaig calculate the area of the square
- obraich a-mach sùim nan àireamhan seo calculate the sum of these numbers
- Subject: Mathematics
- obraich a-mach
- work out
- vb
- obraich a-mach sùim nan àireamhan seo work out the sum of these numbers
- Subject: Mathematics
- Occitan
- Occitan
- n(m)
- Occitan - Occitan poss c
- irisean ann am Fraingis, Occitan agus Catalan serials in French, Occitan and Catalan
- litreachasan Occitan Occitan literatures
- Subject: Language
- Occitan
- Occitan
- adj
- Subject: Language
- ochd
- eight
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochd-chasach
- octopus
- n(m)
- ochd-chasaich - octopus poss coctopuses - ochd-chasaich pl
- ochd-chasach mòr a’ Chuain Shèimh giant Pacific octopus
- ochd-chasach nam fàinneachan gorma blue-ringed octopus
- Subject: Science
- ochd-cheàrnach
- octagon
- n(m)
- ochd-cheàrnaich - octagon poss coctagons - ochd-cheàrnachan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochd-cheàrnachail
- octagonal
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochd-deug
- eighteen
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochd-fillte
- eightfold
- adj
- an t-slighe uasal ochd-fillte the noble eightfold path
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- ochdad
- octave
- n(m)
- ochdaid - octave poss coctaves - ochdadan pl
- notaichean an ochdaid notes of the octave
- Subject: Music
- ochdad
- eighty
- n(f) / adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochdamh
- eighth
- n(m)
- ochdaimh - eighth poss ceighths - ochdamhan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochdamh
- eighth
- adj
- an ochdamh tè the eighth one
- an t-ochdamh fear the eighth one
- Subject: Mathematics
- ochdamh
- octa
- n(m)
- ochdaimh - octa poss coctas - ochdamhan pl
- Subject: Geography
- oclùisean
- occlusion
- n(m)
- oclùisein - occlusion poss cocclusions - oclùiseanan pl
- Subject: Geography
- octa
- octa
- n(m)
- octa - octa poss coctas - octathan pl
- Subject: Geography
- octahedron
- octahedron
- n(m/f)
- octahedroin - octahedron poss coctahedra - octahedra pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- odhar
- dun-coloured
- adj
- Subject: Art
- oestrogen
- oestrogen
- n(m)
- oestrogen - oestrogen poss c
- Subject: Science
- Ògmhios
- June
- n(m)
- Ògmhios(a) - June poss c
- 18 Ògmhios 18 June
- 18mh (An t-) Ògmhios 18 of June
- an 18mh dhen Ògmhios 18 of June
- an t-ochdamh latha deug dhen Ògmhios the eighteenth of June
- an t-Ògmhios June
- latha anns an Ògmhios a day in June
- meadhan an Ògmhios middle of June
- Ògmh Jun
- toiseach an Ògmhios beginning of June
- Subject: General
- ogsaid
- oxide
- n(f)
- ogsaid - oxide poss coxides - ogsaideannan pl
- barium ogsaid barium oxide
- iterbium ogsaid ytterbium oxide
- sinc ogsaid zinc oxide
- terbium ogsaid terbium oxide
- Subject: Science
- ogsaidean
- oxygen
- n(m)
- ogsaidean - oxygen poss c
- Subject: Science
- ogsaideanachadh
- oxidisation
- n(m)
- ogsaideanachaidh - oxidisation poss c
- Subject: Science
- ogsaideanaich
- oxidise
- vb
- Thathar a' faighinn ogsaideannan nuair a tha eileamaidean air an ogsaideanachadh le ogsaidean Oxides result when elements are oxidised by oxygen
- Subject: Science
- ogsaideanaichte
- oxidised
- adj
- Subject: Science
- ogsaideant
- oxidant
- n(m)
- ogsaideant - oxidant poss c
- Subject: Science
- ogsaidich
- oxygenate
- vb
- Subject: Science
- ogsaidichte
- oxygenated
- adj
- Subject: Science
- oide
- tutor
- n(m)
- oide - tutor poss ctutors - oidean pl
- Subject: General
- oidhche
- night
- n(f)
- oidhche - night poss cnights - oidhcheannan pl
- a latha 's a dh'oidhche day and night
- air an oidhche at night
- ciad oidhche opening night
- fuachd na h-oidhche (the) cold of the night
- oidhche Burns Burns night
- oidhche Challainn Hogmanay
- oidhche Luain Monday night
- oidhche mhath good night
- oidhche Shamhna Halloween
- sluagh na ciad oidhche opening night audience
- Subject: General
- oifig
- office
- n(f)
- oifig - office poss coffices - oifigean pl
- oifig agus obair aoghaireil pastoral office and work
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- oifigear
- officer
- n(m)
- oifigeir - officer poss cofficers - oifigearan pl
- oifigear comais-obrach employability officer
- oifigear fiosrachaidh information officer
- oifigear freagarrachd compliance officer
- oifigear leasachaidh development officer
- oifigear planaidh planning officer
- oifigear pròiseict project officer
- oifigear susbaint Gàidhlig Gaelic content officer
- oifigear taice support officer
- oifigear thachartasan events officer
- oifigear trèanaidh training officer
- oifigear trusadh oileanach student recruitment officer
- oifigear trusaidh recruitment officer
- Subject: General
- oifis
- office
- n(f)
- oifis(e) - office poss coffices - oifisean pl
- oifig agus obair aoghaireil pastoral office and work
- oifis poilis police office
- oifis sgìre area office
- oifis thiogaidean ticket office
- oifis-puist post office
- seirbheisean oifis office services
- Subject: General
- Oileán an Ghuail
- Coalisland
- Subject: Geography
- oileanach
- student
- n(m)
- oileanaich - student poss cstudents - oileanaich pl
- Ceannard Fiosrachadh Oileanach Head of Student Information
- co-òrdanaiche seirbheisean taic oileanach sudent support services coordinator
- Eòlaiche Siostaman Oileanach Student Systems Specialist
- Manaidsear Chlàran Oileanach Student Records Manager
- Neach-taice Taic Oileanach Student Support Assistant
- Oifigear Trèanaidh Chlàran Oileanach Student Records Training Officer
- Oifigear Trusadh Oileanach Student Recruitment Officer
- Oifigear Trusadh Oileanach, Ìnntrigeadh Student Recruitment Officer, Admissions
- oileanach Ealain Art student
- oileanach iomlaid exchange student
- Prìomh Neach-stiùiridh Adhartas Oileanach Student Progression Lead Practitioner
- Prìomh Neach-stiùiridh Gleidheadh Oileanach Student Retention Lead Practitioner
- Subject: Personal and Social Education
- oir
- edge
- n(f)
- oire - edge poss cedges - oirean pl
- oir dhìreach straight edge
- Subject: Mathematics
- oir dhùthchail/bhailteil
- rural/urban fringe
- n phr
- Subject: Geography
- òirleach
- inch
- n(f)
- òirlich - inch poss cinches - òirlich pl
- 6 troighean is 4 òirlich 6 foot 4 inches
- Subject: Mathematics
- oirthir
- coast
- n(f)
- oirthir€ - coast poss ccoasts - oirthirean pl
- oirthir Bhrasil coast of Brazil
- oirthir Linne Mhoireibh Moray Firth coastline
- Subject: Geography
- oisean
- corner
- n(m)
- oisein - corner poss ccorners - oiseanan pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- ola
- oil
- n(m)
- ola - oil poss coils - olaichean pl
- crann-ola oil rig
- fìneadair-ola oil refinery
- giullachd ola oil refining
- ola a' Chuain a Tuath North Sea oil
- ola còcaireachd cooking oil
- ola gnìomhachais industrial oils
- pìob-ola oil pipeline
- raon-ola oil field
- Subject: GeneralGeographyHome Economics
- olc
- evil
- n(m)
- uilc - evil poss c
- olc moralta moral evil
- olc nàdarra natural evil
- Subject: General
- Oman
- Oman
- n(m/f)
- Oman - Oman poss c
- eaconamaidh Oman economy of Oman
- Subject: Geography
- onteòlas
- ontology
- n(m)
- onteòlais - ontology poss c
- Subject: General
- opara
- opera
- n(f)
- opara - opera poss coperas - oparathan pl
- opara aotrom comic opera
- opara aotrom light opera
- oparathan aotrom light operas
- seinneadair opara aotrom comic opera singer
- taigh na h-opara opera house
- Subject: Music
- opus
- opus
- n(f)
- opus - opus poss copuses - opusan pl
- ceòl na h-opus music of the opus
- Subject: Music
- òr
- gold
- n(f)
- òir - gold poss c
- diosg òir gold disc
- dust òir gold dust
- Subject: Science
- òr-bhuidhe
- golden yellow
- adj
- Subject: Art
- òraid
- speech
- n(f)
- òraide - speech poss cspeeches - òraidean pl
- deliver a speech thoir seachad òraid
- òraidean Fraingis French speeches
- Subject: Language
- òraid
- address
- n(f)
- òraide - speech poss cspeeches - òraidean pl
- Subject: Language
- òraidiche
- speaker
- n(m)
- òraidiche - speaker poss cspeakers - òraidichean pl
- prìomh òraidichean keynote speakers
- Subject: General
- oraigs
- oryx
- n(m)
- oraigs - oryx poss coryx - oraigsan ploryxes - oraigsan pl
- oraigs adharcach a' chlaidheimh chruinn scimitar-horned oryx
- Subject: Science
- orains
- orange
- adj
- Subject: Art
- orainsear
- orange
- n(m)
- orainsearan oranges
- orainseir orange
- Subject: Home Economics
- òran
- song
- n(m)
- òrain - song poss csongs - òrain pl
- canadh-eaglaise plainsong
- cuairt òran song cycle
- gabh òran sing a song
- mith-òran folk song
- òran aon-neach solo song
- òran Folk Folk song
- òran luaidh waulking song
- òran pàirteach part song
- òran-càraid duet
- Subject: Music
- Órán Mór
- Oranmore
- Subject: Geography
- Orasa
- Oronsay
- Eilean Orasa Island of Oronsay
- Subject: Geography
- oratorio
- oratorio
- n(m)
- oratorio - oratorio poss coratorios - oratoriothan pl
- Subject: Music
- orca
- orca
- n(f)
- orca - orca poss corcas - orcathan pl
- Subject: Science
- orcaid-bucaid
- bucket orchid
- n(f)
- orcaid-bucaid - bucket orchid poss cbucket orchids - orcaidean-bucaid pl
- Subject: Science
- orcastra
- orchestra
- n(f)
- orcastra - orchestra poss corchestras - orcastrathan pl
- buill na h-orcastra members of the orchestra
- orcastra shiomfonaidh symphony orchestra
- orcastra theud-dhùbailte double string orchestra
- sloc na h-orcastra orchestra pit
- stiùiriche(-ciùil) orcastra orchestra conductor
- Subject: Music
- òrd na cluaise
- malleus
- n phr
- Subject: Science
- òrdaichte
- arrayed
- adj
- Subject: Mathematics
- òrdail
- ordinal
- adj
- àireamhan òrdail ordinal numbers
- figear òrdail ordinal numeral
- Subject: Mathematics
- òrdugh
- command
- n(m)
- òrduigh - command poss ccommands - òrdughean pl
- putan òrdugh command button
- Subject: Computing
- òrdugh
- order
- n(m)
- òrduigh - order poss corders - òrdughan pl
- ath-rèitich an t-òrdugh rearrange the order
- co-aontar diofarail den dàrna òrdugh second order differential equation
- òrdugh-cothromachaidh order of symmetry
- Subject: Mathematics
- òrdugh
- order
- n(m)
- òrduigh - order poss corders - òrdughan plorders - òrduighean pl
- Coitheanalan agus òrdughan cràbhach Religious congregations and orders
- Gnàthas aoghaireil Crìosdail agus òrdughan cràbhach Christian pastoral practice and religious orders
- Òrdughan cràbhach ann an eachdraidh na h-eaglais Religious orders in church history
- Òrdughan Crìosdail agus eaglaisean ionadail Christian orders and local church
- Subject: Religious and Moral Education
- òrdugh
- sequence
- n(m)
- òrduigh - sequence poss csequences - òrdughan pl
- òrdugh aritmeataigeach arithmetic sequence
- òrdugh-àireamhan number sequence
- Subject: Mathematics
- òrgan
- organ
- n(m)
- òrgain - organ poss corgans - òrganan pl
- òrgan pìoba pipe organ
- Subject: Music
- organach
- organic
- adj
- biadh organach organic food
- toradh organach organic produce
- tuathanachas organach organic farming
- tuathanas organach organic farm
- Subject: ScienceGeography
- origin
- origin
- n(m)
- origin - origin poss corigins - originean pl
- Subject: Mathematics
- orografaig
- orographic
- adj
- sileadh orografaig orographic rainfall
- Subject: Geography
- ortaipeadaig
- orthopaedic
- adj
- lannsair-chnàmhan orthopaedic surgeon
- Subject: Science
- ortaipeadaigs
- orthopaedics
- n(f)
- ortaipeadaigs - orthopaedics poss c
- Subject: Science
- os-cearclach
- convex
- adj
- lionsa os-chearclach convex lens
- Subject: Science
- os-nàdarrachd
- occult
- n(f)
- os-nàdarrachd - occult poss c
- dòighean para-saidhceòlach agus os-nàdarrach parapsychological and occult methods
- Subject: General
- os-nàdarrachd
- occultism
- n(f)
- os-nàdarrachd - occultism poss c
- cuspairean sònraichte ann am para-saidhceòlas agus os-nàdarrachd specific topics in parapsychology and occultism
- para-saidhceòlas agus os-nàdarrachd parapsychology and occultism
- Subject: General
- os-sgan
- ultrasound scan
- n(m)
- os-sgan - ultrasound scan poss cultrasound scans - os-sganaichean pl
- Subject: Science
- os-sgan
- ultrasound scan
- vb
- Subject: Science
- osmium
- osmium
- n(m)
- osmium - osmium poss c
- osmium ogsaid osmium oxide
- Subject: Science
- òson
- ozone
- n(m)
- òson - ozone poss c
- 'toll' òson na h-Antartaig Antarctic ozone 'hole'
- filleadh òson ozone layer
- Subject: Geography
- òstair
- host
- n(m)
- òstair - host poss chosts - òstairean pl
- Subject: Computing
- Ostaireach
- Austrian
- adj
- aodach Ostaireach Austrian clothes
- Subject: Geography
- Ostaireach
- Austrian
- n(m)
- Ostairich - Austrian poss cAustrians - Ostairich pl
- Subject: Geography
- osteo
- osteo
- pref
- Subject: Science
- osteoblast
- osteoblast
- n(m)
- osteoblast - osteoblast poss costeoblasts - osteoblastan pl
- Subject: Science
- osteoclast
- osteoclast
- n(m)
- osteoclast - osteoclast poss costeoclasts - osteoclastan pl
- Subject: Science
- osteocyte
- osteocyte
- n(m)
- osteocyte - osteocyte poss costeocytes - osteocytean pl
- Subject: Science
- osteomalacia
- osteomalacia
- n(m)
- osteomalacia - osteomalacia poss c
- Subject: Science
- osteomyelitis
- osteomyelitis
- n(m)
- osteomyelitis - osteomyelitis poss c
- Subject: Science
- osteosarcoma
- osteosarcoma
- n(m)
- osteosarcoma - osteosarcoma poss costeosarcomas - osteosarcomathan pl
- Subject: Science
- ostinato
- ostinato
- n(m)
- ostinato - ostinato poss costinatos - ostinatothan pl
- Subject: Music
- òtrachas
- sewage
- n(m)
- òtrachais - sewage poss c
- ionad-òtrachais sewage treatment plant
- Subject: Geography
- Outlook
- Outlook
- n(m)
- Outlook - Outlook poss c
- Leabhar Sheòlaidhean Outlook Outlook Address Book
- lorg Leabhar Sheòlaidhean Outlook find Outlook Address Book
- nì Outlook Outlook item
- tagh nì Outlook select Outlook item
- Subject: Computing